Doh I Missed!

1  2020-07-26 by caliberoverreaching


“Call the poli— oh hold on.”

The marxists that preach an anti-police rhetoric are the ones who call for the police first when shit happens to them lol.

Lmao a woman I know felt bad for calling the cops on her trashy boyfriend after he kicked her door in and threatened her "because we hate the police." She's a rich mayo whose most serious struggle in life happened when we were in college and people found out she had a lesbian threesome at a party. Champagne socialists love the idea of police, they just only want police that perfectly align with their perceptions of right and wrong at all times with no ambiguity. Its almost like leftist purity spiraling is a well documented issue... 🤔


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Don't play in the road.

Remember everyone freaking out about the fat broad that got squished by a Charger-driving rightoid in Charlottesville? Doubt people would give a fuck now, with four years of accelerationism hanging round our necks like a fuckin albatross. We're maybe a month away from profligates on crosses lining designated protesting highways like the aftermath of a Roman slave rebellion, six weeks tops.

Nay , burgercels don't have the balls to act like romanchads would.

Why is it always Aurora?

shooting into a crowd of protesters, how incredibly based.

Apparently the car was trying to go the airport and the protestors shot each other by accident.


If youre getting trolled on Tw*tter by Ted Cruz, you really need to re-evaluate your platform.

At what point will society re-think rejecting eugenics.

Because, common cure for 80% of shit in 2020 could have been eugenics.

Don’t let the fat, dumb, weak or sub 7” have babies. We’d eliminate all but the very best

Y'know I'm shocked we haven't seen a much bigger incident yet. It's probably coming if this keeps up though.

In Seattle, a car plowed into two protestors, killing at least one. Of course the protestors were white and the driver was black.

What are rioters even doing on what looks like a rural road?

it's a Denver suburb, disrupting traffic along the ring highway is how they demand attention. They exhausted all the good monuments and public squares in the city to deface during that iconoclast anti-statue purge we had a few weeks back.

The Summer of Love rolls on