Wrist cutters don’t like pictures of cut wrist in an accident thread. Begging for TW ensues.

1  2020-07-28 by Night-Time-Toker


What do y'all think the overlap is for people that want to eat the rich and people that can't even look at blood without fainting?


A perfect circle

They probably don't like it because it's an actual wrist cut and not the stupid bullshit papercut nicks cutters love to show off to showcase how "mentally ill" they are.

I was expecting something much less ER-worthy myself.

Imagine not browsing gore when you were an edgy tween and getting desensitized to this stuff

Back when /r/wtf wasn't weaksauce shit you'd see classics like a degloved hand, or that video of some chinese guy getting deboned by a lathe.

Bro the amount of Chinese people I've seen on LiveLeak is just disturbing. And it's always in the worst and most convoluted wayd too.

If I’m gonna go to China I’m only taking the stairs

Turn the mature content filter on if you need a trigger warning God damn. I need a trigger warning for some of those ugly bitches in the comments but you don't hear me complaining

people can mute the words of their triggers so any tweet with the words dont pop up in their tl or anything thats why haha

These people absolutely do not function outside of their parents' homes. Why even use the internet if you can't handle seeing words?

please add a trigger warning next time OP, I have malaria and I nearly fainted from the r-slurs

Lmao there's some thot trying to sell jewelry in there