76  2020-07-24 by pantaloonation


Hot take: anyone who Tweets multiple times a minute for over an hour should be institutionalized.

"I live my life in the open I do not hide my life"


150cc thorazine, stat!

It's literally all Wiley does lol, he gets interested in something, like antisemitism, seafood, fencing, k-pop, the Atlantic slave trad or canned tropical cocktails. He then tweets about it dozens of times and forgets about it.

Hot take: anyone who Tweets multiple times a minute for over an hour should be institutionalized.

California homeowner = kulak

I dont know who that is but damn he's really going ALL OUT

Holy fuck, you're right it's a total shitshow. aren't offensive tweets illegal in the UK? I can't imagine he would have the required loicenses for these levels of anti-semitism.

So many gems, so many shit flinging between nazis and Jews in the replies. This is great

Good evening...

Jesus christ he's been at this shit for 10 hours straight.

RIP Wiley

Amphetamines, maybe drinking on the comedown

Ah amphetamine my love

Fucking quality meltdown, OP. Thank you. I'm loving this shit

Who is this dude?

Antisemitic tweets

On 24 July 2020, Wiley posted antisemitic tweets that compared the Jews to the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan, and said that the coronavirus was fabricated.[74] He also tweeted "Jewish people you make me sick".[75]

Wiki editors on it already, I think it's protected too

When will these slurs learn, Jews might appear white from a distance but they have non-white cancelling powers that other mayos don't have.

So Jews aren’t white?

Thank you friend.


Legitimate grime legend, big amongst Bongs

"Big amongst bongs" is the new "Big in Japan".

At least Japan has decent food and good-looking women.

It's been over 50 yrs and Brits still haven't accepted that they have become just another cultural backwater of the USA.

"Muh british invasion" isn't gonna happen again if they keep just being another cheap imitation of the US

To be fair, half the people on American television seem to be Bongs these days. Tons of the American characters turn out to just be Bongs putting on their best "Slaughter High" accents.

wtf does that even mean

Grime is a genre of rap from the UK, and massive there, and fairly big globally now.

Wiley is considered one of - if not the - godfather of grime.

Hence, legitimate grime legend, big amongst Bongs.

No shame in, as a burger, only knowing country music and mobility scooters.

When I read it I thought somehow this had something to do with Elon Tusks sexbot.

Fuck I do love country music and my scooter

big amongst Bongs. No shame in, as a burger, only knowing country music and mobility scooters.

Can you translate what this means? What does shame in burgers or bongs, country music and mobility scooters have to do with this?

It’s not my job to educate you

Of course you cant educate anyone, you type like a retard.

Edit: lol hit a nerve

Seethe / cope 2020

Angry cracker ^

Takes one to know one.

r-slur just got straight "i'm rubber you're glue"-ed on

Mayo seeth

Yikes sweaty maybe try to understand and assimilate in to the culture before demanding we do emotional labour for you... ugh I fucking hate entitled wh*te people

Lol the funny thing is he's a shit toothed brit, so he's actually going to get locked up for these twitter rants

He's black, so it will be spun as positively as possible by the left wing media. NME, the biggest music magazine in the UK has already tried passing them off as 'tweets about Israel'.

Don’t be a twat.

For all the non Brits here you should know that literally every result on the first page of google news (including the aforementioned NME and the Guardian, our most left mainstream newspaper) says “Antisemitism“ in the headline.

White genocide is just as much a myth in olde Albion as it is everywhere else on the planet.

It is now. Early this morning it was "Wiley addresses anti Israel tweets"

Literally who?

I just love seeing meltdowns happening in real time

Ah, you a con oh sur

this made me lol

I'm glad someone enjoys my retardation

Thanks for the gold OP, it even includes a spergout by a /pol/tаrd weeb with Nazi anime girls background pic as bonus feature 😍😍

Please SHUT THE FUCK UP Im so sick of fucking jews at this point You are the most vile people in the history of humanity

Your people commit the worse acts of genocide and then go as far as to say "we are oppressed and slaughtered by muh evil nazis".

Parasites the lot of you.

How long til this guy snaps and posts his аutistic manifesto?

He is doing it now isn't he?

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. 🚨LIVE DRAMA ALERT🚨GRIME GODFATHER W... - archive.org, archive.today

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I already commented this in arrr grime, I'm sure he'll drop it in a day or two. For those of you who don't know Wiley, he's got a short attention span and will just tweet a few hundred times about one subject and then drop it. We haven't heard about fencing, K-pop, making cider, opening seafood restaurants or any of his other short term obsessions in weeks.

Also he's fired his manager John Woolf again lmao. He always does that and hires him again a few weeks later.

Last time I've seen something like this, including the anti-Semitic lash outs, was a former friend who stopped taking his schizophrenia meds, similar to Terry Davis. If it's actually schizophrenia, he might start hearing God, soon.

Probably closer to dug-induced psychosis . His denying using crack points to using crack or maybe meth/other amphetamines.

I don't care what anyone has read in a book I know what went on without you reading a book.....A man can write what he wants in a book also.

Based and retardpilled

Haha, the altrightoids have radicalized so many morons. Gotta respect em

Has the Nation of Islam spread there or are the black bongs just culturally appropriating antisemitism from the black burgers?


Wiley making a run for Bong Prime Minister, got that Ye energy

Somone give a to;dr?

Far too many tweets to read

Mel Gibson, but black and british.

So I loved Godfather, but was Godfather III as shit as Godfather II?

Godfather 2 is the best Godfather.

Although I did like the one with Ray Liotta in it where he rides the motorbike over the rooftops to make tits appear on the side of a building.

Godfather 3 was actually good imo, it's a good 'final' grime album for Wiley. (If he actually retires like he said he will)

Da Kangs vs The Chosens has to be some of my favorite new drama.

he aint been the same since Dizzee crushed 'im innit

N42RUL @nazrulhassan: Free Palestine

Jake Birrell יעקב @Jakebearjew·11h: It was freed in 1948

Based and J-slur pilled.

What is it with the global black-lash against J*wish people? Did Farrakhan rise out of the depths of the ocean recently?

the golem is out of control!

What is it with black celebs these days. They're either biting the hand that feeds them or involved in some crazy bullshit.

Biting the Jewish hand that feed them? Are you trying to say that black artists are fed by Jews?

They're nursed on their circumcised teats until they're strong enough to forage.




When he posting hotep images

Lol my man got his mums yard shot up but never rid back and just moved her out of the country lol..