The link I'm on about was in r/entitledparents & the drama happend in r/amitheasshole

2  2020-07-24 by Tomohawk2006

Someone posted a link to a post on r/AITA. It was mom promising her 15 year old that he will be able to spend his money on a gaming pc, she ends up going back on the promise. Apparently it's violating the law of Reddit to follow links to other subreddits. I wasn't even the one who posted the link! If it's violating the rules, how did it allow the poster to post the link, & me to follow the link? In the DMS of my ban, I still showed humour by saying "AITA for wanting an explanation as to why I'm banned", & because of that DM I'm on a 72 hour mute.

Dear Mods of r/AITA: Sorry for having a sense of humour, even if it's a bad one.

Before people go asking about if it was for my initial comment on the post, I basically put that she is the AH & that she has most likely lost his trust. I said that as he was 15, it would be harder to get into the workplace, & when he has found a job, he will get a lower payment, meaning it will take a longer period of time for him to save up for his gaming PC (Around $1100)

So, community of r/entitledparents, AMTA?




Thanks for the honesty

Ugh esh drop him girl and focus on you!!


This post was originally meant to be posted on r/entitledparents