Seattle looks inviting

1  2020-07-26 by Nergaal


Why cant ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ” just get in a normal fight? Is the whole 5/10/20vs1 a cultural thing or something. Why cant they just behave like men and engage is gentlemanly fisticuffs?

This isn't just a jogger thing, arabs in yurop do it too. When you start beating one of them they call their entire extended family to gang up on you. I think it has something to do with lower class people in poor countries being very clannish, like Alb*nians having constant blood feuds.

Let's face it M*yos just don't have loyalty of any kind. Not even towards their family.

Sand-slurs do.

Not universally true, Germany tried it once and it worked exceptionally well, had it not been for the traitors further west.

True, but they somehow managed to be even more cringe than the sand people about how they did it

The uniforms were super stylish though.


I grew up with bunch of burgers with Irish last names who fight in packs

It's less culturally common in some countries, but I live in Leafistan and there are some mayos who do this. Most of 'em are under the age of 20 and fetishise gang culture.

So are those basically wiggers then? We have something similar in yurop where lower class zoomers imitate moroccan/turkish gangs

The one guy even walked around calling people "byiatch". It's a thing! ^.^

Pikeys do it too

Pikeys are human filth though. No one expects them to behave like anything other than pollution that can talk.




We here at r/drama only hate based off of nationality not race

inferiority complex probably

Only white people are dumb enough to invent rules for fighting.


"Hey, go stand over there and let's take turns shooting at each other."


They aren't tired of winning.

Ooo ooo aaa aaa AAAH AAHAH AHHHHH

That isn't just an American thing . It's the same in Holland with Moroccans and Turks.

How are things over there in tulipland?

They're afraid of guns and know everyone but them has one at the ready.

Humans are a social species and winning is more important than any cucked mayo values like "honor".

You sound like a pussy.

Won't catch me crying blood on the ground like a mark.

Friends are great, you should find some.

Man if even your imaginary friends are this spineless you're in bad shape.

"All of you beat the shit out of me, but really I'm the winner because I held fast to my made up values."

Now you're getting it. Good for you.

Seriously though jumping someone who's on their own with a group of your friends is complete scumbag behaviour. People who do this deserve every bad thing that happens to them

womp womp

Because it's how you win a fight

Why fight with a higher possibility of losing when you can guarantee a win by stacking the numbers

Why fight with a higher possibility of losing when you can guarantee a win by stacking the numbers

Because that's complete pussy behaviour, and people who do shit like this deverve no respect.

Oh no, whatever will they do now that a fat nerd online has no respect for them?

Probably behave like common scum I'd imagine.

On two feet, while you're looking up at them, lmao.

A group of people kick the absolute shit out of you and leave your head caved in, but at least you weren't a pussy and fought with honor. Your humiliating loss is nothing compared to the loss of respect they suffered.

Yeah youre right, fuck that guy for being on his own while a pack of scum bags jumped him. Should've had an equally rabid pack of arseholes with him.

He should have run the fuck away and not engaged with the savages in the first place. You won't catch me hanging around a group like that because I'm not about to honorably take on a 1 v 9. I literally live in Seattle. If he hasn't learned by now to avoid groups like this at all costs (especially as a m*yo) then maybe he had it coming.

Well Seattle sounds like an absolute shithole. I see now why you ๐Ÿ”s need guns.

Cope. Looks like the 5 on 1 strat is working to me

Not when the fucking feds show up lmao.

Then they run crying.

You'd cry if you dindu nuffin neither

Don't see any feds in this video ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†



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I am not a burger so could someone explain what I am looking at ? It looks like some sort of street theater ?

minorities bravely educating a racist hwite man

It seems like those African immigrants are wearing Ethiopian flag as mask and waving Ethiopian flag too so I am guessing the white (?) girl took offense to it and told her they are not in Ethiopia. A white guy was probably arguing with them too I am guessing off camera.

One of the African immigrant woman in that group got triggered by the white guy and threw something at him. An empty water bottle? I am not sure.

This action in turn triggered the African male immigrants in that group even more and they ganged up on the white guy over the verbal arguments.

This is all it takes for these Africans into potentially lynching a guy. All over disagreements in viewpoints. No wonder their countries are war torn all the time.

Thanks to the woman screeching at them, the African immigrants backed down and scattered away off camera. If they were in some back alley or something, that white guy might have been beaten to pulp.

The irony is that Ethiopia is a symbol of pan-Africanism due to the Rastafari movement that originated from Jamaica, and not Africa itself, Ethiopia has a long history of enslaving Africans and selling them to the Arab slave trade.

By ethnicity and culture, many Ethiopians do not consider themselves African, it's true because they aren't, they're a Semitic ethnic group (related to Arabs and Mayo-Israelites), even 19th century vรถlkisch racial scientist r-slurs classified Ethiopians as separate from Africans.

The enormous irony is that Rastafaris beleive blacks are the choosen people and the last emperor of Ethiopia was the messiah. The thing is that the emperor (Haile Selassie) allowed 10% of his population to be slaves. Slavery wasn't abolished until the Italians overthrew him briefly during the 1930s.

Haile Selassie even visited Jamaica to say that he wasn't the Messiah and encouraged Jamaicans to convert to Ethiopian Orthodoxy, Bob Marley was baptized in the Orthodox Tewahedo Church on his death bed for example.

OG Rastafarianism is pretty obsolete now, many prominent Reggae artists and Rastas converted to Christianity, most of self-proclaimed Rastas outside of Jamaica are just in for the aesthetics.

Is that why I only hear about Christoids, Islamoids and Hebrew Israeliteoids, but not Rastas? Good to know!

They didn't have accents though.

It's been confirmed that they're not immigrants.


What kind of things do you see up there at work ?

The long suppressed truth about socialism, obviously I can't reveal details due to confidentiality agreements.

Rightoids in the replies are too stupid to realize that there's a 0% chance these flag-wavers are really African immigrants. What these thugs are doing is exactly the same as when Mayo-Americans claim to be "Irish" because their great great great great Grandpappy (whose name they don't even know) was born in Dublin.

Can confirm, Actual Africans are chill as fuck. All the Nigerians I went to university with were some of the funniest motherfuckers I ever met.

"Afroafricans" are very different from Afromericans, but I still don't think Nigerians being able to go to university are representative of the people of that country

Yeah they're the elite, all the Nigerians I know talk about how much of a corrupt shithole Nigeria is and how glad they are that they got out

Nigerians are the black master race

That's because the ones with the means to move here now are the ancestors who sold euro's their basketballers in the past.

It's always next gen that are obnoxious assholes that need to be shipped back. People who immigrate for reasons are always respectful and thankful to be here. I saw this a lot in Miami as a kid.

Unironcally Irish Americans are more irish than their yuropeans twink couisins.

Where's the drama?

All I see is a mayo getting beat on.

Crossposted to r/aww

No drama, but it's a great way to start a Sunday morning!

The fact that the valet parking is closed, while it may disappoint some motorists, is not very dramatic.

He relaxed.

I miss it when puget soundcels were just standoffish and suicidal.

Look, I get that valet parking is convenient - and especially in the summer you donโ€™t want to walk all the way from the parking lot - but is that really our definition of inviting now?

What's the flag?


Ethiopia lmfao, WE WUZ ETHIOPIANS

Slavery in Ethiopia comprised a proportion similar to the US, but wasn't abolished until 80 years later. Ironic


What the hell was that?

I love seeing this shit happen in comfortably smug areas like seattle. If only it was soccer mom saviors getting whooped tho

This was stressful to watch. I don't know how people can view these videos on a regular basis.

Nobody I know who watches and shares these violent videos is what I would call sane. There's a very slow rot that accompanies subjecting yourself to this shit day in and day out.



OK, that was low effort, admittedly.