Librahls actually learn to code, hack all of the remaining Reddit orange man subs

1  2020-07-28 by BasedDeptMGMT-


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We had a lefty mod posing as a Trump supporter who tried to do as much damage as possible before we caught him

"Hacked" has lost all meaning

The most hacks are social engineering. Computers have gotten very smart; people less so.

Nah that’s not what happened. There was le hacking, not sure why when the subs are tiny and very anti ban 🤷🏿‍♂️

Social engineering is what real life hacking is you dork. Not that Hollywood bullshit.

Learn2code rightoids

Trump boomers seem to be having trouble using reddit at all

That was the original message.

Wouldn’t just looking at the mod logs for 10 minutes make it obvious what was going on?

Either orangereddit is composed entirely of boomers or this is a really pathetic hoax.

Flip a coin.

the trumpire

it's easy to forget with all the dunking on leftoids, but rightoids are a special kind of embarrassing too, just slightly different

We are anomaloose. We are region. Expect us. 😎


It was a bit of hack and social engineering hun. Some dude named lone hamster or some shit like that


It’s weird how I look at that sub and just see r/politics with more emojis.

/r/politics but biased

The Trumpire

Never thought that I would see ever a word more retаrded than the "Chіmpire", but magacels delivered it.