Reddit upvotes a hategroup again. 77k points.

1  2020-07-26 by newhomedude


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How can it be a hategroup if they love doing it?

How can it be a hate group if you absolutely love to see it and spend real money giving their picture fake gold and gems?

Don't care. I want to see more marches like this regardless of their race. Maybe something with finally kick off the end times


Maybe something with finally kick off the end times


My most radcen view is not supporting the second amendment is racist because armed minorities are more difficult to opress.

TLDR: Arm trans women now.

That's not even a radcen view that's like libcenter

This kills the schizoids

In Louisville on Saturday, three members of the group were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries when a weapon was accidentally discharged, police said.

OHHH it's these morons lmao



lol another instance of Black ethno nationalists being both anti-Semitic and anti-wh*te, and only getting called out for one of them.

If only Black ethno nationalists had the brains, they'd stay quiet about the Jewish question and focus on taking white people out first. Instead they just shoot themselves in the foot - metaphorically and literally, in this case.

Jesus christ whine harder you fucking rightoid babies.


Are the mods going to do anything about the deluge of MDE type "black people did thing" or "reddit did thing" posts containing zero drama?

This isn't a great post but how is this MDE tier lol

Being a rightoid is when you make fun of people supporting ethnostates

Seethe more black supremacist

Imagine not doing everything possible to bring mayocide sooner

Not wanting humancide

Wow this the all lives matter of drama posting. Truly pathetic


Imagine not upvoting drama.


But Blacks are supreme you fucking mayo burgermutt

the fact that you're against the mayocide is proof enough that this sub has been once again been overtaken by the mde menace


So cool and (based) he said everyone should die!!!!

Lame. Mayos aren't humans

Maybe try leaving a tip, unless you honestly expect them to work for free

wait fuck wrong comment

have you tried sorting by controversial? There's all kinds of drama in that thread.