Who needs pinging, got a live one here.

1  2020-07-28 by JanniesDeservePain


This is one of those rare situations where I think I like the lolcow more than the drama posters.

You guys are trying way too hard to seriouspost and dunk on a troll.

Nah fam, it's 100% real lolcow, no added preservatives or alts

Also the last time I got so many comments in with someone still replying I was arguing with pizzashill.

The lolcow is a m*yo man in his 20s with a beard and is making up half the shit they’re saying.

I know this because I’m autistic and looked through their post history.

What the fuck dude, you just took me from erect to flaccid.

I thought I saw a real cow here for once, now I'm actually sad

Don’t be flaccid because it’s over, be erect because it happened :’)

I know, fam I know

I just miss pinging so much because the only lolcows who come here without it are so self aware that it's no fun.

True. I think we’re still dealing with half a lolcow though. I think they were seriousposting at first and then realized everyone is clowning on them so they changed tactics.

All these bugmen didn't grow up milking 🤕

Dealing with a mod now 😘 nice prospecting though. If I had the gold I’d buy you a pick ax.

It’s okay bby

EDIT: and congrats on your ascendancy.

I feel most high but mostly retarded. And today I thought I was going to delete reddit. Fucking AI knows how to suck you back into this game.

Don’t worry, it can be alarming at first but feeling retarded is a perfectly normal reaction to browsing r/drama.

Some day I hope we can be retarded together pal. We will be so grossly incandescent.

Love you bb

Over use of lolcow removed comment

Removed comment for being dumb and still posting in a sub I mod

I’m 34 but I’ve been told I have beautiful young skin thanks m’ lad



Removed comment for now obeying my fascist rule

Man you removed the evidence of OP making a moron of himself 🙁

I’ll put it back


There you go sweets. Back in the game have fun

What's the fascist rule

This. Comment removed because I do what I want biatch

You know what’s funny. Your looks will fade but my accomplishments won’t disappear. Also I’m part japanese so imma look like your daddy while you’re looking all saggy.

You guys got milked by a guy whose post history is mostly comprised of vidya gaymes, pictures of him flirting with his many cats, and whining about his mental health.

You and the OP didn't manage much more than one-word insults like 'schizo' and 'fatty' and 'pedo' -- it's embarrassing. If I were a mod I'd make you both prove you were over 21 to keep posting here because this reads like the zoomercide missed a few spots.

Agreed and now I’m a mod. Did he mention that 😘



BPD girls are always slutty and fat. You never find some workout ho with a good diet bitching about their BPD.

Which is odd, because BPD men are typically slutty and fit.

They're still terrible people, but at least they're attractive terrible people.

bpd is a w*man’s affliction. if your boyfriend has bpd that’s your girlfriend

That's because workout hoes are unironically chill and fun to hang out with.

It is scientifically proven fatties are worse people

Too much fat shaming. Comment removed

This is some insane generalizing. I kinda dig it but my bpd women are tiny and scary. Love Them tho

Dramatards absolutely BTFO by lolcow. Fucking glorious.

And now I’m a mod of their fav sub reddit. People should be weary of those who are willing to respond to every comment. Just my .02 cents.


Wary thanks, comment removed for correcting Me


Now now sweaty. No need to get touchy with me because the lolwcow savagely raw dogged you dry in the bussy.


While i do not partake of the bussy, have no quarrel with those who do.

Accept the mighty seed this spectacular headcase has blasted into you. Draw strength from it. One day you too may be as fucking awesome as him.


Lame comment removed

God loves gays. Comment removed for blasphemy

His comment has been removed for... I don’t have to have a reason. But I can tell you what I’m doing all night 😘

Best thing js that the OP of that thread is an astrally projecting acid head.

He’s my bff now. I think he is going to be my boy fren. He wants to astral project inside my house.

I think he wants to astral project into you.

He’s trying but I don’t think he can get it up. It’s disappointing and then he left :(

Thanks for being a good lolcow fatty.

Drama users are ret*rded


Quoting people in the thread you linked, I will add you to the pool as well though.

People telling the lolcow what they are though 😴


About quoting the first response to the comment you linked? 🤔

You are a retard comment removed for fake news


I am sir, I am.

We're like 10 comments in, idk if he's gonna give up 😪

We're here in the bleachers

That's no lolcow that's a goddamn 👑

They made me a mod for it. The best part is I haven’t worn clothing all day. What a world.

Could this be the jannie to surpass masterlawlz?

You haven’t even seen my final form

Reminds me of Dinner For Schmucks