Kayne gets caught having obvious and badly done fake petition signatures on his petition to be on the NJ ballot.

1  2020-07-29 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


He needs to be charged and prosecuted. Jail time might do him good.

BLM supporting femoid Democrat with a pride flag in her name thinks jail time will do the coloured man good.

🐎👞 isn't a theory it's a fucking fact.

Kanye is a bit too based for the wokies and must be dealt with appropriately

thinking a rich guy would see jail for paper crime

Imagine being so unwoke

Prison sentences should have a linear relationship with monetary damage

Every hour of prison should be counted as your hourly wage before being imprisoned and you are released when it balances the damages done. It's the only fair way.

Kanye, Kanye, and Kanye all want Kanye on the ballot, so why not let Kanye be on the ballot because Kanye, Kanye and Kanye said so?

lol at a grown ass straight man using 10 year old girl writing.

Who the fuck uses circles to dot I's

Edit: this reminds me of faking signatures on navy qual cards.

I don't respect living on a house boat with a bunch of other men but when you are trying to escape iowa you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

What's queer at the pier ain't gay underway my friend.

I’m guessing everyone in Kanye’s employ has weird quirks that never got properly beat out of them in middle school.

Can't believe they are conspiring to keep Ye down.

Make no mistake, this is because Kanye is black and these people are racist.

Nothing new for Jersey

Put him on the ballot damn it, I wanna see the cities vote for him and plunge the state into chaos.