1  2020-07-29 by Coonass_alt


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NTA foids are irrational embrace bussy

lol this is why sorting by controversial is the best way to read reddit. DV'd threads are the best ones. https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/i05qj6/am_i_the_asshole_for_hooking_up_right_after_a/fzng7w8/

The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

Will Ferrell + Chad Smith = Will Smith


I still remember when a female friend rejected me in high school and then like 2 weeks later she asked me if I have any other girls I'm interested in and when I said "of course" she got pissed because "I moved on pretty fast" lol

Then that other girl rejected me too and then I found this sub + high quality rule 34 got popular and kinda became a permavirgin.

what happened after that

Chapter XXX: The Rope

I bought a Playstation 4.

What a tragedy

I really like this comment.

Then that other girl rejected me too and then I found this sub + high quality rule 34 got popular and kinda became a permavirgin.

You aren't missing out on much.

lmao seeking out sex 1 day after you got dumped just screams out self-esteem issues

FTR I just introduced my gf who was born after Friends premiered to Friends, and she agreed they were indeed on a break.

Only made it halfway through S4 before she started saying "Rachel's a selfish cunt".

At least she knows who Jennifer Aniston is now