TCrew posts the Cslur

1  2020-07-28 by CapitalistVenezuelan


Something is honestly wrong with you

I think it’s nerves. He’s built a career fighting against the impression of a threat as a big Black strong man. He might feel empowerment night personally set him back

So they think that Crews not wanting to be seen as a thug is why he's running counter to their movement? Interesting

He might feel empowerment might personally set him back

This dude says, on a tweet literally calling for personal empowerment. I'm honestly not convinced Twitter users read posts at all before commenting. They simply tap into the raging hivemind and leave some smug post.

They simply tap into the raging hivemind and leave some smug post.

That's not exclusive to twitter lol

I do that every day, shit.

but it's funny when we do it

It's funny when we so it, not Reddit

Dont ever compare me to a Redditor, sir


I told some leftoid "libertarian" to stop buying stuff from billionaires and they threw the "I'll be a billionaire just like them" one-liner at me when it had to do with opposite of supporting billionaires.

These "people" have one liner scripts they execute when presented with statements and would require like 1% critical thinking for an appropriate response.


But when your perception of personal empowerment is fed by your anger, you're afraid that calming down and focusing on your garden will personally set you back.

If that tweet triggers them, I'd hate to see what happens when they see the motivational posters in their guidance counselor's office.

"Hang in there." -cat dangling from a curtain.

You know who else was hanged?

Black people.

This will trigger someone's memory of lynchings!

-A white person

So what you're saying is that your genes carry the traumatic memories of your ancestors? Sign me up. I can weaponize that.

Jews have legit already weaponized it.

Yes, shalom goy, me and Shmuel went down to the Holocaust Remembrance Café down in Tel Aviv the other day, right before hitting the Anne Frank Memorial bowling alley, was a good day

That's not unbelievable, other studies have found similar things. Like if grandpappy didn't have a lot to eat when was adolescent, the chance is not small that you are a manlet.


Balkan is one of three regions in europe where tallest people live.

and its full of war trauma, hunger and what not since recorded history begun.

its even nicknamed "balkan powder keg"

70% of their population has tall genes so it doesn't count

If they weren't hungry and dying all the time they'd probably be like 10 feet tall by now

The Balkan will never let you forget he exists even though It Itself is a footnote in history at every time 😂


So look retard. If those who went hungry (also died) don't pass on their genes, they were not included in the study for some reason 🤔

The fact that gentle soyentists were too afraid to go into your sh*thole doesn't scratch the hard-rock science being conducted.


For a laugh I took a gander at r/CrewsCrew to see what they think of all this. The only post in 8 days is this gäy ass agendapost asking why he didn’t personally solve the Flint water problem lmfao.

his reddit fans have abandoned him.

I dunno, the commenters are all dunking on OP there

Does terry post on drama?

He's way too well adjusted.

I refuse to belive that. He's one of us.

Terry if you're reading this it would be super cool if you could pay off my mortgage.

Don't pretend to own a house.

Smh these filthy rentoids appropriating PoL culture

Do you think an asshole like me could ever have a landlord? Only an idiot would rent to me.

Only an idiot would rent to me

A.k.a. your parents.

They don’t charge for the racing car bed in the basement

If you have a mortgage, you don't own the house, the (((bank))) does.


well adjusted.

Excuse me, this sub is full of well adjusted people.

He's a porn addict who self-identifies as PC master race.

But he's jacked so it's kinda based.

Is he even on reddit?


it seems like most celebrities don't have the emotional capacity to withstand a couple weeks of online bullying

if anyone involved in brooklyn 99 had to deal with 1/10th of what pizza deals with on an average day, they'd probably jump off a tall building. just an observation

I think Terry actually can tbh, he seems like he's holding up fine. Other celebs would have been doing the Twitter apology tour weeks ago.

He needs to make a country-rap diss track that reiterates his BLM criticism, support for stuff like China and MeToo, as well his political neutrally. I think he's the ultimate centrist grill master.

Terry has been dealing with this for years, since he constantly spouts hot takes like "porn is bad for you" and "growing up without a father is bad for children".

thats infathomable and totally ridiculous, how can someone say such outlandish things

He’s doing what 2Pac (pbuh) did with the N word.

Do not forget to mention our prophet's (pbuh) companion Sheikh Biggie ☝🏾

Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished 😎

Next step, FBI statistics.

Thank god that the basketball American community does a whole lot of infighting, never getting any where








What the fuck, yikes

lol advocating for positivity becomes a target for the blue checkmarks. jfc More people need to get stoned, laid, or something to always be this angry all the time.

The wokeoids have ruined courtship to the point where they'll never get laid because all their acceptable forms of hitting on women are so unsexy. I never got it, like sexual attraction should be a part of courtship. It's why bussy is better.

To me its mockery. I gasped when I saw it. He thought it through and did it. How that can be. Especially now. This moment in history. Blasphemy. It hurts. I am tempted to close my eyes I don't want to see. He's misguided & ppl are trying to turn this into something that it's not

Reading this makes me feel like I'm having a stroke. Even for Twitter these replies are special.

> blasphemy

The wokies truly are the modern Catholics.

The people triggered by this post are the same people that listen to music with worse in it in almost every song.

U1O the gooduns Terry.

I bet Tariq is creaming himself over this one.

While I would hate to be that neocon, saying “Democrats are the real racists.” That word is probably more damaging to joggers than the gamer word. Implying that emulating successful huwhytes is a bad thing.

Are you an actual neocon? They're still around?

/r/credibledefense is neoconcentral. Shitposters bewarez they take zero shit

Anyone who is an enemy of /r/Sino is a friend of mine

Absolutely zero fucker. I'll ban you myself

I’m saying I am sounding like one.

Neocon? More like neocoon!

“Totally agree with you, however I think this is Terry taking the thing he is constantly being called and turning it into something else. He's taking away the power of the word.” Lmfaooooo Mayo IQ++++

This is the result of shrunken testes from too much juice.

Runners seem angry. So what's new.


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Just when I start thinking people are sane and decent, I look at Twitter comments.

Racism bad.

Yes, I agree. All races should be treated equally.

C**n. How's massa's cock taste, house n-gg*r?

I'd ask if these people have any self-awareness, but i'm not yet convinced they satisfy the requirements of being called people
