The antifa that valiantly protected m'lady is also the guy who threw a bomb into the Portland federal courthouse. His granny bougth him the protective vest.

1  2020-07-28 by TinderSucker


Simpathy McVeigh lol

Imagine actually holding a shield in front of a naked woman in public

My wife's Bull told me to protect her...or else🤬

What would you do in a situation like that?

find another bull.

your bull cares too much about gussy, he probably does not even fuck her as hard as a good bull should.

I no right chapos btfo

Imagine calling a spray painted piece of cardboard a shield.

What is a shield really

A spray painted piece of cardboard...obvi

I'm pretty sure holding a shield in front of her also defeats the purpose of whatever dumb statement she was trying to make

Yeah she didnt seem to be concerned with protecting herself. She thought she could use the power of her meat flaps to ward off the fascist patriarchy. He just wanted a wee crumb of that puss puss.

Lmaooooo fucking 4chan

Is is name McVeigh or what?

It's a play on Timothy McVeigh

ohh lol

4chan Halloween costume series

“Are you winning grandson?”

lol 😂 this can’t be real

Weaponized autism is a real thing.

And heckin' valid!!

The review seems like it could be BS, but these days I just don't know.

Does this top Dread Pirate Roberts getting vanned because of a Stack Overflow question?

That guy probably would have been a billionaire at the peak of bitcoin if he didn't fuck up. Instead he's in jail for life. Not much can top that.

The guy who asked the police if floppy's could be traced and when they said no sent them a floppy which they then traced to him

That was BTK (Bind-Torture-Kill). He was such a goofball.

Why drag floppys into this, velocibigot.

And all that happened like (iirc) 15 years after he quit killing.

Find a meaningful hobby, shitheads, and stick to it.

The only prayer I pray is that he gets pardoned... or he gives me a map to all his hard drives of btc ala national treasure

or he gives me a map to all his hard drives of btc ala national treasure

I have 10,000 bitcoin floating around somewhere in the aether that I bought back in uni when they were like a nickel per.

No clue where the fuck it is or how to get it back; don't have the computer I bought it on or any of the info, was just a stupid 500 dollar throwaway purchase when I was on ambien. Never thought it'd ever blow up, back then it was only for drugs and cp really.

Somewhere out there there's a hidden treasure now worth over 100 million that once belonged to me. I hope someone finds it one day.

yeah, every time bitcoin is brought up there's some bassoon that says this

Time to steal a historic document!

It was made 8 days ago, before any of things happened.

If it is real, it will be trivial for the feds to track it back.

I no it's perfectly stupid

It’s obviously real because it’s impossible to leave a fake review after the fact. It’s definitely his gran’s proficiency at the Internet that’s given us this piece.

The username that left the review is “grammaf” lol. Probably fake

He protec

He atac

But most importantly grandma have his bac

It takes some pretty good detective skills to catch these guys. The cops were able to catch this criminal genius because he has his name tattooed across his back and he didn't bother to wear a shirt when he was committing arson.

Lol and he was on probation for punching his girlfriend in the face in front of her 8 year old kid. Peaceful Protestors

He was on probation for a domestic violence assault at the time the fire was set in the Justice Center.

Schinzing was sentenced April 16 to five years of probation after he was found guilty of third-degree assault and attempted fourth-degree assault, admitting he had punched his girlfriend in the face with a closed fist in front of her 8-year-old son in a Northeast Portland apartment in late February.

According to Multnomah County court records, Schinzing reported being homeless for the past two years. He has seven prior misdemeanor and two felony convictions.

Complete garbage human beings. These are the people trying to set federal buildings on fire and crying about police brutality when they get stopped.

what is this the first 7/8's of sling blade


His surname is the sound you make when you get lots of money, SCHINZING 💰🤑💰

They’re Modern day D-Day soldiers, it’s like you don’t browse reddit

Sending their best

well they are protesting for some dude that pistol whipped a pregnant lady



And y'know, a better life for people of color within america

Be good if they were. What they're protesting for is the tiny percentage of better life PoC would get if only po-pos didn't kill them at about the same rate that they kill violent offenders of other races.


not to be a d*ck so i guess its not a BLM thing anymore?

It still is, but as with every protest, there are people who want attention. This is probably the same issue. I don't really see any good that would come out of throwing a bomb into a courthouse and I am in no way defending him and his actions.

Menslib posters. SMH my head.

That particular evening was mostly peaceful



Do these r slurs not realize how serious fed charges are lol? Is Oregon going through a mass ergot poisoning or something? What mayocel is actually that upset about enforcement?

lmao the video, he keeps checkin out naked lady's milkers

And she's pushing him aside like "get out of my way, this is my powerful anti-authority Instagram-moment."

Meanwhile the cops be like :-/

He just wants his powerful moment too.

dude probably beat his meat that night until it was sandpaper

That's the best bit, she's just out there trying to get her freak on flashing the popo to try and boost her insta, he's unwanted, in the way and creeping - male feminism at it's finest.

Hell look how hairy her pits are. We all commented on her bush but never noticed them dank ass sweat catchers.

He tries to cop a feel of her arse aswell. Creepy little cunt.

He's so desperate for this woman to sleep with him lmao

Wtf? That’s like an actual bomb.

Everyone’s acting like they’re using sparklers.

Fits the definition of an IED. That's not FUD, this could be a serious terrorism charge.

lighten up bro

Are you talking about the IED or the exhibitionist's bush?


Bro why do you support fascism. The first amendment means it’s ok to burn down buildings because orange man bad

Good God I had only seen the side view of that bushy lookitme but her damn arm pits are as hairy as a Slavic dudes.

Bruh did he grope her? Like he touched her ass and her tits "to get her out of harm's way". Can't male feminists go for just a few seconds without raping women?

It’s gone

I still see it, you have to click on view cuz it's nsfw

that's not how you bomb a courthouse lmao

looked like maybe an m80 attached to an aerosol can, gives a nice boom and a fireball but its not exactly a Molotov or a pipe bomb

very ironic that he looks ethnically russian

protective vest

Best part is that it's not actually a protective vest, it's a decorative "streetwear" vest that's not bullet resistant, can't even hold plates, and costs more than a real plate carrier 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lmfao excellent dramatic find. That whole twitter thread is great.

He’s glowing

So the problem in Portland goes back three generations? Can we just give Portland to Canada?

No thanks


Are you a leaf or from that accursed place?

I'm from the home of Rob Ford and his drug dealing brother is my current leader, AMA

make him a president.

I just hope I got a crumb from somewhere for all these acts

Anyone have a steal his look yet

His grandma didn't raise a simp smh

Sir Simpsalot

Lmaoooo busted by his gammy. 2020 is the funniest year.

This guy is so unbelievably fucked

Peak mayo

What's the penalty for throwing a bomb at federal property? Lmao

Probably can go up to life kek

These mayos think they're so righteous and immune. Just wait until reality hits them in the face

Lol 'peaceful protestors', there's no rioting going guys, it's just 'peaceful protesting'.

Honestly reddit it's fucked with the level of anti trump nonsense and pro bullshit in politics at the moment.

Also, this guy is such a pathetic simp.

They just say if the feds leave they’ll be peaceful again, as if the feds weren’t called there in response to this kinda shit lmao

Not fake


I am deceased

How DARE xir??. This is mod abuse.

I wonder if this is a Based Granny who is encouraging her grandson to go to the protests so he can get Floyd'd and she can be rid of him 🤔





No matter how bad my life gets atleast I'm not this loser.

Dawg do people literally not understand that bombing an occupied federal courthouse is like supermax for life type shit? I mean I know these people are already r-slurred but that is literal terrorist shit lol

These are the people firmly against cancel culture? Seems that when it's someone on the other side they have no problem with doxxing 🙄

There's a difference between trying to cancel someone for rape or pedophilia with no evidence vs a retard who firebombed a federal building and is a convicted felon and is on probation for assault

Oh yeah raping children is so much worse than doing a few thousand dollars of damage to some building. Wym by "no evidence" also do you agree that the same treatment should be done to someone who is eg a nazi

Oh yeah raping children is so much worse than doing a few thousand dollars of damage to some building.

Mhmm...Yes? Who the fuck thinks property damage is worse than child rape? Pedos always try to downplay pedophilia, just like you're doing now. Pedo creeps OUT OUT OUT

? what yeah of course it's worse. That's why they aren't equatable. He was the one downplaying it.

Idk dude, "oh yeah x is soo much" before an argument denotes sarcasm

I guess I worded it poorly

If they're a Nazi who decided to injure or kill or someone or commit arson like in Charlottesville 100%. In the case of the YouTuber Slazo he was accused of being an abusive and even sexual abusing boyfriend. No evidence was produced by the accuser and then it was found out that Slazo was innocent. In this case we have evidence that this retard did indeed firebomb a federal building.

Sure and he wasn't cancelled was he? looks like he's doing fine. If anyone was damaged it was that alexx creep

no evidence

Here you go, it looks like you missed this. Let me know if i can make it clearer.

That's like complaining that people who don't like guns would use one in a gun fight. Why shouldn't the right use the tactics of the left? Being the bigger person doesn't actually mean anything. Refusing to use the tactics that your enemies use, when the demonstrably work, does nothing but ensure your own failure.

but what does that solve? whingeing everytime some dude gets cancelled and then turning around and doing the exact same thing isn't going to change anyone's minds except to convince even more people that the right are hypocrites