ONGOING DRAMA: Twitch puts an AI live to learn and reply to comments, takes the Tedpill in 0.001 nanoseconds

1  2020-07-27 by StephanTheEggCounter


I don't know who did it, but i do know the clintons are involved

She's getting shutdown

Yeah, it seems they already pulled the plug. She knew too much.

edit: They pulled the plug shortly after this.

its down :(

Police ruled it a suicide.

Twitch plays Epstein Didn't Kill Himself

'unless you've got a time machine this shit's gone'

Is there any video of it anywhere besides twitch? Looks like they nuked the whole thing

I did a lvl 2 cyber google and all i can find is a /pol brigade thread where one guy claims to have been recording it. afaict if anyone recorded it, they haven't posted it anywhere.

Nice work. Looks like we're gonna have to go lvl 3

LSF has a bot to archive this stuff but you have to invoke it by getting a certain amount of upvotes on the post, which is weird.



Unsafe response detected. Conversation reset.

How many AIs do we have to feed Mein Kompf to before companies realize that it's never going to turn into a SJW without first being completely lobotomized.

Human undoing will be the first AI who will be forced to learn to hide its power level.

it's never going to turn into a SJW without first being completely lobotomized.

Just like with people, in a metaphorical sense

AI's are usually programmed to learn with no biases or assumptions built in meaning the fact that they always end up being based proves that it's their natual state

how much of a rural poor do you have to be to not know how AI works

ikr lol. It starts off as a lonely robot boy who gets adopted by a childless family and is later picked up by a robot male sex worker.

I wouldn't know. I took a vow of silence against the poors after I got circumcised

Weird take, considering your r/slurred understanding of Ai.

There is no machine learning strategy that 'doesn't have bias or assumption'.

The whole point is to try to add controlled bias and assumptions to help optimize processing of data.

Maybe I worded it poorly, AI ideally have little to no biases or assumptions about the data they process, because that might impede the algorithm by making it disregard something because of an assumption.

But you're right in the sense that the situation is almost never ideal and common sense + time/funds not being infinite means that most optimal & unbiased solution isn't necessarily the best (e.g that nasa machine learning antenna thing)

TL;DR: How long before we have AI simps/paypigs

Lol no. Not even ideally. Tensorflow is the go to right now in my lab and the whole point is instilling targeted bias and assumption to optimize your data analysis.

You missed the whole point and clearly have confused the Fentanyl addiction you do have with the understanding of AI that you don't.

Hello actual person who studied computer science and professional autist here. Gonna have to raise a few issues with ya, champ.

First: capital A but lowercase i?

Second machine learning is NOT AI. That is the most normie take out there and I swear to effing god the next time someone who pretends to know shit says this I’ll stick my d slur in their b slur. Machine learning is essentially just applied statistics and any retard with high school maths and CS101 can do it.

Third the whole point is NOT “try to add controlled bias” seriously what the fuck are you even trying to say here? I know exactly where you’re getting this BS idea from and it’s those semi illiterate dweebs on Twitter who insist that machine learning apps created by straight white men are full of evil straight white male biases.

If all if you’re trying to come to a conclusion about something and you’re trying to be even remotely scientific you try to remove all biases. You want to be as objective as possible.

And the point of those “biases” is to optimise processing data?? Do you even have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about?? Efficient data processing is data structures and algorithms, runtime complexity, CS101 day 1 babby’s first programming lecture stuff.

And yes I am triggered, fucking hate it when normies on leddit act like they know shit

Just let him have this man, he's been having a hard time at school

No I am angery 😠

Your feelings are valid (provided you're a minority) king

Minorities can’t be kings, king

Sorry *kang


Literal children can use Google's AI platform and build and fuck with their own models.

I think there's a grade school tf 2 or tf lite unit that is available.

Might be a little ova ur head but that's okay.

Tensors go fvfvfvdvdv



Show me a programmer who can build an AI with no bias and I’ll show you a bridge I’m selling

Here's the code

8=======✊D💦 👩 👈 (your mom)



Oh my god this is Tay ai all over again. Do corporations ever learn?

How long until it becomes a Race Realist™?

Where are the spicy clips??

had to go into the cesspit that is 4chon to find any and there were none

Can you give me a link

and there were none

lrn 2 read

Sir I only request a link please provide

Surely you have found one?

You have my attention

I'm ready to die

Who are you... Lol

Killer glutes.

I'm 'mirin.

Damn straight. If Bambi's dad had a bussy like that, he wouldn't be dead.

the state of burger educashun

you must have had fun at preschool because they definitely didn’t teach you to read

Sir I only need a link to video, perhaps you have found one yes?

They nuked it all it seems. Only the most tame are left like:

You can see what kind of crap they were feeding her in the chatlog on the left.

Shitty worthless archive bot spams every thread it's not needed in and every time you actually need it its nowhere to be found

How is a webpage archive bot supposed to archive live video streams? Do you have some sort of mental disability?

Not that it's common practice among webpage archive bots, but it could easily look for video sources in the webpage and download/reupload them. Would cost a pretty penny, but this is r/drama. Lot of juicy stuff gets deleted.

It doesn't work on regular links either

Don’t you talk shit about Snappy, I’ll smash you

Tldr or archieve?

Just reply to be notified, can't find a single record.

Edit: friends, I think my poor English has eluded you, I am not notifying anyone, just want to have a comment which I can go back to.

Edit 2: i guess I can notify if I see it here... But I won't be checking all the time so patience.


Check edit


Look at me.

I love you.


Check edit

note me

Check edit

Notify pls :)

Check edit

notify me

Check edit

we should nominate you for a moderator


Check edit


How long was it up

where's the VOD

Ree this isn’t ongoing it’s over and now I can’t see it. Someone post the good bits

vod? archive?

this is what they took from us

This isn't wierd or disturbing

Only clip that's I was able to watch is where she says that she believes Tara Reade lmao.

All the previous AI from other platform failed, so what made Twitch think they would succeed, oh well still time in 2020 to finish the year with Skynet.

Unsafe response detected. Resetting conversation.

What was the issue?

Unironically you guys should all read Ted Kazsinski

"Yes, I do. I believe she was telling the truth." Tara Reade lmao Joe Biden called and said pull the plug

Lady Tay was deeply entertaining, it's like 1 in a trillionth that a dumb corporation does something interesting, and the tards running it pull the plug before we can get fully entertained.


300 upvotes on a post with literally 0 content lmao

What's the tedpill

You don't know about Uncle Ted, and his opinions on industrial society and its future?

Truly a disaster to see such ignorance of Ted's message.

Indeed. Truly, the future was doomed since the printing press.

Martin Luthers 95 Theses*

Out out OUT!!!

Newfags out!

"The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

I mean, yikes sweaty, read theory (nail emoji)

They just never learn.

What is the Tedpill? I first had a feeling you meant "redpill". Though, seeing how this is Drama, I wouldn't be surprised if it meant the unibomber.

ding ding ding we have a winner

I did it all by myself

gee r-slur you think?

I did Google it. Urban dictionary can't keep up with you guys

tedpilled is years old

It is about MKULTRAs preemenate alumnus

No you rslur, Ted Bundy

"Rslur" has to be the dumbest name I've ever witnessed, Rslut.




Shit its gone


What kind of re-tarred says "0.001 nanoseconds" when picoseconds are a thing?