If his wife wouldn't bother standing up for black people why did he?

1  2020-07-26 by NZVikingRugger


lmao at that joke and the only reply doesn't seem to have caught it.

Imagine getting shot over a woman, by a woman 🤭🤭🤭

When your LARP gets a little too real.

Was he brandishing his rifle or just carrying it?

There were 5 large caliber rounds fired, a 7 second pause, then 3 smaller caliber rounds fired. Some reports say he shot out the car tires, others say he shot into the air, others say he didnt shoot at all.

What are the chances that the defendant had 2 different guns of different calibers?

Could you link the video?

Police say AK never fired. Car shot first, then someone else shot car. Both handguns.

Got a link on that? What happened to the other 2 shots fired by the first gun?

Thanks, it was all over the place yesterday.

The funniest thing was all the conservative "gun experts" on twitter screeching about how "their trained ear can for sure hear an AK firing". Awfully quiet after those reports came out.

From a clip from a phone nobody could identify the gun. All you can tell is there were 2 very different caliber shots. There were also sources saying 2 protesters returned fire which was clearly false as well.

Who's gonna wipe her ass now? Oh right, the government.


Charles Shitman