Seth Rogen commits career suicide

1  2020-07-29 by YourBrainIsDumb


It would be nice to live somewhere that is not part of the Christian apocalyptic prophesy


this is some big brain thinking right there

It would be nice to live somewhere that is not part of the Amerimutt Evangelicuck prophesy

Fixed, non-Burgers and non-Evangelicals don't follow this Dispensationalist autism.

We should have put Israel in the ruins of Berlin

That's what the Saudis wanted.

not yet oil-rich saudis were not that dumb apparently.

DDR [ Germany [ Israel ] Germany ] DDR

Fuck were you the NASAMS spammer in my games

You go up with an AWACS and a bunch F-15s or something similar with a nice big payload capacity. Everyone but the AWACS runs with radars off. When you come across enemy aircraft, dump all the missiles you have maddog, no radar. Data link from the AWACS guides them in to point blank range, so the enemy RWR don’t have a clue what’s happening until 30 AMRAAM seekers light up right in front of their faces. That’s the true power of the SPAMRAAM.

Ah different game

I'm referring to Wargame, a combined arms RTS starring Scandinavians driving a shitty truck full of AMRAAM up to your very expensive planes and sending them to hell.

Tbh I wasn’t even talking about a game I just really like the idea of lobbing a bunch of AMRAAMs at blind MiGs. I need to check out one of the Wargames though, they look fun.

Also a game where one incorrectly placed recon unit means all of a sudden everything’s on fire


The final solution to the kraut problem

Christian apocalyptic prophesy

Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus is/was the most famous apocalypticist to ever exist.

Why can't people learn history?

Jesus decimated the Jewish faith. there are 12 million Jews (half of which are non-religious) and there are 2.2 billion Christians. Calling him a Jew is the same as calling Muhammad a pagan because he came from a tribe with a long line of pagan history.

It's a bit of a misnomer because Jew probably wasn't used back then, but he would be ethnically "Jewish" without ascribing to the dominant Pharisee/Sadducee culture of the time.

you mean he was a semite

"If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)

“If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)

“If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

"What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

“Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

“All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

“Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)

“The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

“If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

“Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

“Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

“When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh,Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)

“‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)

Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

“Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

“Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

“She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

“Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot.

its a copy pasta I swear I didn't write it sir, but i deserved it nonetheless

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot.

yeah who asked

no one, because you have been trained not to ask

no its cause only spergs give this much of a shit about some sand people tome. literally any normal person would either laugh you out of the room or give you a weird look for that shit you just put out there dude get a grip

₪1 has been deposited into your account

None of that is in the Torah. Made up revisionism from the Talmud. Like the hadiths.

Why do Jews consider the Talmud scripture?

Checkmate libtard

Depends which part.

Oy, shut it down!

I take you've read all these? In the original Aramaic? Or are you just spamming retard bait you copy-paste from whatever MDEfugee swamp your daddy shat you in?

Oy vey goyim educate yourself!!

Or don't, you spetging dipshit.

Most of the supposedly outrageous anti-goy passages are explained away well by the Jewish apologists, IMO. E.g. Gil Student's website:

jpgs from /pol/ aren't usually a very good source of knowledge.

12 million Jews (half of which are non-religious) and there are 2.2 billion Christians

You're comparing Christians (which was nothing more than a cult) and Jews with made up 2020 numbers, about 2000 years after he died.

His "decimation" was really in for the long haul there skippy 🙄🙄🙄

But you can call Muhammad an Arab.

That label wasn't very strong before Muhammad. He made it strong because his initial goals for political power was to unite the Arabian peninsula and that involved uniting them under a unique label that combines them all. But prior to him (and to this day actually) people in the Arabian peninsula refer to themselves by their tribe's name, and Muhammad's tribe were OG pagans responsible for mecca which was the pilgrimage site for idolatry. There is one surah in the qur'an mentioning a Quraishi pagan by name and cursing him and his wife directly, and that pagan is his own uncle, the family made their wealth through paganism. But no one would be stupid enough to label him as a pagan because his tribe was.

I’m pretty sure they did not call themselves pagans either

What if we just put them all together as the followers of Abraham? Judaism evolved and some people are original believers. Some of those Jews also believe in Jesus as Mesiah. And some of those Jews believe in Jesus and Mohammed. It’s all Yahweh.

Because no one cares, they just wanna do their own thing

It’s literally the only reason Israel continues to exist. A lot of rich yts donate money and sponsor Zionist programs hoping to speed up the Revelation.

Ah the old self hating jew routine

self hating jew

If there's one trick that a Joo should be proud of, it's this.

The idea that a non-conformist is mentally ill.

The Soviet Union used to do this too 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Wait, how is acknowledging that the lies Jewish people were told about Palestine self-hating? Palestine wasn't a land without a people. Israel was forcibly created against the will of majority of the people living in that land. Acknowledging that doesn't make you self-hating, just a critical thinker who has questioned what he's been taught.

The part where he doesn't know about what Jews like Theodor Hertzl wrote more than a century ago

"The Jewish question persists wherever Jews live in appreciable numbers. Wherever it does not exist, it is brought in together with Jewish immigrants. We are naturally drawn into those places where we are not persecuted, and our appearance there gives rise to persecution. This is the case, and will inevitably be so, everywhere, even in highly civilised countries—see, for instance, France—so long as the Jewish question is not solved on the political level."

And then he figured that solving it on a political level (which would supposedly involve getting a lot of Jews in politics and make politics majority Jewish and uh oh) is kinda hard compared to just having a Jewish Ethnostate, where Jews don't have to care about optics for the majority because they are the majority.

After the Holocaust a lot of Jews realized that Hertzl was right after all, that they can't really trust the population of any host country to not get antisemitic and should get their own country. Which they did. That involved displacing non-Jewish Palestinians to the Gaza strip and to that other place on the other side, which nobody hears about for some reason.

The point that Rogen was making is that Jewish people are still vulnerable in this new state they've made because it was created on land that other people were already living on, in a way that created a lot of resentment and incited much violence. "That involved displacing non-Jewish Palestinians to the Gaza strip and to that other place on the other side, which nobody hears about for some reason." This is an understatement. The creation of Israel involved expelling people from their homes, massacring whole villages, the creation of over 700,000 refugees, etc. This is horrible. This is unjustifiable.

But at least they can stand united against external enemies, which, if you're an American, you should be rightfully jealous of.

What I was getting at in this respect is that he in his privilege doesn't do justice to the other side of the weighs, what if Trump really was a Nazi, wouldn't Rogen be happy to have a Jewish ethnostate to retreat to?

Also, the Gaza issue is fucking complicated, from them having the highest population growth between all Arab countries (it is insulting to claim that Jews genocide them, nobody is that inept, deffo not the j-slurs), to the fucking impenetrable laws and walls and shit all other Arab countries have against Palestinian refugees. They will not let them in, ever. On purpose. They know that they must ensure that the Palestinians are trapped there, they'd shoot them on sight rather than let them escape and let Israel have its way.

They're hurting other people in their insistence of an ethnostate. That's unjustifiable imo. The claim is that Israel is enacting apartheid and persecuting millions of people. Have you read about the humiliating conditions of check points? Of children being tried in military court? Of a 99% conviction rate of Palestinians? Of the desecration of mosques? Of high suicide rates? Of demolishing peoples homes to create Jewish settlements? Of settlers attacking Palestinians? Of Israel diverting natural resources away from Palestinians so they're forced to abandon their farms and work for low wages on Israeli farms? Of trade embargoes? The murder of 1500+ civilians in Gaza in 2014? Palestinians don't want to leave Palestine. When Israel was being conceptualized, they hoped that the Palestinians would just leave to work in neighbouring Arab nations, but that didn't work out. They wanted to stay and keep their homes. Palestinians should have just as much right as the fabricated aliyah that allows Jewish people in America with no ancestral ties to the land to go and live on stolen Palestinian land.

Have you read about the humiliating conditions of check points?

Have they tried not to get past the checkpoints? Oh they want to get past the checkpoints, why tho?

they hoped that the Palestinians would just leave to work in neighbouring Arab nations, but that didn't work out. They wanted to stay and keep their homes.

There are Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan that hold I think about a hundred thousand people and they aren't allowed to assimilate. Why is that?

They're hurting other people in their insistence of an ethnostate. That's unjustifiable imo.

If Herzl did not die and managed to negotiate a Jewish state on a genuinely unpopulated huge hill in Uganda (actually Kenya), I envision liberal people still having their panties in a tizz because it'd be a fucking ethnostate, and only oppressed minorities are allowed those. So I gotta question the veracity of the objections in this here world as well.

  1. The checkpoints still exist, and they're still humiliating. But sure, ignore the other oppressive tactics used on the Palestinians...
  2. We aren't talking about Jordan, we're talking about refugees that aren't allowed to go back to their homes.
  3. My argument is that it is cruel to force people off their land, so I wouldn't object to a Jewish state on a truly unpopulated hill in Uganda if the local population wasn't opposed to it and it was acquired with their consent. But sure, move the goal posts. Israel did expel populated areas. It DID create refugees. It STILL forces people off their land.

The checkpoints still exist, and they're still humiliating.

Yeah, the most humiliating thing about them is that you want to be humiliated if that lets you through.

Israel did expel populated areas. It DID create refugees. It STILL forces people off their land.

Yeah. There are about 15% of Arabs in Israel though who weren't expelled and are politically represented.

Like, yeah, sure, creating an ethnostate is hard and would involve displacing some people. It can be done more or less gracefully. If you weigh the need for a Jewish ethnostate against the suffering it caused, why do you think the suffering outweighs?

I don't really think this discussion is going anywhere. I believe that massacring entire villages, expelling people from their homes, creating over 700,000 refugees, etc. is awful. That it shouldn't happen for any reason. You don't. We'll agree to disagree.

I believe that the Arabs in the area had expelled even higher numbers of Jews in the recent history, and that the Jews were pretty gentle about their ethnic cleansing (that left 20% of Arabs in Israel mind you, did they ethnically cleanse at all?!), and so they didn't do anything clearly illegal and the past should be let lie dead, and the current situation should be negotiated without appeals to past injustices.

WOW "gentle" ethnic cleansing! That's a first for me. Also, it's a war crime, so "clearly illegal." So is expelling people from their comes and moving in another population. The crimes of other Arabs should not be paid for by Palestinians who did not commit those crimes. Similarly, Palestinians should not pay for the crimes of European genocide against Jewish people. Seems fair to me. Sure, the current situation should be negotiated. ie. Israel should stop creating illegal settlements! Should stop annexing land! Should stop stealing Palestinian resources! I agree with you!

ie. Israel should stop creating illegal settlements! Should stop annexing land! Should stop stealing Palestinian resources! I agree with you!

I actually agree as well! If a two state solution were reached using current borders that would be pretty good.

I don't know what you guys are arguing about but someone is downvoting in drama and that's r-slured.

Tho not me of course, I'm above all this!

Rightoids love to downvote anything they disagree with. The mdefugees ruined the sub 🤷

Usually that's what it feels like, but the voting on this post seems to buck the trend. Though I guess that could just be MDEfugees and the horseshoe.

Imagine unironically believing in ancestral birthright and stolen land. People don't have spawn points.

Stolen land - ie. some families have deeds to land they owned, and people were explicitly moved onto that land to prevent refugees from returning to their homes. Imagine believing that these people don't have a right to go back. It's cruel. And yes, ancestral birthright like that used by Israel to justify Jewish people from around the world to move to a land where other people have homes, deeds, cultural and familial ties to is perfectly justifiable to people?


Palestinians could (relatively) move to one of the other 5 or so countries in their immediate vicinity with a similar religion, culture, and political system to them. I don't see any trait that makes one an ethnic Palestinian rather than Syrian, Lebanese, Jordinian, Kuwaiti or whatever other than the land itself.

The land does have some inherent value, but I am not sure Palestinians' right to self-governance by dint of residence outweighs the geopolitical and humanitarian benefits of having an oasis for Western liberal democracy (Jewish theocratic laws aside) in an area otherwise dominated by Sharia states. Israel has of course done many abhorrent things to Muslims living on the land and engaged in several human rights violations, but it goes without saying none of these Islamic states would be any kinder to an influx of Israeli Jews on their land.

This is a very neocon take, I know and no I'm not sorry.

If you don't know the differences between Palestinians and the other groups you've listed, then you know very little about Arabs, the history, and the culture. Don't impose your ignorance on other cultural groups of which you have very little knowledge.

Why does this stupid debate have to show up everywhere. At this point anyone who has a strong opinion on this conflict is a rslur.

Because you touch yourself at night. Also yea I know I have no idea what I'm talking about. I just sometimes like to argue with strangers to pass the time under lockdown.

Yeah no one who talks about this conflict on reddit has any idea what they are talking about lol.

Yep. Check the post history on this account, I used to make so many comments on political / serious subreddits and they were almost all completely retarded (not trolling, just dumb) but I didn't care, I think I just wanted to watch the world burn. I have a new account now because I came to jesus and I'm embarrassed of it, but it's not approved so I have to use this one to comment here

Be 👏🏻 better 👏🏻 habibi 👏🏻

get a load of this kaffir

A lot of countries are formed based on invasions dude. If we followed your logic, then we should give back control of US to native americans or something.

Israel was created because the powers that be during that time allowed it to and hence it was created.

Saying we need to revert back the creation of israel is never going to happen. To expect something like that is simply delusional really.

Saying we need to revert back the creation of israel is never going to happen. To expect something like that is simply delusional really.

Good thing I didn't say that, then. What would be great is a return of refugees to their land, dismantling the settlement program, removing blockades, allowing Palestinian sovereignty to flourish, etc.

this is why i support the 2 state solution

A 2SS was never equitable. It doesn't acknowledge the indigenous Palestinian population that was displaced, that still want to return to their homes. It justifies an ethnostate where the rights of Jewish people are held above those of the Palestinians. It doesn't solve the deep resentment that Palestinians have for losing their ancestral homes. It doesn't allow for a return of refugees. I have many problems with the 2SS, but most of all, it isn't even a possible solution at this point in time. Have you read about Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank? The annexation of East Jerusalem and the proposed annexation of parts of the West Bank that Netanyahu was going to start July 1st? A contiguous Palestinian state isn't even possible because of Israel's actions. I would read more into the problems with the 2SS if I were you. These days, I'm more inclined toward a one-state solution with equal rights for all living there and a return of refugees.

One state where both halves of the population wanna kill eachother is not gonna work lol

The Palestinians hate Jews more than they lock their children.

I support the no-state solution.

"Oh noo we are so vulnerable, booo why do people want us to pay for our crimes, kicked out of 700 counties but its not our fault"

The Turks say the same thing.


Can make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

I'm too big a brainlet to have any real opinion about the Israel / Palestine conflict, but if it were really only about carving out a safe ethnostate for the jews, would an intelligent person put that space in an area that's both densely populated and war-torn? There are still lots of places on Earth that almost nobody lives on where they could settle and no one would care or bother them. Jews could have bought a chunk of Siberia from the Soviets, Alaska from the US or Greenland from Denmark, or if they favor somewhere warmer they could buy some land from bumfuck interior Australia or a tiny Polynesian island with 0 population. The choice of the Sinai Peninsula was clearly for religious reasons.

Yeah, sure, that was floated that's what I'm talking about! Unfortunately Herzl died and then the more religious factions decided that they can have their cake and eat it, and for now they keep getting away with it.


or if they favor somewhere warmer they could buy some land from bumfuck interior Australia or a tiny Polynesian island with 0 population.

In 2030 Florida will become a Jewish ethnostate and the Israel/Palestinian conflict will be repeated with Cubans playing the part of the Palestinians.


You're one of those redditors that need /s right? There are no self hating jews. It's a myth. If a holocaust 2 were declared, Seth Rogan would be on the first flight from LAX to Tel Aviv. Rogan hasn't been in the news lately so he probably needs a hot take out there to get some buzz, ergo, Jew shits on Israel OMG

There are plenty of Jewish people who are critical of Israel (see Jewish Voices for Peace) and they're frequently called self-hating Jews, so I was objecting to that.

Someone has to teach mayos how to do it.

I still don’t get what being a mayo means

White people

w hite people

Please learn to be aware of your privileges, bigot

On time, thinking ahead, financially macro thinking



You telling me sausage party and checks notes the interview wasn’t the pinnacle of the film industry?

At the time, The Interview might have had the most free press of any movie ever. The problem is that Netflix buying and distributing it was a super anticlimactic end to the saga that undermined it's legendary banned film status. Also it allowed a ton of people to see it and turns out it wasn't any good.

It was fine

Sausage Party was shit tho

Hey! He played a mouse in Sing and if that’s not the most dedicated career of a true actor I don’t know what is

weed lmao

I mean say what you will, but by 99.9% of actors or writers, he's had a very successful career. Doesn't twitter what you think about his content.

Too much weed, or not enough weed?

He smokes weed to distract from his guilt

It would be nice to live somewhere that is not part of the Christian apocalyptic prophesy… Maybe live somewhere that the Christians don’t think we all have to die…

Who would you grift then?

I don’t see how there’s anything wrong with bulldozing buildings that weren’t even up to code when they were built.

The White House should be burned again too tbh.

The White House got torn down internally and had the entire skeleton of the building rebuilt with concrete and steel


mondoweis is one of the best sources for israel/palestine

this is article about two jews smoking weed and talking.

its not a report from occupied palestine and lebanon border.

mondo weiss is a great site for israel/palestine. tons of outlets published this story, i was just glad to see it was one who views the situation as it is and not some corporate ally of the israelis

I though you were being sarcastic and not seriousposting on Drama.

This is sad, can we all down vote?

So basically he is a pussy and won't say anything to other Jews or he is lying.

All nations are made up! Nationalism is a concept!



Better get them dudes that dance with the coffins ready.

Seeth rightoids. Israel doesnt deserve to exist.


Seeth leftoids. Israel does exist.

Send as many waves of bomb laiden palestinian infants as you can, it won't change a thing 🤣


How’s the weather in Tel Aviv Mossad?

It Israeli hot.

It's great.

An American complaining about a state being colonial in nature

Seethe European

Ew, I'm simply a chad colonial who recognizes other chad colonials.

Rogan hasn't produced anything good since Pineapple Express so whatever Jew magic made him talented has long since been dispelled. He's just angry about that.

Nah This is the End was better than ‘weed movie current decade’. The fall happened once he mad vegitales for adults.

yes except rogan sucked in this is the end. Danny Mcbride and channing tatum stole the show

He directed it though

Danny Mcbride is the best thing in anything he's in.

This is The End was just fan-service the movie: Hollywood Edition and only kinda memorable because they had a bunch of random hollywood actors who weren't getting gigs at the time in it.

Fucking delete this buddy

I forgot about that one, yeah I liked that one

I omitted the word ‘career’ in your title when I first read it and got excited

>I think that’s a better strategy. You don’t keep all your Jews in one basket.

this is literally an anti-sem*tic trope used by nazc*ls

Boker tov

Ani sone nashim



I think that’s a better strategy… You don’t keep all your Jews in one basket. I don’t understand why they did that.


If it is truly for the preservation of Jewish people, it makes no sense, because again, you don’t keep something you’re trying to preserve all in one place especially when that place has proven to be… pretty volatile.

Is he absurdly ignorant about his own people's history, or is he just that stupid?




You get what you pay for...

My favorite part about supporting Israel is that it makes both the far left and the far right seethe. The religion of peace ™ has plenty of other shithole countries in the region to fuck up, they ain't getting this one back. COPE

“My fellow Jews”

The history of Christianity (and later on Islam) and it's evolving relationship with Judaism is fucking wild.

To think all this drama started because 2000 years ago a group of probably 200 people with mob mentality demanded some dude get crucified because he was talking shit about how they worshipped.


" Seth Rogen commits career suicide "

Is this what it looks like when right wingers do cancel culture?

Who is that?

damn the title scared me for a second.

Seth Rogen is the most overrated 'comedian' in the entire US. He has been involved in genuinely funny movies like The 40 Year Old Virgin and Superbad, but his character in those movies were the absolute worst part of those movies. Anything he says sound like the boring talentless nonsense from your loser stoner college friend, leeching off your couch for the seventh day in a row high af.

I genuinely don't get why he has money. Then again, he is Jewish.

Saying anything bad about the jews is game over. Look at Nick Cannon.


Build a (militarized) Wall on the UN mandated border, population exchanges, international force to spank each and every trespasser or attempt at violence.

Problem solved.

Can tear the wall down decades later when the 2 sides grow up.

2 sides grow up.


Which side is good and which one is bad, oh enlightened nerd?

My sides 😂

Please stfu

Build a (militarized) Wall on the UN mandated border, population exchanges, international force to spank each and every trespasser or attempt at violence.

Except every UN soldier ensuring peace curiously disappears when the Arabs try to invade Israel or launch rockets from hospitals. Many Israelis would be happy with an externally enforced peace, they just don't trust anyone to do it.

Also, why should Israeli Arabs be kicked out of Israel? They're important citizens that noone except some obscure rightoids want to kick out.

You don't understand population exchanges then. Give a read to the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the drawing of new borders. You can stay if you want to live a as a minority, it's a volunteer thing.

The UN enforced peace would be hard to achieve and Israel will never allow it to happen, simply because it has way too much to gain from the current situation and it holds all the military assets and the all important US alliance. And nukes, illegal ones too, very nice.

It would have to be a truly multicultural, internationalist coalition, from all over the world, with quotas of Israel's traditional enemies and friends, from US to Chinese and Russian soldiers. It should not be majority Arab/African, for obvious reasons. UN was supposed to be able to enforce peace, yet sadly it was not the case. Maybe later, with better tech, although I suspect with huge countries like Russia, China and the US, they will never allow another body to hold them responsible for atrocities they commit.

You don't understand population exchanges then. Give a read to the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the drawing of new borders. You can stay if you want to live a as a minority, it's a volunteer thing. It'd be a painful 2-3 years, but what's pain to that area lmao other than a way of life? But after that, you'd have peace, at last, and the area would seize being a cancer on the whole world that destabilizes everything.

I do understand them, it's just completely unnecessary to evict the Arab citizens of Israel. This is supported by neither Jewish or Arab Israelis.

The UN enforced peace would be hard to achieve and Israel will never allow it to happen, simply because it has way too much to gain from the current situation and it holds all the military assets and the all important US alliance. And nukes, illegal ones too, very nice.

  1. Israel for good reasons doesn't have much trust in international peacekeeping coalitions that bail as soon as an Arab army approaches to invade and watch as missiles are launched from schools and hospitals under their authority.

  2. The nukes aren't illegal, Israel isn't an NPT signatory.

  3. All the land Israel has given up have been since the alliance with the US. The US alliance makes it more secure and less reliant on territories for strategic depth so your analysis is way off.

Maybe later, with better tech, although I suspect with huge countries like Russia, China and the US, they will never allow another body to hold them responsible for atrocities they commit.

As it should be. The UN is a diplomatic forum, not an independent actor.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

I am a bot.

This was already posted here and it had the twatter thread which was a full-on struggle session. Lurk more

Actual brainlets who think that an integrated Palestinian/Israeli state would be remotely functional are beyond deluded. Im not sacrificing my complimentary ethnostate so some r-slurred clown can pretend he’s a good woketard in front of the goyische horde. 😡

Antebellum USA would've continued functioning quite well if it wasn't for external factors. It could have operated on slave labor and kept the US in a continuous state of economic prosperity. Would you consider that a good example of a "remotely functional" ethnostate?

It could have operated on slave labor and kept the US in a continuous state of economic prosperity.

That's why the slaveless North utterly crushed the South economically, as in, during the war. The narrative that the USA was built on the backs of slaves has some curious holes in it.

Influenced in a major part by external factors. Embargoes on cotton from southern states was a big catalyst. If they were left to "the free market" who knows what could've happened.

Embargoes on cotton from southern states was a big catalyst. If they were left to "the free market" who knows what could've happened.

How comes the North didn't really suffer from those embargoes? A cancelled trade hurts both the seller and the buyer.

Presumably GP meant "blockade" rather than "embargo".


I feel we're losing the point of what i was originally saying. Just because something seems to "function" (even though functioning is the last term that would come to my mind when i think of israel) doesn't mean that it is righteous for it to exist.


For a long period slavery was a losing proposition economically... It took one man's invention to actually rebuild a slaves productivity per hour to make it viable again. The other invention of the same man made the destruction of the war inevitable.

We name streets after the guy in my state.
