Seattle PD cant use less than lethal weapons anymore, Police Chief (WOC) tell the City "Good luck lmao" Seattlecels wonder how this could happen?

1  2020-07-25 by Augustus-Romulus


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Where did we come up with the notion that police should be free from danger in the course of their duties?

Good to know liberal redditards are in favor of occupational health and safety measures.

I normally roll my eyes when cops whine about how dangerous their job is, because there's lots of jobs that are more dangerous and none of them get "fallen hero" memorials built in their honor. But this is just wacky, liberals truly have no principles.

Like just block the molotovs with your shield???? Fucking pussies lmao

Yeah it's one thing when they whine about how they don't get hero worship but these people are literally banning fucking pepper spray? Like I thought leftists wanted cops to use that shit instead

I actually don't disagree with that. Police have various special protections due to the implied danger and they know what they're signing up for.

It doesn't apply here though since without tear gas/other crowd control tools their options are either A) do nothing or B) start disbursing some club therapy. We all know how the second one would go down.

Lol, a literal paddy wagon.

they know what they're signing up for

Except a lot of this stuff they really didn't sign up for, like getting lasered in the eyes for 60 nights straight. The rules were completely changed over the last few years.

I never understood this point and I see people make it all the time - do people not know being a cop is a job? Like they know cops aren't signing up to be pelted with shit passively and otherwise just let people bash on them passively right?

I don't think people realize that cops ARE the social workers they advocate for. They really are the thin blue line, because they're responsible for handling the most unfortunate aspects of society. The shit people don't want to know exists.

If someone threatens suicidal, who responds? If someone gets lost in the mountains, who organizes a search party? If someone gets in a catastrophic car accident, who responds? If someone is publicly intoxicated and is a danger to themselves, who responds?

These are all just examples NOT involving use of deadly force like people know cops as.

chemical weapons


That's just the Braps from the vegan hogs in that town.

Strictly speaking, CS is a chemical weapon but calling it that is clearly trying to invoke VX or sarin in people's minds.

So womyn carry portable chemical weapons in their purses??

Maybe? I'm not really sure if pepper spray, specifically, counts.

That's actually why it's banned in warfare; not because of the effects of the CS gas itself but because the attack could trigger an escalation from its targets resulting in the use of actually lethal chemical weapons.

CS isn't banned in warfare, at least not as far as the US is concerned. It's one of the two chemical weapons we still use (the other being phosphorous).

The truth's somewhere in the middle.

The US is party to the Chemical Weapons Convention, Article I(5) of which prohibits the military use of riot control agents, including CS.

That rule is arguably superceded by the exceptions reserved by the US under the earlier Geneva Gas Protocol. Under those exceptions the US reserved the right to its military using chemical agents (namely, as you mention, CS and phosphorous) in non-combat applications.

I've never personally used it but when I was going through CBRN training I had instructors who had used it in combat to defend the FOBs they were on. They may not have been supposed to but the US does still use it in combat.

I'm so glad I got to see this city in December before it went to total shit. I wonder if Bellevue is just as big of a dumpster fire. Would be cool to go see more WA because it looked beautiful from the air.

Bellevue is fine. They had a day of bad looting but most of those responsible were gang members from South King County, stupid gang members who were caught using video and social media. Also their police chief seems to be really good at his job.

That's good to know. I'd like to go back out there but this shit ruins it.

How is Tacoma these days?

Fine. Apparently sucks to rent there. Honestly Seattle isnโ€™t that bad. No sustained madness for a few weeks now. Though that could change today.

Sucks to rent there because of inventory or prices or just being kind of a crappy city? I was weirdly charmed by it the one time I went, and I'd love to go back, but I don't think I'd ever want to live there.

All my friends that used to live in Tacoma moved across the narrows to Gig Harbor. They said it turned from a shithole to a overpriced shithole.

Bellevue is one of the most boring and soulless cities on an American coast; the fact that they got any action during the protests blows my mind.

>Redondo Beach
>Newport Beach
>Del Mar
>Oregon's entire meth coast

>Bellevue doesn't even crack the top 5

sorry sweatty, better luck next time ๐Ÿ’…

At least those places have beaches (and in the case of the meth coast, beautiful scenery). Bellevue's sole function is to store aging MSFT employees at night.

Yellowstone Caldera super eruption when

haha damn. I've only been to Seattle and really enjoyed it but didn't get to do much. I really want to go back and see more of WA, but won't be going out there any time soon even if they do finally clean this shit up.

The Seattle metro is pretty fun, but it doesn't have much to offer that other places in the PNW don't do better unless you're trying to find a job in tech. I would highly recommend visiting Vancouver and driving around BC, because the scenery is indisputably some of the best in the world, and the city proper is cozy and incredibly easy to get around, albeit boring if you're really into nightlife.

If you want to have unforgettable fun in a good + bad way, I would recommend making a lower-income friend in Portland and going there; the scenery is also really nice in any direction once you get about 45+ mins from the city, though that's true of anywhere in the PNW, and BC is just unmatched in that respect.

The only way to see Seattle before it totally went to shit requires hopping in a time machine. You should aim for somewhere between the release of SWASS and the death of the Sonics for best results.

Seattle circa 2008 was the bomb. I'm glad I got to spend time there before it got bad.

It depends on where you go really. Ballard/Fremont is still pretty great. SLU is good but that's because Amazon took it over essentially. Capitol Hill and South Seattle is where you want to avoid.

Ballard and Fremont are every bit the shell of their former selves that Capitol Hill is. If Aladdin's on the Ave ever closes I'll never have any reason to go to Seattle ever again.


Well, they can use the lethal weapon instead ! Solved ๐Ÿ˜Ž

isnt this what they wanted? since private property should be abolished, theres no point having the police protect it

This. This is what that crazy Khshma sawant socialist lady wants. Thatโ€™s what socialism is. The abolishment of private property.

Bitch is crazy

Always siding with the criminals....

2020 is the year racism ends, as the US has finally embraced black culture.

Weren't they still trying to blind people

That was Portland so basically the same thing