Opinions about Kantbot ?

1  2020-07-26 by GeminiRocket

Only serious or hot takes allowed.

You might know him with this memster video : https://youtu.be/iOk6HB609po

I discovered he has also a pretty funny Twitter (sic) feed : Take a look at Psywar Planner Kantbot (@KBULTRA0)


My personal opinion : He looks like MasterLawlz but less handsome imo ๐Ÿ˜‘


He became cringe after TFW no gf

Never saw this Opera.

Agreed. Lately all he does is complain about people caring about things it seems.

He developed an over-inflated sense of self worth after the Amazon doc and forgot that at the end of the day, heโ€™s still a fat fuck posting on twitter. I think heโ€™d fit right in here tbh

He might lurking here giving his twitter feed or the triumvirat of main news from 4chin/kiwifarms/drama is extremely narrow.

Fat and potentially Jewish.

im more of a logo daedalus guy myself

very sympathetic to kantbot. i was weaned on /lit/ as a young netkin so his takes and reference points are warm and fuzzy to me. his pod is genuinely pretty interesting based on the few eps i've heard and his massive conversational bibliography is admirable. glad he's getting away from the r*ghties and having his time in the sun post-doc

