A commie food maker (i dunno what to call it?) feeding Portland Rioters for free disappears once a congressman donates $300k to them

1  2020-07-28 by Corporal-Hicks


Woke grifters are my favorite grifters.

How can we scam all of them at once without going full blown insurance company?

al sharpton has made a career out of it

literally who

if social media is going to be the end of western civilization, might as well use it to make some money off losers

Commies "Donating" money in exchange for goods and services. You could make an economic system out of that πŸ€”

Social media was a mistake.

I like the photo in this article. I think that lady ate all the food donations.

that's a woman?

I think she's transitioning to whale.

And I thought that she's just a burger.

Commies are just jealous poors. That dude gonna buy a lifetime of heroin with the cash.

Commies are just jealous poors.

They're jealous, but not poor. Quoting Steinbeck:

Except for the field organizers of strikes, who were pretty tough monkeys and devoted, most of the so-called Communists I met were middle-class, middle-aged people playing a game of dreams.

I'd update it to say they are mostly in their teens and 20s, but it's the same group.

Muh limo champagne

middle aged? Interesting. I would have said they were early 20s late teens before they moved out of their mom's house.

This was back in the day. The people Steinbeck described remind me of the women who participate in book clubs. I guess they still were in a book club, except they just read Das Kapital over and over.

Ran off on da plug πŸ˜‚πŸƒπŸΌπŸ”Œ