A real person.

1  2020-07-25 by Standard12




This r-slur has been posting selfies and ledditors think it’s their civic duty to coddle every facebook-tier blogpost in that sub. I guess people are trying to ride that train.

It’s not like we needed anymore fuel for the “r/pics is an agendaposting trashfire sub” furnace but fuck it, burn brighter.

Jesus, this dude lives rent free on your head.

Frankie is a harmless tard who thinks he’s giving important weather reports. He’s like if Chris Chan was raised on the weather channel instead of Sonic.

My beef is with redditors.

r/pics isn’t a real sub, it’s for grooming accounts that you eventually sell to fritillary marketers

it's not home and the shading on him is wrong. I think it may be shopped

Yeah pretty much. Not that dramatic to be honest. Bit of a shitey post.

Frankie really does seem too happy to be a Redditor. It seemed suspicious

Patrick Star?

And a re-al hero

Based tard and seething reddit*rs - a blessed duo

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