Big Black Militia LARP'ers Accidently shoot eachother , They all take a knee while Mayos come to the rescue.

1  2020-07-25 by sonofbaal_tbc


So when white supremacists marched in Charlotte, the world made a stink about it.

But when black groups, who literally want to kill all jews, walk around with guns and threaten people, no one bats an eye.

here’s why thats a good thing

They used to get tribute posts on r/pics

I remember seeing them. Twitter was all over them heaping on praise.

These ideas are not new either. DeSean Jackson, etc. They are just now more vocal about it, cause they know people cant speak out against it.

"Wow, Black people carrying guns. So cool!"

Every post involving Black people doing thing gets gilded in r/pics. It's so tiresome.

I always found the not-so-implicit and accidental racism of the default subs funny, look at those coloreds doing normal white people things, good for them.

All this talk about white privilege sounds an awful lot like “white man’s burden” repackaged for the 21st century.

“We’re privileged and we are obligated to support you low education voters marginalized people

They need our help!

Me, I don't feel right leaving the house without wearing a skirt made entirely out of handguns, but I'm pretty sure most mayos don't carry guns everywhere they go, so I wouldn't call that a 'normal white thing'.

Those people are just wanking for the 2nd Amendment thing they hated when rightoids were doing it.


Come on man, you are just being silly at this point lol. They don’t want to kill all of them, they just think they are subhuman cockroaches and that SOMEONE should ‘deal’ with them. And that’s like an underground ideology, it’s not like the person who talks about exterminating them has an active twitter page with hundreds of thousands of followers lol. And even if all of this was real, it’s not like there are handfuls of 🏀🇺🇸 celebrities saying it publicly with little to no pushback, with people actually coming to their defense and the. Actually doubling down on what they said. Tbh, you are sounding hella r*cist right now for not supporting the blm movement to end racism. Y 👏 I 👏 k 👏 e 👏 s 👏

Honestly pretty based tbh

Does the NFAC have any connection to the BHI?

More so tied to Nation of Islam i think? Doesn't really matter. They are still pretty much Nazis.

More so tied to Nation of Islam i think?

I haven't seen anything about NFAC being tied to NOI.

They are still pretty much Nazis.

This is the same logic idiotic left-wingers apply to any right-winger with a gun. The 2nd Amendment is for people of all races. If you decide to arbitrarily label black people exercising their constitutional right as "Nazis" then you're just engaging in the same idiocy as the MSM.

Black people should absolutely be armed, it's their god given right. But this group's leader is a known nazi, whether they are affiliated with NoI or not doesn't change that fact

Grand Master Jay

well shit

I guess armed militias tend to be led by batshit insane people regardless of race.

It's kinda funny that the people praising hitler are also known for their poor long term planning skills

unless this is just a very similar looking black militia group and I am getting their names mixed up, their leader said very specifically to kill all jews including children in their cribs

that is pretty void of alternative interpretations

Why must you condemn Palestinian activism




I don’t know if this is bait or not but the group’s leader is legitimately anti-Semitic

I'm not eternally online so I don't have a pulse on shit like this.

The NFAC is part of the New BPs and is made up of Hebrew Israelites. The NOI is made up of Muslims. They're both extremist groups who likely want nothing to do with each other.

Fun fact: the NOI used to cozy up to Burgerland Nazis despite believing all mayos are sub-human.

They literally want to kill jews and white people. DeSean praised hitler....

DeSean was a member of NFAC? Let's not engage in the same bullshit as the MSM when it comes to race and various armed political groups.

Original Black Panthers were cool, later groups tend to have Hebrew Israelite or NoI ideology which is nuts and crazy.

FBI killed Huey btw

I don't think so, this is just the righty version of an /r/politics post

That's my guess, as well.

Das rite

Lmao good shit black groups

Too much targeting one group. Comment removed.

im quite gay

ok str8



Somewhere in there the white supremacists are missing a chance to push their views unscathed.

Yes. And?

"Warming and the absence of warming"? You are confused. General global temperatures are continuously warming and have long been doing so, if that pattern reversed it would without a doubt undermine the theory.

What you're talking about is that sometimes spontaneous weather events that may involve local cooling are linked to global warming. Global temperature increases can cause local temperature decrease in certain areas. Also warming can result in the emergence of new weather patterns and systems, some of which may involve "cooling" weather phenomena in certain places. For instance, it used to be rare that the polar vortex in the arctic would destabilize, so arctic air was mostly isolated around the arctic. Global warming however has weakened the jet stream, now it's practically a every other year the polar vortex destabilized sufficiently that a flood of arcitc air flows south, resulting in a sudden and prolonged cold snap throughout the continental United States. This is, of course, coupled with a dramatic rise in arctic temperatures in the same period as warm southern air flows into the arctic in its place. Which is yet another thing honestly that's contributing to the collapse of the arcitc, as the arctic has disproportionately warmed more than any other ecosystem in the world. Of course, however, it's also the case that nobody lives there. So you more or less never hear that side of the story, nobody gives a shit that it's a toasty day in the north pole.

All you hear about on the news is that is that it's really cold all of the sudden where you live, and those idiot liberals are claiming it's global warming, har har har. Well don't you know better, you clever boomer you, you have the power of shitty racist facebook memes after all. Make sure to spam them extra hard to all your nieces and nephews, man we really love when you guys do that shit, it's totally not the case that we roll our eyes and cringe yet again seeing a grown ass man share in total credulity an obviously fake story that even a 12 year old could probably tell was pretty suss. You're really close to winning us over by demonstrating your complete and total absence of critical thinking skills yet again, we are not messaging each other laughing our ass off about this next stupid thing our racist uncle decided to share, we have never seriously entertained the thought that you probably have severe brain damage from lead poisoning or something after reading this stuff.

Anyway, things are not always so clear cut, people do tend to make the argument when it's not really justified, to extent honestly I think this is just a way to argue back against idiot Republicans who otherwise hold a mini-celebration every single time it snows anywhere in the United States. You of course cannot draw any definitive link between a singular weather event and global climate trends... even with extreme warming you would can get freak blizzards, and vice versa even if you had extreme cooling occasionally you'd still have blistering days. However, given that their opponents in the argument respect no such rules or evidence and are well known to gleefully use whatever lies and manipulation available freely as long as it serves a propaganda purpose, I'm willing to give Democrats who use these arguments a break. When your idiot Republican friend comes in with holding a snowball and claims it as a great victory that forever disproves global warming, fuck it, feel free to be like nah really it was global warming that did this. It's no more or less tenuous than than the opponents stupidity, and it will cause them to spittle with rage, which is hilarious. Whereas, if you had exhaustively explained the issue like I just did, you would be met with mockery and derision.

Given that Republicans refuse to argue in good faith, and actively deride and mock you any time you attempt to enlighten and educate them with an exhaustive and complete picture of the issue, at some point you get the message. Republicans decided to abandon all respect for the truth, evidence, and reasoned argument, just spam emotional angry propaganda and deliberate lies, and shut down any opponents still doing things the old fashioned way and trying to actually make a legitimate argument by obnoxiously trolling them and screaming "nerd!", just mock how much effort these fools were putting into that lame reasoned argument shit, hey kids aren't we so much cooler are arguments are so much simpler and slicker right. It turns out that it's really easy to manufacture a considerable number of catchy sound bites supporting your position, if you just lie, you can make as much simple and catchy sounding lies as you want after all, now that you've thrown away all concern for the truth. Anyway, given that Republicans have reduced the level of debate as such, we have every right to play by your rules. Your garbage only works against those foolish enough to continue attempting to argue in good faith as an obnoxious troll constantly interrupts him with catchy sounding lies, wow that idiot making that reasoned argument sure is a doofus right, man the obnoxious troll is so based he just gets away with it. The second we stoop to your level and just start shouting catchy emotional lies back, we're just two idiots on a stage now lying at each other. Neither one of us is saying anything meaningful at all, but at least the idiot who started the shit no longer has an outright advantage.

Congrats, this is your fault, we can scream and lie at each other for as long as you want. Or maybe you can grow tf and get over the fucking temper tantrum you've been throwing since 2008. You are a fucking grown ass man, Jesus Christ the entire boomer generation, supposedly adults, you've all collectively lost your mind and are acted like spoiled children.

I suppose you're going to respond with an emoji, perhaps an obnoxious slogan. Thanks, this was a great waste of time, it's always helpful to be reminded of the futility of serious attempting to engage with you people.

2) It is proof that the system works...WHEN IT DOES work. What about when non-stop Democrat election theft ISN'T caught?

I hope people realize that this is not a good faith argument, the user just wants to suspend democracy and make the United States a single party state, and will cast doubt on any electoral result that doesn't result in his preferred political side getting power. Regardless of any evidence for or against, he will always claim it's fraudulent, he will never offer any but the vaguest of justifications for his position. Instead he peppers his vague accusations with emojis, obnoxious emphasis of random words, and emotional angry rhetoric, .

Do not appease this line of reasoning, or this form of argument. The user has given up all faith in democracy, clearly any words they have to say about the subject are just hot air and they cannot be trusted on the subject, they only seek to undermine it.

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot.

watermark, mate, I think you need a self-imposed 7 day ban cause you're losing it.

His mental health has deteriorated worse than I thought possible

What's interesting is that I assumed that he just reposts his wordy spergouts, double-dipping sort of, but he didn't have this one posted elsewhere during at least the past week. The implications are concerning.

tl;dr lol, go outside

Comrade Watermark, you are not feeling well! You should rest in your dacha.

Is taking a knee a default reaction for BLM?

“Oh shit, the power’s out. Better take a knee.”

I think that was telling them to calm down and not start spreading the mayo out on the ground. Kind of like telling a dog to heel.

take a knee, close eyes

open eyes problem fixed

When you provide an outer cordon of a village/town/yourmom, a fireteam/squad/platoon will provide security while taking a knee, against cover, or even going prone to become a smaller target for any unforseen enemy marksmen. Another team/squad/platoon will have already started clearing the interior of the cordoned area.

These ree rees are taking a knee and are supposed to face outward from the center like I mentioned above but they don't seem very well trained lol.

American militia

don’t seem very well trained

Yah don’t say. Literally militia groups love shooting their guns and talking big but when it comes to actual small unit tactics or other platoon level things they start looking like what they actually are: disorganized ree rees.

and there's not another squad there, and there is no enemy

It shows submission to ZOG. Woke on levels beyond the defeciant mayo brain.

You mayos better watch out

Help us mayos!

Are we at 54% yet?

It's Louisville so the percentage there is about 98%.

Fentanyl + black hate groups = a good time

Black on Black crime? Never heard of it

Yeah cause its called crime idiot smh

That's just a social construct created by racists. The aim is to divert attention from the real issue: white cops massacring brothas in the streets!

Brother we get make those white on black statistics go up

Ahh. The time honored tradition of black people shooting other black people.

Keep your booger hook of the trigger kangs

and none of that gun pointed sideways shit

No time the boog has begun this is peak drama boys

Reddit moment

What heck man, I love ypu

I'm sorry but the booger hook thing gets posted every single time on reddit

I no I haven't a creative bone in my body

Sorry I'll do better

Do better, be better sweaty 👏

Thanx king

Whoever posted this deserves a lymching for his poor cameramanship and bitrate.

I hope we get more footage.

because if we don't, we'll have to wait for the next time this exact thing happens


black people shoot each other nothing new

Fookin kneelers


Always has been


I'm too coked out for this

Dude coke, lmao!

A yt sniper clearly took that shot to not only try and kill a king, but also discredit the Black armed movement. Then they send may*ids out to seem like the heroes after causing all of the problems in the first place.

This is white supremacy. When white militias ND and kill one of their own the dead get buried in the woods with respects and without police desecrating the site.


Negligent discharge

The boog is off to rough start.

Why are those retards taking a knee ??

This is why stupid people shouldn't own guns