15 year old rslur white girl gets surprised by her improperly masked new church friends on her birthday. Totally normal and mentally healthy leftoids react accordingly.

1  2020-07-28 by hungarianmeatslammer


If you type the phrase “As a Canadian...”, you should automatically be banned from the internet

As a Saskatchewanian I approve this message.

are we just making up words now

As an Ontarian, yeah, I think the people in Saskatchewan went a bit crazy. The land is a bit too flat there, just endless wheat, kind of like the Ohio of Canada. The Prairies are like store brand flyover states.

Their largest city is called saskatoon and their capital rhymes with vagina, I think they're just fucking with all of us to ease their boredom.

We had a guy at work from BC. He noped out after six months. Said that he is going crazy because of the endless horizon. And because it was -50 C with windchill.

See I don’t understand this. Mayos with at least some kind of northern Eurasian/Neanderthal heritage should theoretically be adapted to snow monkey environments (like shorts in winter Chads, I was never one of them but had a friend who enjoyed people seething over it). Like just put a heavy coat on. You can at least put on clothes to get hotter to adapt to winter but with summer you can’t get cooler even after you’ve taken most of your clothes off. I hate bugs more than I hate the cold, although maybe it’s because I live in a more humid environment. I always prefer below zero winter over 30 mosquito bites. No you gotta complain and are bitching and moaning for it to be summer and how cold you are.

I always prefer below zero winter over 30 mosquito bites

We have both in Saskatchewan. You will get eaten alive by mosquitoes in summer here. There are about 100,000 lakes and ponds in Sask. They breed in them like crazy. In really bad years you will have literally black clouds of mosquitoes flying around. So on one hand you have temperatures in winter that will kill you within 5 minutes and on the other hand you will get eaten by mosquitoes in summer. And don't forget mud season in spring, where all the snow melts and everything is full of dirt and mud for two months.


Sir, the Prairie Helicopters are all we have, don't disrespect our military like this


Good news is that most Canadians wouldn't consider yall prairie monkeys "Canadian" anyways 👍👍

Imagine not only living in desolate fly over country, but in canadian desolate fly over country

I approve you pay your fucking taxes you parasite.

Parasites live only east of Ontario.

Get the flair

A sasquatch?

As a Canadian, I hope our border stays closed for a long time if you guys want to keep doing this shit and pretend everything is normal.

Why does anyone think Americans care if they close their border? Oh no, leafs are wagging their finger at us. We better act right lest we miss out on experiencing their brutal winters?

Because fewer than 10% of them live further than 100 miles from the border and cannot fathom life not constantly thinking about the US. Just for reference, Los Angeles is 130 miles from Mexico. 90% of Canadians live closer to the US than LA to Mexico. So they literally cannot think about a life that doesn't include crossing the border.

Don't quite me on it but I think I read that more Americans live further North than Canadians.

Seattle is farther North than Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal.

New England? Yeah makes sense.

Gee, all those celebrities who said they'd move must be flocking to Leafland in droves.

Don’t yall northerners have summer houses and lake houses in Canada?

It's funny because Canadians are treating it the same as Americans but we just have less people travelling here and are less dense population wise. The only places you'll see regular mask use is Toronto and Vancouver. I live in a city of 1.5million and the grocery store employees still aren't wearing masks.

I live in another Ontario city and it's 50/50 between who is and is not wearing a mask, but all the employees at stores I've seen are wearing them. Small towns, it seems 20/80 with most people not wearing masks or social distancing, but the number of people who are related in some form might have something to do with that.

Has anyone in the history of time typed, written or said the words ‘as a ____’ and followed it up with something of value?

As a bussy connoisseur

It always sickens me watching Americans simp for leafs.

“As an American, I totally agree with you. Most Americans are stupid and bad, but not me, I’m like you!”

As an American, my country could probably make that happen if we really wanted to, the Internet is basically revolves around US.



  • mayo 🤮
  • happy and content with life even when having a genetic disorder
  • doesn’t play act as a pagan and praise Odin, but is unironically Christian
  • has people in life that actually care about her
  • isn’t locked inside a filthy house being extremely online and scolding people who aren’t

    I’m infuriated rn 😡

doesn’t play act as a paganwizard and praise Odinwand shit, but is unironically Christian

doesn’t play act as a paganwizard person with respectable opinions and praise Odinwand shit bussy (lmao), but is unironically Christian

mayo 🤮 happy and content with life even when having a genetic disorder

Nothing white people hate more then actual victims of circumstance doing better then them.

Twitter people raise my blood pressure.

Group of white people being happy? Not on my social media platform!

member that time when a whte wman posted a picture of her family and the whole twatter went mad!?

Are you talking about the one where everyone said “there’s just something so sinister about this”? Good times.

Lol that post and this one really highlights how these twitter losers are miserable, spiteful and bitter pieces of shit

I only post happy shit on social media, which basically constitutes trolling to them at this point although that's not my intent.

I've lost a number of friends as a result... they want me to be as pissed off as them I guess. NOPE!

NNOOOO why aren't you as miserable as me you piece of shit nnooo

Wow that's a great post OP now why don't you talk about the Uiguergers in China as well huh


Honest question: What is the difference between Lawls and Lawlz???

“Lawls” is that guy being a moron. “Lawlz” is MasterLawlz, a mod here who often shitposts.

Next time, pay attention.

I'm sorry 😢 I will educate myself and be better

“Lawls” is that guy being a moron. “Lawlz” is that guy being a moron.

Yeah just me being an r slur

Social media really does just make people evil. At least we’re evil in a fun way.

FB and Twitter might be cheating, but it’s a trip to just browse random Reddit profiles from default subs sometimes. Half of them are fucking insane and will prob have a stroke within 20 years.

For some reason I still instinctively open up a reddit app in the morning in bed which launches to /r/all. Recently there has always been a random emotional riot picture of police officers trying to stop rioters from burning down the city. 100k upvotes about how this is literally fascism.

I don't know if it's me who's losing his mind or not. It's harder to believe reddit would attract literally hundreds of thousands of bottom feeding room temperature re tards. I blame covid for pushing the average normie to be terminally online

That's my reaction browsing arrr worldnews

They're so open about their struggle, too. It's as if they don't have real life friends to vent about their problems. Why would you decide to say deeply personal things online, to hundreds, if not thousands or millions, of strangers?

speak for yourself. i'm not evil, im an angel

Yeah, a FALLEN angel 😈

Try not to get BTFO'ed little Lucifer

were cheeky evil

Why are they attacking the slow girl for being a republican? She's with her people.

agenda posters hate happiness

nah man, tens of thousands of people shouting and standing inches away from eachother hasn't been shown to increase the transmission of the disease; and it's for a good cause too.


Unironically wholesome

Joggers will look at a Mayo American having a heartfelt inspiring moment and look for a reason to hate them.

PublicFreakout is fucking cancer. I got banned from there the other day, not for breaking the rules, but for pointing out that statistically cops don't kill blacks more than whites - a totally verifiable statistic.

I was even conciliatory about it, basically "We'll never solve any real problems so long as we keep pretending that this is the real issue when it's clearly not".

Literal banning for wrong-think.

Yeah the peoplemods that run that place are dumb.

Thus the increasingly popular ActualPublicFreakouts

This post took me back to the days before nonstop agenda posting. No “who’s right who’s wrong,” just some burgers beating the shit out of each other.

Racist against aspies. Comment removed. How am I settling into my new job?


smh still not caught up to the post-truth world. Living under a rock?

Can’t dare let someone be happy right?

How do these people survive their average day

locked inside, hiding from the light and society

Twitter tax when

no, just shut it down. these people dont deserve any form of perverse happiness they get from it


imagine being such a pathetic fucking loser this wholesome as fuck video makes you mad because kung flu.

Bitterness. The people screeching this shit are the friendless, no-lifers who don't go out anyway.

I despise the way people have adopted the word wholesome as a replacement for heartwarming, touching, or optimistic. Wholesomeness is not some internet meme telling you you're cute. It is the encouragement of activities and behaviour that make one "whole", to be the best version of yourself. Wholesomeness is the promotion of good values and ideals to others, in other to help them achieve their greatest potential. Goddamn zoomers.

Seetheposting aside, these people are pathetic, and only by spreading misery can they feel joy in the entirety of their sad existence.

I think friends supporting each other is an activity that makes one "whole"

I just hate seeing it everywhere. It's a buzzword that's slowly losing its meaning.

That's a wholesome opinion

It just makes me want to commit bioterrorism to own the libs 😎

The libs must be owned at all times and at places regardless of the costs

As a Canadian, I hope our border stays closed

Ease up on the xenophobia there drumpfkin junior!

It's ok when they do it, they wear masks

Significant portion of black twitter is nothing but ratchet.

With lot of sweaty emojis for some reason...


Fun facts about Williams Syndrome, it is also called Spongebob Syndrome. They are quite musical despite having extra sensitive ears. They are super friendly to everyone but are easily taken advantage because they trust everyone.

Its basically what would happen if you made a golden retriever human, most people would enjoy them in passing but get super annoyed after 3 hours with them and they would trust anyone they just met.

Gimmie more fun facts about Williams disorder and did Robin Williams have it cause he was loud, sensitive and weird

RW was not one. They are also called elves because they are small, slight of build, and have upturned noses and odd ears. I think they look like Whos from Whoville. When you describe their facial features it sounds like they should be attractive but when you see them it just looks wrong.

They (often) have button noses, almond shaped eyes, blue starburst eyes, full lips, wide smile, and small pointed chin.

It's not a twitter thread without someone shilling some shitty charity

Basketball Americans are cursed of mind reading Mayos and assuming the worst


they're wearing masks wrong

"Uh they're CHILDREN, leave them alone"

the child's sister is a Trumper

"holy shit lets drag this bitch"

They can’t comprehend that there isn’t money begging in the follow up tweet...

One of those twitter shills in the “erhmegherd she a republicannn”thread is called “bernie sanders is still running for president” lol. Wake up from fairyland



Profitable should never be in front of the words "binary options trader".

Lmfao they're absolutely fuming. All these politically obsessed wokies are absolutely miserable. Whenever you're laughing at them, keep in mind that they're legitimately unhappy and constantly seethe because of it. Allah keeps justice in this world 🙏


Never have I wanted to scream “reeeeee” very loudly until now.