Seth Rogan takes the Palestine pill on Marc Maron's podcast. Jewesses on suicide watch, dinner deliveries are postponed, the home cleaning is rescheduled, and the rabbi is on the phone until we sort this out.

1  2020-07-29 by mugiamagi


It's all true. Seems that Seth has yet to swallow the final Israel where you accept that its based off ethnic cleansing and decide its a good thing.

Israel is everything the mayos wish they could do.

yes, if only there were some native people in america that mayos could ethnically cleanse when they arrived, I mean discovered it.

Well they really did a shitty job of ethnically cleansing considering 90% of it was just lame mayo diseases. The Jews know how to properly remove a race.

you mean they know how to copy/paste WWII mayo method of proper removal?

Then why are there still Palesti-slurs?

I understand his point but I don’t care what shagetz, shikshas, and fagelas have to say about it.

I literally cannot care less about what the goyim think tbqh

I could but it’d be pretty hard

Down with Israel

RIP the martyr Soleimani

Imagine being Jewish and a nazi, it's like a moth to the flame

Get a new schtick. You're tired.

This one was decent tbh, I nearly chuckled.

Seth rogen is annoying so I look forward to him being kapo'd and blackballed.

Soy vey!

Come on Seth, don't be so xenophobic. The Jews have just as much right to live in the Holy Land like everybody else!

You know it's really weird growing up in a settler colonial state, history just seems to go silent in the period when the natives land is being taken. Like in De Sotos expedition massive agricultural civilizations are described throughout the southeast of the United States, then when Americans get there oh its just a couple hunter gatherers. How the transition between these two states occured, is never recorded or described in detail. The land was just suddenly empty for us, where before it had been teaming with Native American corn fields, apparently suddenly its all empty.

It was disease? Did Europe suddenly become empty after the black death killed 2/3 of them? No they were nearly right back to killing each other once it was done. The stupidity of the disease explanation is baffling. Never before in history had a land completely emptied out of people due to disease.

You know early settlers frequently just kidnapped natives and sold them into slavery in the sugar fields of Haiti and the west indies? This went on well into the 19th century. You didn't know this? The people in the west indies are black now, that's because working in the sugar fields was a death sentence, so the Indians we sent there died and once we were done with that genocide we started up a new one in Africa to replace all the Indians we'd murdered. It was the first holocaust. America was founded in genocide and murder.

When any settler colonialist describes the land as "empty" before they got there, it would be wise to immediately do an [X] Doubt. Israeli history is especially baffling because there are a lot of explanations that are on the face of it unbelievable, bald faced lies that people are just fed and believe their whole lives that crumble under the most minute scrutiny. Like it is still seriously a narrative, and a lot of people seem to actually believe this, that there was absolutely no policy of forcible population transfer at all. Ridiculous! A million people just got up and took a hike one day apparently, jee shucks how odd, well time to loot their property for my ethnicity. The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but people actually believe it.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

I am a bot.

Ayyy lmao


So you’re saying Palestinians were the original landchads, and that Israelis are squatting chapos? 🤢

Oh wow an uncle jew

Uncle shlomo

Uncle Toby. (No joke, Toby is a Hebrew name.)

If you can’t defend it, it’s not yours

Right of conquest!

no burgerland pls no invade leafland

I dated 2 Jewish chicks with one on this side and the other from Israel and obviously a full blown Zionist. It was an interesting difference. The Israeli chick thought of all Palestinians as terrorists so it was justified to... practice ethnic cleansing against them. (But I was 21 and she was super fucking hot.) The Jewish American one had gone to Israel on her birthright trip and was super against the treatment of Palestinians. Her own mother would always harp on her for being an anti-Semitic Jew for not being a Zionist.

Either way both of them liked giant Nordic/Germanic dudes and wanted me to speak German to them in bed so there might be some truth in what the JAPs mom said.