Nick Sandman, the Covington Kid who is suing left leaning media, just won big against the Washington Post and tweets about it. Comments are full of conservatives celebrating and liberals crying, creating a fine charcuterie board of salt and tears

44  2020-07-24 by -AintThatJustTheWay-


Enjoy living out your white power fantasies, you Nazi scum.

If winning 250mil (yes I know he's not getting all of it, thank you reddit lawyers) is a white power fantasy by nazis, then seigheil me up!

Das reich

The constant and needless “he didn’t get a full 250 million” from poorcels when he certainly got millions is the epitome of cope.


I am not that certain he got even one million.

No matter how much money they give you, you’re still rotten on the inside.

Holy fuck you weren't lying about the seething.

Imagine still thinking that having fuckloads of money doesn't mean someone's a better person. Smh my head poorcels 🤡

Fact: being poor is immoral.

If being poor was punishment enough on its own, then there wouldn't be so many poor people.

But only because they poor have the easiest path to become like the primative man but refuses


literal media figures of publicly traded companies were calling for these kids and their parents to be burned alive

But you have to understand, Orange Man Bad


Just stand there while a belligerent old drunk gets in your face, but still be considered worse than hitler because of the incredibly bigoted image they hold of mayo moids in their mind

The whole thing was amazing. I watched the full, almost 2 hour long video.

  1. Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones causing drama screaming crazy shit.

  2. Kids were there on a school trip

  3. Natives, BHI, Pro Life field trip roughly clash in same area. BHI keep stirring shit with younger natives while also calling kids the white devil

  4. Natives come up to them singing spirituals or some shit, I'm not sure.

  5. Kid is awkwardly confronted by the native elder and doesn't know how to react. Smiles awkwardly since he's a zoomer with minimal social skills outside mayo community

  6. Gets raked over hot coals by fucking moronic wokies

  7. Gets paid

Honestly good for him and fuck j*urnalists.

So many people here have no idea how lawsuits work. If he had a real case he would have taken them all the way for max amount. They settled bc to them whatever amount they paid was a drop in the bucket and not worth the headache. Sandmann of course took the bait.

So by that logic Trump has never done anything wrong when it comes to fucking pornstars or fucking over minorities. Someone with a twatter reply this to that idiot.

If a billion dollar company with an army of the best lawyers settles with a kid, its a victory even if he gets only 10¢

Ya, it means he was going to win, they would spend so long fighting it that all his money would go to lawyers out of spite, but they took the cheaper option and bought him out. Corporate law 101.

I’m sorry but are UAL irl? IANAL but /legaladvice disagrees with you. Probably.

But yeah, the major lawyers giving him anything over a million means he clearly had no case, gotta love it.

Another funny cope is bragging how much money bezos/amazon/wapo has? No one, not even bezos, just writes out a cheque for 7 figures and hands it over for no reason. You can argue about fractions of percentages all you want but clearly you never been to india while mayo and handing out a few cents to poorcels.

Someone with a twatter reply this to that idiot.

we're retards here at r/drama, not brainless psychopaths (mostly)

Figured somebody might have a trojan horse.

He got 250 million?


Can media drag my name through the mud now?


Keep in mind he has only done 2 lawsuits. He has 6 more.

This guy could actually be a billionaire by the time he’s done


Inject mayo directly under the skin.

Fuck an albino gorilla

Do you know know what it means to settle a lawsuit? He’s not going to be a billionaire you dumb fuck.

the seething continues

Nah bro just watch

the total amount he's suing for is only $800m in the first place

Nah nah nah those are rookie numbers they’ll go up


He didn't get the full 250 million, they settled. Still, he must have squeezed a lot of money out of them.

Even bid he gets 10% so 25 million with 50% of that going towards to the lawyers he is probably netting 12-15 million.


Don’t forget, my son,

To include everyooonnnnneeeee

Good. Idk what it was about this incident that drove people insane, it was like the inverse of football man kneeling. Even the fucking View (or Whoopi, at least) felt everyone had perhaps gone too far with too little info. The native dude is a lolcow boomer that lies about everything for attention, they should have known to check everything in detail.

even the 5 minute clip was bullshit. you'd think from reading about the whole story that there were a few minutes taken out of context and used to demonize this kid, but the original stories were saying things like "these kids are singing racist mayoid MAGA songs at this respected injun elder", and you can't hear anything remotely similar to that in the clip.

tl;dr is that the jo*rnos didn't just blow something out of proportion, they just made shit up

Yeah true. Tbh I expect that of journos. What bothered me was how quickly people ate it up and got their jimmies rustled like never before. Made me think they were seeing something I couldn’t. Maybe I’ve just had more experience with aggressive/mentally unstable people and chaotic situations, but I couldn’t see a “sinister rightoid intimidating a revered elder”, no matter how hard I tried. I just saw a typical shit show that occurs regularly in these scenarios.

Maybe I’ve just had more experience with aggressive/mentally unstable people

wokies have never interacted with people outside their gated communities

(or Whoopi, at least)

I find it hilarious how often she gets publicly chastised for thinking "hey maybe this shit is a little crazy"

That clip alone convinced me she’s the only person on that nightmare of a show with a bit of intelligence and decency.

This kid just turned 18 and he is going to be a multi-millionaire and has Internet teflon.

All the poorcels in the replies who try to cheer themselves up by saying money doesn't matter lmao

If there's an /r/politics thread about this someone should go over and just spam "freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences" every time they inevitably mention freedom of the press.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Nick Sandman, the Covington Kid who... -,

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