In light of recent events involving a Late Night Jimmy calling out China, /r/StupidPol takes the plunge and decides to firmly position itself against BreadTubers, thus BTFO'ing them once again.

1  2020-07-28 by 32624647


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The majority of people who own guns are either the gubbment, hustlers, or reactionaries. The actual groups marx generally had a concern about currently have no power.

Socialist contempt for the working class on display again.

this comic causes so much rage in lefty subs its glorious

As their new saying goes - a hit dog will holler.

Neither comic is wrong

Radical centrism wins again


I’m fine with anyone getting in as long as they aren’t commies tbh


Reddit socialists support gun ownership in the form of "community armories" whatever the fuck that means.

Maybe it's what Chaz used for it's "community executions."

Socialized ventilations

Free neo-vaginas anywhere you like


Every single Reddit socialist has their own idea of how their utopia should be set up. That's why they're always fight amongst themselves

Maybe some sort of community-formed group could be trained up for these 🤔

That sub will slowly be taken over by the homeless chapos

It's been chapo with a mild sense of opsec for months now.

That sub has been cth 2.0: class reduction edition for over a year now

Sort by controversial if you wanna see stupidpol's attempt to BTFO the troids

They unironically claim you can't be a socialist if you are against heckin feminine benis.

Mao took many holidays to Thailand and it wasn't for the food know what I'm sayin'

Oh he had some snacks alright

Mao loved sucking delicious landchad cock.

Translord rights!

That's cope talk right there

It is really interesting how every commie sub thinks every other commie subs are infested with libs.

A leftist's worst enemy is a slightly different leftist

r/stupidpol has kinda gone to shit. I got banned from there for simply stating Jewish people own almost all the banks and mega corporations.

Which is just a straight fact

Did you inform them that it's because they're the master race?

I got banned for saying it was hypocritical of Bloomberg magazine to complain about white people being 15% overrepresented as Fortune 500 CEOs when Jewish people are ovee represented 1500% among the ultra rich.

I got banned for saying Bernie had already lost the primary a week before he dropped out. The jannies said I was spreading false information. They had to go all "here's how Bernie can still won" on me

I had to leave during bernies failure. The conspiracy theories were too much. The old communist who got btfo by over 2 million more votes for Hillary in 2016 didn’t need any dnc intervention to lose the primary this year.

Jewish people own almost all the banks and mega corporations.

Which is just a straight fact

Lmao got the stats on this? Somehow I don't think you have anything to share that isn't a /pol/ propaganda image.

check out this ms paint picture i got from a roman statue head on twitter

I got b& for being too Ted-pilled and glowy.

stupidpol was garbage from the start, trying to separate identity from politics is like trying to write without words

Jayish marxists and troons deserve each other. Why is stupidpol trying so hard to convince everyone they're only half r worded.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with China?

John Oliver released a video on China and the uyghurs and it has some commies seething

Seething about... troons?

Sorry you said the J___ O_____ words so I don't want to know any more if it involves that Brummie cunt.

The tankies don't like it when you mention China's human rights abuses

Tankies don't like it when you mention lots of things. Still doesn't explain why are they arguing about the dilation generation when appatently what triggered it was that awful Bong.

Chapo before getting popular and after

It actually wasn't that bad circa 2016 - mid 2017. I'm honestly not sure what happened, but it got filled with bullshit wokescolds who referred to the word "retard" as "the r-word". It was honestly so fucking funny and the only real reason I posted on it after that was to rile them up.

Dramacel R-slurs BTFO.

Can someone please explain to me why these two groups hate eachother without using nonsensical rêtard speech. And wtf is this "lib" boogyman they're so desperate to not be

Liberals are more capitalist than leftists, who are typically socialist/communist. That's a bit simplified but basically you're politically misgendering them.

Also to answer your first question there are "real" communists and there are "uwu marx is bae" zoomers (some millenials) that more or less choose to be communists to get back at their parents. If you ask a communist zoomer where Marx stood on an issue they'll just assume it's whatever they would have wanted him to say because they've never actually read any political theory.

And in reality, they're all libs


This meme would land harder if the quotes were supported with a citation though

Atleast they're selfaware

Stupidpol is the worst sub