Why the fuck is this place so full of rightoids?

4  2020-07-25 by HoBoLoBro

Honestly, I get MDEfugee menace and shit, but even without it this place is consistently 80/20 rightoid favored. When the leftoids ran the world back in 2016 this place was still 80/20 rightoid favored. What type of centrist shithole is this place?


Why do morons keep making these threads?

It will only attract more rightoids to this sub smh make a leftoid thread now.

Don’t tell me what to do, worm.

Well half the time the complaint is too many leftoids


if you don't like it, you can always suck my dick

Not clever. Gay and lame.

your mouth. my dick.


It's about the amount of drama they generate. Because leftoids have a bigger presence on twitter and reddit, they generate more drama. Hence more leftoid drama on /r/drama.


Bro, there's another submission here where a post on /r/Houston just saying "ACAB" is at like +25. When random city subreddits are so left leaning that they're screaming about cops, what did you think a sub making fun of redditors was going to be like?

This place is full of moderates and righties laughing at wokies and commies because reddit is full of the latter.



When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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This but unironically

You only notice them more because every other place on reddit is censored so much that it is weird to actually see a substantial amount of rightoids that don't get downvoted to shit outside of their rightoid safe spaces. This sub laughs at rightoids and leftoids usually equally but it can switch up depending on which side is generating more drama. Currently leftoids are generating a fuckton of drama so you will see more posts about them.

laughs at rightoids

Smh it’s really not very woke to laugh at people with social and intellectual disability πŸ˜ͺ

The woke revolution laughs at rightoids all the time, and so can we!

Here comes the daily rightoid seethe thread. πŸ˜’

They can let it aaaaaaaall out.

I have left wings ideals but prefer the compagny of rightoids in general.

This. Rightoid everywhere but the voting booth

you're just a rightoid

I'm at the left side of Pol Pot sister πŸ’…

Whatever, still voting Kanye.

Can Vermin Supreme become his running mate?


Because liberals have become an overwhelming source of non-stop righteous indignation while simultaneously holding the reigns of popular cultural power - what's a radical centrist to do?

The very act of staying where the middle used to be is grounds for being called a fascist white nationalist racist transphobe blahdy blah blah

Left or right doesn't matter. All that matters is who's a top and who's a bottom.

Correct and bussy-pilled.

Rightoid vs Leftoid seething is pretty good drama. I personally welcome it all.

Go spray paint ACAB on a memorial, you nerd

once you read one rightoid comment, you've read them all πŸ˜”


Reality has a rightoid bias, sweety

I've honestly asked myself this, and the best answers I have are:

Rightoids seem to have a hefty presence in the troll and drama cultures on Reddit despite making up X percentage of the r-slur population.

Sane / semi-sane and based leftoids are generally bullied by their more extremist peers and that's a good thing...? appear to be in smaller supply on Reddit in general, despite probably making up numbers which meet or rival "moderate" rightoids.

TL;DR words words words it do be like that sometimes.

makes sense

2 minutes since you posted this reply and someone else already downvoted you. Yikes... o.o

Downvotecels OUT OUT OUT (pls & ty)

(you can downvote me instead uwu

It's customary for r/drama these days. i like observing the contradictions in the culture. i for one, always upvote, even the frigid bitch that won't suck my dick πŸ˜”

I like to imagine I'm everything you just said except the dog. Cheers! xD

Normally I upvote almost everything too but you asked to be their Jesus so I'll be your Longinus bby

It's because the bullying by the retarded lefties make the moderate ones go more right over time.

rightoid politics are based around social conformity.

Drama(and lolcows etc) is about documenting, 'exposing' and mocking people who do not conform to societies rules.

This may be why you will see a lot more moderate leftoids being posted here, whereas the rightoids that get posted tend to be on the extreme fringe, because that is where the weirdos are in both cases

I'm actually a centroid OP.

If you’re anywhere on the political spectrum then you’re definitely somewhere on the tism spectrum

Imagine caring about politics 🀒

Aspergian and proud my brother.


Right now the big issue is the riots. Before that there was plenty of rightoid drama over Daddy Drumpf and his subreddit or Covid -- in fact there's still plenty of mayo rightoids getting made fun of on Drama over their mask freakouts. Not to mention QAnon shit.

Admittedly rightoids are pulling some egregious shit at the moment with downvotes and smugposting politics as thread subjects, but the comments and community are overall still the same dramatard shitposting. I think it's mostly lurkers that are the problem.

It probably doesn't help that rightoid communities get yeeted off reddit more than leftoid ones do, so there's gonna be more MDEfugees than Chapofugees migrating in herds.

Rightoid boomers tend to freak out about things but they're not on this website. Meanwhile, every leftoid is a ticking timebomb when it comes to getting triggered. So of course the sub meant to making fun of lolcows on a leftoid website will be full of rightoid zoomers and millennials.

Leftoid, rightoid, no matter. All that matters is if you're rich or poor, landlord or rentoid.

Who the fuck cares? This isn't your safe space.

why the fuck are you so full of everlasting beauty

I usually don't post cases of rightoids being tarded because I expect them to always be tarded and don't think that's news.



ITT: Seething rightoids fugees