From all the non sexual subgroups on the internet Furries have by far the highest percentage of pedophiles (62%). If you would add sexual subgroups to the mix they would be in second place with the first being the subgroup of pedophiles (100%).

1  2020-07-25 by barnabasss

That being said its hard to say if Furries are not a sexual subgroup exclusively at this point.


QED. Any furry arguing against this is a coomer in denial

Keywords: Autogynephilia

Lmfao they know about the furry to t-slur pipeline.


The study was done by Kevin J. Hsu, who, at the time, was a grad student studying under J. Michael Bailey. Bailey's book, The Man Who Would Be Queen, was the first time most people had ever heard the word "autogynephilia".

At some point, I might have to do a Snally Style™ effort-post on this guy, because everything he does causes pure, unadulterated seethe.

The book caused considerable controversy which led to complaints and a formal investigation by Northwestern University, where Bailey was chair of the psychology department until shortly before the conclusion of the investigation. Northwestern ultimately found no basis for the complaints,[3][4] and a Northwestern University spokesperson said that his departure from the department chairmanship had nothing to do with the investigation.[5] Bailey says that some of his critics were motivated by a desire to suppress discussion of the book's ideas about the autogynephilia theory of transsexual women.[6] In her review of the episode in her book Galileo's Middle Finger, bioethicist Alice Dreger claims that accusations against Bailey were "a sham. Bailey’s sworn enemies had used every clever trick in the book—juxtaposing events in misleading ways, ignoring contrary evidence, working the rhetoric, and using anonymity whenever convenient, to make it look as though virtually every trans woman represented in Bailey’s book had felt abused by him and had filed a charge."[7]

NNNOOOOO you can't just expose our fetish like that nnooo you hecking evil fascist transphobe

J. Michael Bailey

J. Bailey

Bailey, J


A survey on the internet could be easily influenced by non furries.

"recruited from the internet" =/= open survey posted online.

Nice decades-old take that virtually everybody who knows about furries has 👍

decades old take yet still socially acceptable, so quite clearly not repeated enough...

everyone thinks furries are freaks m8, if you are under a different impression then you spend way too much time online

I think you are forgetting another very important non sexual subgroup, libertarians.

Under the NAP, sweatie, the MAP should be allowed to distribute furcock to anything consenting/with a pulse.

The worst part of furries is how they invade and destroy wholesome fandoms.

Your name is loli connoisseur you're clearly a pedo
