The left and the right battle over who the real terrorists are.

1  2020-07-29 by Chessen113


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The anti-cop violence, riots, and arson didn't happen, but if they did happen, they all deserved it, because riots are the language of the unheard, but actually everything that didn't happen was done by fascist white supremacists, who deserve everything that is happening to them. Which is fake news.

Also, that NFAC clown that passed out and ND'd three other black protesters? That was an agent provocateur in black face.

The news sub is so obsessed with just talking about racism non-stop. You can go there at any point, and find the front page full of it.

If you ever watch the rising section, and see how much stuff gets removed because it doesn't fit the narrative, you really begin to see how the mods curate that sub.

The comments always seem borderline crazy.

One thing I've definitely noticed, on worldnews too, is that if the top comments in a post are controversial in any way, the mods will delete it.

The story gets posted again of course. Sometimes rinse and repeat until the discussion goes the "right" way with harmless top rated comments, which is what ensures it doesn't get deleted and finally can sit undisturbed on the front page.

Umbrella Man is a pretty shitty name for a super villain.

These people watched too much X files

I like how the presence of a single outside influence completely absolves everyone else who took part in the destruction of any responsibility for their own actions.

But others on social media pointed out that at least some looting had gone on before the video surfaced.

No, this is false. In fact, Umbrella Man is actually the only looter. If you look very closely at the footage of that first Target that got looted, you'll see it's Umbrella Man in every single shot. He took all those televisions himself to frame the BLM movement.

How is Umbrella Man seemingly everywhere at once? The answer is obvious if you aren't blinded by NeoCon propaganda. You fool. The answer is Time Travel. You see, after the fall of the Third Reich, a German scientist named Oumbrela Mensch used a hidden stash of Notze gold to fund the creation of the first working time machine-- okay my meds have kicked in I'm bored now.

Rightoids didn't need to go undercover as glowie to make leftoid protestorz look bad, they were doing that themselves quite well