Insane r-slut freaks out about ashow that almost ended a decade ago. Clear eyes full heart

1  2020-07-28 by cfbWORKING


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Lmao as a huge FNL fan I loved this

Just finished it , can’t believe it took me this long

it really is one of the best shows ever. lags in season 2 obv but the fact that midway through the show they just flipped almost the entire cast and sent coach to east dillon and it somehow got BETTER is incredible.

julie taylor worst character. lyla a distant second. jason street also in the mix

coach, coach's wife, riggins, lance, vince, luke cafferty, all very good characters. shouts to the guy lance killed with a pipe in s2 as well

imho the most satisfying series finale ever. literally every character storyline gets sewn up well.

Season 2 was a writers strike deal. Everything on tv went to shit besides Conan o brain

Jason is terrible after awhile.

Julie sucks as a person but is a little too believable. She is hot but doesn’t know it really, just makes a fuck ton of stupid decisions. All believable imo.

It did not surprise me in the least to come to reddit and find a bunch of losers hating on riggins

Getting Michael b Jordan was pretty clutch. They had a solid cast of “high school” actors

it's weird too because by the end of it, julie is kind of the hottest female character. especially since lyla has been way gone by then.

mrs coach does it for me, too though. also I am ashamed that I would probably kick the tires on that mexican chick, "Epyck"

Mrs. Taylor is an absolute smoke show, I can only imagine the things said about her in the locker room when Coach wasn’t around. It blew my mind when I found out she is from Boston, actually does a pretty respectable “milf from Fort worth” accent

Epyck definitely likes girls.

Tyra is the goat. Lyla is hot and all but I know that baptist chick too well. Not a fan. Give me trashy Tyra all day.

Tyra is the goat

she's exceptionally attractive and looks like she eats bootyhole, so I must agree. I kinda agree on lyla but I'm biased because I saw her in the french market one time here in NOLA and IRL she is legitimately the most beautiful human being I've ever seen (after mrs gh22, of course). the definition of a 10

Yeah we are splitting hairs on women that in real life would be known via Facebook and Instagram by every dude in west Texas. Dillion was a very talent rich town

It’s kinda weird when you see someone that hot in person. I know I am not batting in the major leagues but It humbles you quickly.

I went a rich WASP Houston high school and know a lot of hot rich women but when i saw Elizabeth turner, an Instagram model, at the flora Bama my jaw was just on the floor. She was with a hair stylist that i from BR that was working for southern marsh, who is also a babe but made her look like trash.

It humbles you quickly


I went a rich WASP Houston high school

stratford or strake? or maybe memorial lol

Nah I was In the loop.

Strake is catholic and all boys. St Agnes their sister school is probably the hottest but most stuck up in Houston. It’s a cult.

Come to think about it, i don’t really know a ton of memorial or Stratford chicks. The friends that went there were I know via LSU and after. Especially when I was 16, Stratford might as well been Katy. All I knew was there was dude my age named Andrew luck with a rifle.

No rape