Antifa tries to run a grill; devolves into infighting, violence, and armed robbery within 3 weeks

1  2020-07-28 by Redactor0


Very official press release from the prestigious institution known as Riot Ribs.

TLDR of the twitter thread and this: They set up a grill in the park where the protestors gather and collected $300,000 in donations to run it. Their version of events is that one of the members beat the rest of them up and pulled a gun on them. They feel it's important to point out that this guy is black for some reason. Now they're taking some of the money to leave town and run a food cart in another city. The rest they swear they're gonna give to other Portland groups.

Y'all run a damn grill tent and donation spreadsheet more transparently than any organization or government I've ever seen

-Your average Portland protestor.

Is this the future the woketards want? Where a business can't even make a decision such as "not accepting donations" without the "will of the majority." Everyone here comes off as a limp wristed bitch except the people actually running the grift in broken English.

lol oh this is so damn funny. In that thread, some guy set up a fake CashApp account to trick dummies into donating.
