A girl someone matched with on Tinder might be cheating or in an open relationship. It's up to Reddit to reassure everyone that non-monogamy is heckin valid.

1  2020-07-27 by mugiamagi


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tbh, if someone tried to pick me up with a Rubik cube joke, I also would have a boyfriend suddenly.

/r/Tinder is the perfect sub to showcase that the average redditor is blissfully unaware of what humor is but also doesn't have enough IQ to find out how unfunny they actually are.

I think tinder and the people who go on there are some of the most embarrassing people on reddit. So many people who complain they’ve never had a match. I replied to a comment yesterday in a long post basically saying “you have to try and make yourself appealing as a partner” and everyone just said “no that’s too hard.” Someone accused me of being a chick because I said I have matches and go on dates on a regular basis.

Isn’t this the case for all of reddit though? Be male, mention that you sometimes fuck women that aren’t your fat wife and it’s immediately met with skepticism and jealousy induced downvotes.

Not drama though, you lot love to hear about me fucking sluts. ❤️

Yeah, I mean it’s frustrating because I tried to give the advice that worked for me. Like I’ve never been a terribly looking guy, but over the last 1.5 years I’ve basically been able to go on a date every week that I haven’t been committed to a person. I’ve lost 20 lbs, started dressing better, quit drinking every day, got a better haircut etc. I’m also willing to match with girls who aren’t 10/10 as well which is probably also the problem for most redditors. It’s just so strange seeing people just give up so easily lol like have you even tried?

But yeah I do love all the degenerates of this lovely place. At least we realize what we aee

You have to remember that it's not a meme that most redditors are fat and gross. Trust me, they are not only going for the tens. They are swiping right on everyone and still not getting any interest because ugly women still get to fuck average men because men are pathetic. We can capitalise on this.

I used to try and give people advice too but I soon realised they are too far gone and it's better just to laugh. I have some great advice for us average folk though.

I'm 5'8" and bald and do great when it comes to getting women. Dating apps used to be OK for me but I realised I was selling myself short and I could get way hotter women IRL because men these days are pussies. Women are not used to a man going up to them and telling them "we should do something together tomorrow becuase if I don't see you again it's going to be a disaster, what's your number?" Or something equally cringe. It makes their pussies so god damn moist, they can't help but admire your balls and want to suck on them immediately. It has to be cringe, that's the point. You take the risk and show that you don't care that other people can hear. It's the kind of real man shit they are so starved of.

It worked for me Saturday night. Learn to not give a fuck what people around you think. Learn to deal with rejection because it will happen a lot and you'll find that you can get way hotter women than you can on Tinder.

Try writing something like that on r/tinder and they'll just tell you you're LARPing. There's no point.

I also work out a lot to counter the short and bald part. Muscles help.

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

I am a bot.

Absolutely 🤖💡👨‍🦲

lololololololololololololol even the bots do it see!


Lmfao rekt


He's sentient.

the king is back

It's also a sausage fest. 3 out of 4 users on Tinder are moids.

I went out with a girl that legitimately had 250 pending matches. I asked her how the fuck she managed to sort through all that and she just said “I don’t, I just go by the first picture and their pickup line”

I replied to a comment yesterday in a long post basically saying “you have to try and make yourself appealing as a partner” and everyone just said “no that’s too hard.” Someone accused me of being a chick because I said I have matches and go on dates on a regular basis.

Lmao yeah that's typical of the tindercels in that sub. Getting pussy isn't hard, r*dditors just think it is because they think they're all special and unique people basedf on absolutely nothing but their existence on this godawful website that's only useful for producing quality smol brain takes, and then wonder why nobody wants to date them and their star wars figurine collections.

I really think the issue is that they think the people they’re going after are going to take an interest in their hobbies rather than vice versa. Most people want to talk about themselves, they don’t want you talk about yourself. Ask them about whatever white girl shit they’re into and they’ll talk for hours. Just listen and act interested and you’ll do fine

Pussy is cheap, just smile, laugh and don’t get a retard and women will throw themselves at tou

it's impossible to become funny though. look at Joe Rogan. obsessed with comedy, gone to lengths to hone his comedic chops that no normal person could be expected to go, still not remotely funny

Yet people still lay for his comedy. And if he has the confidence to do stand-up... You should have the confidence to approach a girl

You should have the confidence to approach a girl

Hopefully so you can yeet them out a window.

bussy > gussy

Honestly I have no idea how to make myself appealing so I just use my dog as bait

Honestly just go to the gym and start lifting weights lol. You can be 20lbs overweight but as long as it looks like you lift you’ll still find chicks to talk to you

It's filled with incels in denial. Reminds me of that post of some complete rightoid autist talking about vidya games and trump in his profile while being ugly af and wondering why he didn't get any matches lmao


I tried to find it but I couldn't. At least I found a lot of Tinder drama to look through when I'm bored


If you ever use the words "intimidated" or tell a girl "were dating now" you're a bitch and text like a preteen girl.

It makes me question if he would even know what to do with gussy. Would he solve it like a rubiks cube?

Bras are already like rubiks cubes, I know because the one time I did the sex I fumbled around like a sperg because I was excited for le boobies.

You've overdosed on 80s movies. A clasp is NOT a puzzle. 🧩😕

Only when you're trying to be all cool and do it one-handed.

Should’ve asked if her boyfriends was single. Bussy > gussy

finally the real truth comes out

girls have bssy to tho

just because we don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s wrong



☢️☢️ Toxic ☢️☢️

Whenever polycels describe what a poly relationship is it always end up sounding like they have a roommate they share a kink with


What do you think dating and living together is?

It’s a kink and who the fuck is actually monogamous? Everyone be window shopping and trying on different dresses every other week.

Many monarchs in history(since we have the best records in them usually) have a history of this. Greeks and romans were open sexually, the French have been known for this.

Greeks also fucked kids, so I don’t think we should take their opinions on sexual matters .

uhh heckin pedophobia sweaty

Emptying your load in her is one thing but god forbid they go eat food after

You just posted a ledditor joke from the thread in here and thought no one would notice?


Crosspost this to r/relationshipadvice. Everyone will agree that the girl is exploring her options and the guy flirting with her is a homewrecker who wants to gaslight her into an abusive relationship

I once saw my ex posting on /r/relationshipadvice a couple months after we broke up. After reading it I felt a little better about being single lmao

Tldr the post she made. And how did you know it was her?

I don't wanna say anything abt it because I'm pretty sure she browses this sub, but it was basically about some problem she was having with another guy where after reading it I agreed with the guy.

I recognized her reddit username.

Pm her now, or give me her username and I can do it for you

I like how the match happened in 2018, redditor tindercels really have to reach back for content huh. Tinder algorithm finally stopped working overtime for his dopamine

It’s always funny to see Redditors try to use Redditspeak and humor to attract women and get immediately shot down

I’m no chad but posts like that always make me feel better about myself

"Excuse me m'lady, but does thou perchance know when the narwhal bacons? It is important you answer this question posthaste lest I deem you unworthy of my seed!"

Why do only Chads get girls????

I work in philosophy.

Lol, no you don't



Pick one.


For shame. For shame.

We once were morally ok with slavery, that changed

I guess that's a perspective thing.