r/YouShouldKnow j*nnies y’all valuable post that says you should keep soap in your bathroom, then proceed to nuke every comment containing the w-slur (wom*n)

1  2020-07-25 by ChapoDestroyer


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People who menstruate


Inclusivity is when you refer to people exclusively as their biological functions.

Das rite, person with penis

I prefer terms "Person who ejaculates" or "Ejaculator"

Ok coomer.

Ah a fellow person of ejaculation.

I want to fuck women

I want fuck women with a huge cock

Huh, I do feel more inclusive

Are you implying w*men without vaginas aren’t heckin valid 😡😡😡😡

w*men with vaginas arent valid either


To make jk rowling mad

lmao I thought they said that like a tongue in cheek when I saw the post earlier this morning.

jfc I gotta stop reading reddit. At first I didn't understand why people were having a meltdown over this harmless post and now I realize it's because of the Ts. This is why I'm apolitical and dgaf about either side because they're all insane.

Literally the only reason the post exists is to shoehorn “people who menstruate” into the title. “You need soap, tissues and a trashcan in your bathroom.” Unless you live in a remote cabin around Lincoln, MT with no electricity, you probably already had those things.

yeah, I see that now. I just thought in my head "women" but this is reddit where everything is extreme and annoying so I'm sure that makes me one of the phobes.

Just admit you’re a terf sweaty

It's over for me. Might as well join GenderCritical's new forum.

i sadly came to the conclusion that gc is the more sane side. very disheartening.

See you on asherahsgarden.net baby

As long as the angry lesbians aren't vegans and/or witches I can hang with them.

I remember a post on gc (rip 😭😭😭) about witches in the community. IIRC it was going along the old route of "witches were oppressed cause they were women so it's totally normal to be a witch in the 2000's". There was someone saying how she was embarrassed to associate with a group that had self proclaimed "witches", her comment was controversial lmao. You cannot escape foid nonsense

That was a thought I had too. Who the fuck doesn't have those things in the bathroom?

We are talking about redditors here, basic hygene gets in the way of funkopop collecting.

those things


Yes, who doesn't keep at least 3 female foid slaves in their bathroom at all times?

Being apolitical is for pussies that start seething everytime they see a mean comment. Be a Nazi for all I care, at least it's an ethos

ew, no, I prefer chillin and grillin and being coooool not like uncool.

what does Ts stand for? glad i don't know but now curious 🧐


Automatic or manual?

Does this feel kind of coordinated to anyone else?

The subject matter is very, very basic -- soap and a bin, really? -- and there are an unnatural number of comments praising the inclusive language within an hour or two of the original post.

I'm not sure if the intent was to troll or to 'spread awareness' about proper language for people who bleed out their coochie but this whole thread is fucking weird. It's like The Stepford Redditors.

definitely a sneaky agendapost. controversial is full of trans-related comments https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/hxb83k/ysk_that_if_youre_going_to_invite_someone_who/?sort=controversial

The 'people who menstruate' thing instead of 'women' is what set off the big jk rowling spergfest a few weeks ago. That's still fresh on all the wokies' minds.

It's such a weird term; it conforms to the same structure that you're supposed to use when referring to people with disabilities (except for the deaf ofc because they have their own subculture) - how is that supposed to be respectful? It's almost exclusively women who get referred to with these bullshit terms too, and generally have to make concessions for gendershit. Really makes u 🤔

At least they recognize that being female is a disability.

very disrepectful of women

whitest demographic

consider minorities as lesser and unable to stand by themselves

love gay people.

Perhaps I have been too strong on the wokie question. 🤔🤔🤔

Does this feel kind of coordinated to anyone else?

I'd wager that Reddit really has bots that automate such posts in an attempt to train them to beat the Turing-Test.

But then I remember people are braindead idiots and it's more likely one of them are behind such posts on this site.

It's literally a dogwhistle.

soap: the next 4chan white supremacy meme ?

smithsonian's next issue in their whiteness series will cover soap and how its use is oppressive

Isn’t it implied that only women menstruate or was Chris Chan right all along? 🥺

Chris chan is like the figurehead for anti trans. I’m on part 30 of the documentary about him and I’m starting to think I’m the one who’s retarded for watching this much over the lockdown.

Where can I find this documentary


Enjoy the most horrifying true story ever told

40 videos

about 45 minutes each

30 hours of pure Chrischan autism

You could learn basics of a new language in this time on Duolingo

And I would enjoy it significantly less

Goddamnit, I'm going to watch this, aren't I?

And thus, a new christorian is born


Are redditors all this disgusting? Do these people just wallow in depression and their own filth all day?

yes. at least this explains most the other insanity you find documented in this sub

Yes they shower like every 3rd day because they aren't going out and claim they don't smell but you can smell them from a mile away.

Only if their mom doesn't clean their room.

More of a gentle reminder. This isn't going to make earth shattering differences, but it could make hanging out more fun, could make sexytimes more enjoyable.

Le sexytimes with le wifey :OOO


It sort of defeats the point of trying to make transgender people feel included when anytime someone includes them you make it a point to say "OMG you're so inclusive"...

are people being raised in barns these days?

I don't know what's worse, that redditors consider this a la epic life hack pro tip, or the pandering to t-slurs

The older I get and the more I interact with people, the more I appreciate being born into a clean family. I can't describe the culture shock when I visited a friend's house for the first time...the roaches...dear god the roaches

misread that as people who masturbate, which was reinforced by the comment about having paper towels and hand sanitizer in the bathroom. As the british say, I would never let a wanker into my house

Plot Twist: OP doesn’t even get laid, probably has never


Useless advice, who the fuck invites over some slag whos on her period anyway?
