Europoors struggle as the vidya:euro exchange rate plummets

3  2020-07-25 by wow___justwow


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Just make more money. What's the problem?

Umm, that they’re in Europe?

They’d have to move to America to do that.

Every time Euros complain about prices in any video games, it turns out they're actually paying the company less and it's just their own government charging them more through taxes. Seen it countless times.

Gamers are retarded. Just buy everything in dollars then. Do Europeans not have credit cards without currency conversion fees?

It's a pain to get one, you have to take the ferry to Paris catacombs or grind coal golems until one drops.
My main is a lvl32 Czechoslovak Gipsy Tamer if anyone wants to team up, east coast server.

Playing League of Legends

Buying fake League of Legends Tencent Funbux to dress up your League of Legends waifu

Complaining about the currency conversion rate to League of Legends Tencent Funbux as you pay upwards of 30 euros to dress up your League of Legends waifu

Don't talk to me about the fall of Western civilisation like it's not well fucking deserved.

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Europoors struggle as the vidya:eur... -,

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Wow. Those new rates are almost making the purchase of ingame currency a waste of money.