Daughter of Northern Irish-American Business Executive shows her mommy-issues by going full Socialist, vowing to redistribute her mommy's wealth. The Proletariat on Twitter responds with their Venmo usernames.

1  2020-07-26 by ThrowawayCRank


Holy shit there's a black chick replying to her demanding reparations money and being mad when it hasn't come.

Is this a /pol/ parody

For the 1,000th time.. feminists weaponized social media with their #metoo grifting scam. Black feminists turned it into an industry (BLM)..

When you think posting SpongeBob memes is being mad, then you're probably the /pol parody.

You're looking at the wrong one lmao.

Link It. I only see one follow up about being "mad".

It's literally the first one down. The westside shorty one.

Why are you seething so hard about this? Seems like a weird thing to REE over.

It’s obvious from her profile that she is majorly insecure, especially around Mayo-American women.

Dude, I'm asking to see drama after you talk about hoes being mad and all you have black chicks posting SpongeBob memes and 🤷🏾 emojis. Where did you grow up that this qualifies for being mad? Soy Central?

It's right here, this is the drama now.

I wasn't even trying to attract a lolcow I still don't know what he's seething about.

But I love it

I always need some entertainment during church.

Thank u for lolcow'ing for us bb.

The pastures are so dry now 😥😥

The pastures are so dry now 😥😥

The real climate change.

Don't worry fam, I'm aging a couple tankie accounts so I can create lolcows where there were none.

It’s not glamorous work, but it’s honest work.

It's cause newf*gs keep down voting them

This is what the retards here think is an lolcow nowadays, sad!


I take what I can get

This is what the retards here think is bantz nowadays, sad!

U have the big mad 😮

Big Sad!😂

Don't get Mad!!

Get Glad™!

Haven’t even opened the link in the post yet, and I’m already having the time of my life reading this

Dude, stop, just look at the twitter thread there are hundreds of them.... try thinking for once...

Dude I want drama, aka a video of regular sized 350 lb African American woman behind the wheel of a 96 Camry calling someone racist and not some elementary school emoji and SpongeBob memes.

the butthurt of this poster is funnier than the actual original twitter thread

U mad nibba

U mad 😂😂

fight! fight! fight!

It’s literally this one, isn’t it? https://twitter.com/DjAjeauy/status/1287069721846845442?s=20


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What other words are censored??? Hahaha


man what a shitty hill you decided to die on lmao.

Wait until the next hill I will die on before you call that shitty.

Wait, the Irish owe reparations? For what?

Being Irish

The Potato Famine disporportionally targeted POC

Yes, the "black irish"

And pretty fucking quickly, I began to Mick the Hibernian


You must ask the Hibernian Question

The details of history don't matter anymore. If you're white, you're evil and you owe brown people money. Period.

After she gets it I can use any word I want.

Based femoid exploiting commie Twitter to dunk on the poors

Someone just lost their inheritance

For real. How fucking retarded do you have to be to cuck yourself out of that kind of money?

This girl is a whole new level of brainlet.

She values twitter status more than money

I know its hard for a r/drama user to understand, but some people have ideals and try to live by them



Maybe you should sit in a corner and think about how stupid you are for a few hours?

Nah, im good

"Twitter & Ideals"

This is the hill Canadians are willing to die on 😂😂😂😂

Not all of us fam.

I'll go Vichy Canada for the ch*nks or burgers, whoever gets us first.


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Hitler had ideals and that's why germany lost the war.

Actually pretty true.


Another way too see it is that the war was made possible, and of course lost, because Hitler's and the Reich's addiction to oxycodone and crystal meth.

Germany lost because Hitler was a disgusting vegetarian.

Mayos aren't able to have ideals

Excuse me, having ideals is white culture, so please kindly stop trying to appropriate it.


All she had to do was shut up for a few years and she’d inherent a super fortune that she could shape the world however her extremely well thought out ideals demanded. But she was an idiot and thought virtue signaling on Twitter was the best way to get her point across. Now she will get to be poor. Fitting for a socialist.

America is a place where dreams come true.


OK Boomer

Did you lose your handler or something? How did you get in here?

I can worry about ideals when I’m chilling in the Alps in my mansion

There’s good reason “idealistic” is interchangeable with “childishly ignorant”.



Ideals are for special ed kids who need some retarded ass moral system to tell them they're good.

You know what people with ideals do? Accomplish stuff without prematurely seeking recognition. Come back when she's actually done something with her wealth and power to further her ideals

it appears she ISN'T living by them. Just virtue signalling on Twitter, yet has done nothing to help real folks in need.

Is she giving away her wealth that she "hates" so much? She's another spoiled privileged white girl talking the talk, with no intent to actually walk the walk

*some mayofoids have pitbulls and try to have babies with them

this but ironically


And those people are stupid and deserve to be miserable failures, like Hitler.

this is the stupidest comment i've seen on here, and I regularly read watermarks comment.

Imagine giving a fuck about ideals.

why wait, cut her off right now

See if she still hates Harvard after her tuition doesn’t clear

You mean "h* rv* rd"

If she actually belived in this shit and wasn't dumb it would be smart to wait until she already had money secured and maybe even partial ownership to go full mao

But then she doesn’t get that sweet sweet social media clout triggering dopamine feedback loops

there are endless stories about that family in particular but one that sticks out is their dad paying off an elected official to make my ex’s brother’s weed charge “disappear”

That's the worst story? What a boring family.

The actual story is probably that they paid a lawyer to get the charge expunged, something completely legal and done regularly for drug, alcohol and dui charges.

I mean if there are no benefits to being rich then what's the point.

Don’t even have to be rich, this is a middle class thing

Even if they used a bribe, who fucking cares? It's a weed charge, not fucking murder. And these people probably want people to stop getting into legal trouble for weed anyways! Unless the rich people are actively against legalizing weed who cares?

If true it's more likely contributing to the DA's campaign fund to drop the charges.

Trump's done this a bunch of times, it's been widely reported.

br*wn 20 || h*rv*rd 22

I wonder who paid for that? 🤔 Still something for her to be proud of though, apparently.

Why does she star everything? Even taco bell and such.

She's a m*yo /r/Dr*ma poster

I have no idea why people do that, but the only thing I can think of is that they don’t want the tweet to show up when someone searches the word. Like, there are probably annoying nerds from Harvard who search for ‘harvard’ on twitter and start arguments with anyone who says anything bad about the school, and staring it out avoids that

PTSD from automod

It's simple. Vowels are used to put gender on words, you hecking big*t.

umm its tacx bell


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Autoco rrectcels BTFO

Harvard '22? How's she going to pay the 2 remaining years?

She’ll use daddy’s money and not mommy’s

Y’all keep liking this and ain’t no money came I’m confused.

Lol, maybe because people only pretend to give a shit about reparations so that they can virtue signal about how woke they are.

Just like don't trust my f**ds.

Or maybe people only pretend to feel oppressed to grift money from guilty billionaires.

A billionaire could drop a couple hundred on every gifter they come across and still not make a dent in their fortune. I'm on the grifter's side for this one

Eh as long as you acknowledge jts a grift and not true socialists sticking to their ideals thats good enough for me.

Every. Single. Time.


No fucking way lmao

First world countries were a mistake



Pibble says landlord rights!


Oh she totally molests that poor dog

Godfuckingdamn seriously lmao.

Its deleted now what was it?

Link works for me, but its a pitbull.





Who the fuck names their daughter "Girl"?

unimaginative ass prods

also dumbfuck drunk paddies

so basically tons of irish people

Still though even the "get paid to speak by the state" Gaeltacht uses the common Colleen. Using the straight up Gaels word for some reason bothers the hell out of me.


There used to be people called “Guy”

Still are. I know a Guy lol

🍔s and non-Hibernians be like: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

How are these mayos so stupid. Like mommy just needs to call her lawyer and this dumb, useless foid will be working the mcds for the rest of her life.

She'll make an OnlyFans but essentially will only be making McDs wages because the OnlyFans market is oversaturated now.

I know a girl who made an only fans the same hour she turned 18, last I checked she was making at most 180 some dollars without factoring in tax and whatever outrageous cut OF probally takes.

I bet money shes going full neolib the second that inheritance money comes through.

That inheritance money gone now...

Nobody has ever gotten desinherited over having stupid ass political political opinion, you rslur.

Lol... people have been disinherited (sp rslur) over less...

It's literally nothing lmao. People getting deshinerited is rare af lol.

It’s actually not. I come from a long line of Trust n Estate lawyers. This is all we deal with basically. You’d be surprised at what people are willing to ruin relationships over....

I come from a long line of workers

Poorcel detected. Opinion discarded.

Aww, cutie... You want me to come tuck you in?? You tired? Had enough looking like a fool?

Seething poorcel

t. poorfag

I am fairly certain my familly is richer than yours which is why I am sure of what I am saying.

People never get desinherited, especially not over political opinions, otherwise nobody would ever get inheritances.

Dude, you’ve misspelled Disinheritance three times now... may be use all of your wealth to get an education...

If I wanted good spelling I would pay someone to do it lmao.

Aww, that so cute, non-educated person hiding behind money they probably dont have haha....

Seething poorcel

Depends on how horrified the family is about the concept of one of their own having to work for money and/or living in squalor. Most of the time these trust fund babies are borderline retarded so decent employment is out of the question. So many times the parents just keep the sack of shit on their payroll while quietly despising them.

I agree completely with the last phrase except I doubt anyone would despise a familly member over political opinions except wingnuts.

My father has, on several occasions, threatened to "disinherit" me for doing inconsequential things like posting on this account. Which, I'll admit, I probably deserve.

telling your father you have a reddit account

You deserve it.

Ngl if my kids became socialist I'm donating all the money to charity instead

Why? Sounds like something they would want. Donate it all to a PAC promoting guns or dumping chems in the water instead.

Now this is based.

They are sure gonna miss your trailer lmao

She already is the biggest neolib, as if giving a few hundred bucks to some retards to buy airpods with is going to dent their fortune

Mayo socialism 🤢🤮

Champagne socialism

my esa is a pitty and she’s the love of my life! highly recommend

Of course.

I see this mayofoid is mad about having to wait until she's 25 to get her inheritance

Is she real? Read some of her tweets and she sounds like a troll

It’d be a high effort troll if it’s not real, and therefore the troll has earned getting treated like it’s real

Aye, I'm in favour of this

This mask meme needs to end, I can’t even tell if she’s attractive or not

Sorry, she's taken.

Chunky entitled mayo socialist that’s dog pilled


Shes fuck8ng gross holy shit

i have a pitbull and its just a dumb animal that gives you companionship when you're bored in return for food and water. seeing white people let their dogs lick their mouths and slobber all over their face and let them sleep in their rooms/beds is just mind boggling. anthropomorphizing animals has to be a mental illness.

I think pitbull girls are the new horse girls.

horse girls are a particular breed of crazy, the pibble phenomenon is far more pedestrian foid nonsense.

So how many times has it mauled you?

Zero, because OP is an incel who will never come into contact with a foid to reproduce with and is on a list for trying to rape consensually have sex with a 12 year old


Some people are just.... so fucking stupid it’s absolutely unreal.... ya dumb bitch

I have a feeling this is a high effort troll. I doubt even 1 of the people in the replies recieved money

Harvard 22?...Shouldnt she resign her place of enrollment, and give it to a more deserving person, who has been historically underrepresented? She is part of the problem.

No. She earned her way there, you sexist pig.

Did I suggest she did not earn her place there? I am sure she is very intelligent. BUT as we all know, there are numerous systemic barriers keeping POC out of these institutions. African Americans make up 13-14% of the population, yet Harvards demographics exclude these very people.

That’s precisely why private education needs to be banned.

I agree somewhat...and private prisons should absolutely be banned as well. As well as for profit health care.

"one of my former friends is a direct descendant of thomas jefferson and proud of it... his family even used their “heritage” to buy their way into an expensive manhattan condo". Can someone explain to me how these two things are connected?

she probably mixed up that he got accepted by a NYC building co-up because he was a descendant of thomas jefferson, but he could have been accepted or rejected for any reason. he didn't get a free apartment anyway



I think it means she lets her dog smash 🐶🍆👱🏻‍♀️

Don't worry, the inheritance will all go to her sister

Is that really,why such a huge gap?

Lol women are stupid.

Compared with the rest of the (nationally representative) polling sample, progressive activists are much more likely to be rich, highly educated—and white. They are nearly twice as likely as the average to make more than $100,000 a year. They are nearly three times as likely to have a postgraduate degree. And while 12 percent of the overall sample in the study is African American, only 3 percent of progressive activists are. With the exception of the small tribe of devoted conservatives, progressive activists are the most racially homogeneous group in the country.



So all that twitter checkmarks you see on twitter posting reprehensible "progressive liberal" stuff that makes a mockery of actual progressive values are a very, very vocal minority of people.



t. leftoid

Until women have children they often project their maternal instincts onto people/groups they pity.

TFW you could have been born into an insanely rich and well connected family and been able to go into whatever field you wanted and do whatever you wanted but instead this bitch one that birth lottery.

I accidentally became a socialist

Bitch half your generation is pants on head communist. It's not accidental.

Proof that all these "woke" people who complain about the system being broken really don't care about the system or about equality they really just want to be the ones on top.



