Potential drama as angry Antifa man who tried to deflate a basketball American turns out to be libertarian

1  2020-07-25 by MR_T_POWER_SLAM


Wow, imagine being that much of a useless loser at 43 years old. Stabbing Kings to get antifa underage pussy lmao, what a plan.

Umm it's called being on the right side of history, chud

on the wrong side of age of cosnent laws

Age of consent laws protect women from their own stupidity are ageist and oppress womyn's rights to choose to be taken advantage of by a creepy loser participate in a nontraditional heteronormic relationship.

(Am I doing it right, or do I need to drop an ephebophilia reference?)

lol sounding like a true LGBT intellectual, influential gender theorist Judith Butler writes about "non traumatic incest" that becomes traumatic because of social constructs, and says the incest taboo is a tool of heteronormativity 🤡

its jlgbtp

Judith Butler

I used to never understand witch burnings back in the day, but when I read about her I realized our ancestors were 100% right.

You're trying too hard.

I dunno, it didn't feel quite crazy enough when I typed it.

Lose the crossed out sections, too wordy.

That's the thing about satirizing idpol. All they do is post words words words

Then you match it with your own bupkis, leave their dumbshit out. Trust me, I'm a Diamond-level retard.

I can't see cause you shine too bright

might be a pedophile but at least hes not RACIST

Except that he stabbed a black guy

hes a trump supporter so hes not human

a black guy

A Biden voter? I didn't think so! Please stop claiming he's Black

What did this guy do originally (besides the CP)?

Apparently he was following a bunch of people who were live streaming and covering the protests, one of the reporters put his arm around him while confronting him about it and got stabbed.

Drama starts at 0:59, poor quality but you see it happen on stream.

Imagine protesting racial inequality by stabbing a black guy.

How else is he going to get his point across?

I don't think he got it across so much as he directly inserted it.

Dude the events of the past couple of months have been exposing mayo lefties for being major racist hypocrites it's so tasty and I love it

All for you, black people!

Imagine protesting racial inequality

LOL, it's cute that you think that's what these protests full of ugly white virgins have anything to do with supporting black people.

The idea that these riots are still about racial inequality is a CNN LARP at this point.

You hear the guy at the end? “I have a gun on me and I could have shot him but I chose not to.” Well, damn that’s a man who practices what he preaches. He wasn’t going to go full donut and shoot the guy up he only went munchkin instead and attempted a headlock to force the I can’t breathe agenda. Well done sir.

this is why you should keep a distance when confronting following schizos

You won’t see this in the Portland subreddit.

I can't believe the right wingers would latch onto this!

Linked to in /r/drama. Locked.

LOL, someone's nervous.

Jesus, I miss user pings.

Oh man they so badly wanted the stabbing victim to be another Andy Ngo.

Lmao any excuse they can make they do to support the stabbing

My favorite part is where dude stops panicking and wondering what do and all of a sudden turns his Y Chromosome on bellows "GET HIM" like he's the Mortal Kombat narrator.

>get him get him get him

>stands 20 fucking meters away doing nothing


Stabbed a black maga for having independent thought and free will.

Vote the way I want you to vote boy!

Stabbed a guy.

Oh look a male feminist

He's more of a child advocate


Looks more like Against Hateful Ideologies member to me.

His hair looks 17 and his beard 49, classic libertarianism.

I swear I thought I knew him when I first saw the photo. But nope, it's somebody else. There's just so many people here who look and think in exactly the same way.

I knew the left libertarian (antifa anarchists) were also pedos

The pedo lib crowd is both on libright and libleft.

Lib unity

Antifa-furry overlaps is real.

But that's just lower-left. Everyone knows about that 😒

Lol what about conservative/liberal politicians molesting kids? Seems like pedos are on every side.

That's cuz they don't apply the "small and with direct involvement" just to government 😳

"small and with direct involvement"

This is how they refer to using their penis.

Over for under 6ft pedocels

Now he wont be able to take down mean subreddits for a while, or at least until he gets paroled

Never suffer the communist.

Sam Hyde can’t keep getting away with this.

It's crazy watching the left use ALL the same talking points that rightoids were using after the Ahmed Arbury thing.

"Well yeah, sure he was stalking him and had weapons ready to kill but he shouldn't have confronted him."

lolbertarians are almost as condescending, naive, and idealistic as the leftards are. “dude we should totally have nukes. If we can triple last election’s turn out, we have a really good chance of hitting 1% of the popular vote! Let’s go!!! The revolution is coming!” Every libertarian I know is like a 30-40 year old dude who was completely fucking destroyed mentally while fighting in the Middle East for John Bolton, GWB, & Dick Cheney’s bank accounts, and now they’re addicted to meth, gay prostitutes, and posting Jorgensen memes on Facebook

EDIT And weed

I love the titles of the posts on this sub. They make my day.

He should duel the sword guy who got his head kicked in.

Where does he state he's a libertarian?


Or was it a joke on libertarians being pedophiles?

It's pronounced ephebabebabebaphile