Is George Floyd the next Jesus Christ?

33  2020-07-24 by hackfraud199930


Jesus answered, "and then I punched that pregnant bitch in her stomach." John 5:21

Would fit to the 42 kids God killed by mauling them.

NTA r/wholesome r/childfree

WTF I love Christianity now!!

Of course it’s a J*suit magazine

Jesuits are the jews of Catholicism.

I am Argentine and Pope Francis supported the dictatorship. Jesuits for the most part are filthy people and they like 💵💵🤑🤑

There was a movie recently with hopkins and that guy from got. Total pope apologism

Fucking zoomers not knowing who Jonathan Pryce is.

What Marvel movie was he in?


They have the highest average IQ of all Catholics?

I meant poltards' characterization of jews.

Thank you for clarifying

Unironically, they are probably the smartest proselytizers I see in my country. American evangelicals spend magnitudes more today and the Anglos actually ruled us but somehow its the Jesuits who have the greatest influence, that too among actual relevant people like the thousands of upper middle class children in their schools.

catholic church is OG, we the rock bb, of course our protestant tardlet failsons got nothing on the Jesuits

Yes. Jesuit are hated because we are superior as we consider education is important.

I though this guy was a j.ew given his takes but he is Arm*nian which is slightly worse.

Honestly I’d be down to canonize George the landlord if it meant more seethe

patron saint of real estate

If George Floyd is the next Jesus Christ, one logical consequence would be that Derek Chauvin is an angel executing God's plan. Well played.

Chauvin damned himself to eternal hellfire so that the rest of us could live in paradise for all time


Longinus was sainted.

rip george flyod, patron saint of landlords

The only good thing that has come out of this was the rise of Raz the Chaz Warlord and Supreme Landchad. I'm solely devoted to Anarcho-Warchadism now. George Floyd was the prophet who brought this new age upon us. He stepped up to be the martyr for all of us. "Jesus" has nothing on him.

Didn’t know Jesus was a druggy who beat his kids

This is what they have been hinting at, even declaring Floyd a King after his death.

I hate Jesuits. No joke, no irony, fuck them.

Imagine unironically crying and shitting your pants over "blasphemy" like a fainting housewife from the 1950's. Christcucks remain absolutely BTFO

Not even juicy blasphemy.

The non-retarded take away from this is "Jesus Christ was tortured to death like a common criminal" not "common criminal is like Jesus Christ".


