W*men admit to being hoes in middle school. Some people are concerned that the tweets might count as no-no jokes

1  2020-07-30 by Shubard75


Dear lord you struck gold. Thread full of oversharing twitter people.

"I used tampons for the first time when I went to my one direction concert because I thought that he'd see my pad and be grossed out..."

"I even put some tanning lotion on my (fat) legs to give them a pop against my (tight, too tight) white shorts, completed the look with a plunging v-neck (with lace aeropostale tank underneath)"

"Me shaving all over and wearing a green dress to a 1D concert because I thought Niall would see me and my Wattpad dreams would come true"

"My gay ass did this for Aaron Carter when I was 12 when he toured with ATeens, good thing that didn’t work out LOL"

South Park hits too close to home sometimes.

As if boys didn't look at their hot teacher like she was gonna keep us after class for a special lesson.

Throwing things at your beautiful teacher to test her warrior prowess is leagues different from shaving all your fur off in hopes that a libertarian bard will pick you out in a sea of like-minded hen-brained harpies.

Kids in my grade wrote sexual stuff about the hot teacher in the stalls and she had a meltdown and left the district



We bullied our teacher to tears because she had a Wisconian accent or something.

all these replies about bullying teachers

Can't tell if average redditors making shit up or just burgers exposing how they're psychopaths since childhood

In my middle school a shit ton of teachers got bullied. It got better in high school though, except for this one dude.

This is about to sound fake as shit but hear me out. The vice principal of our old middle school was married to the high school's computer teacher. He was a nice guy but a total pushover and everyone bullied the fuck out of him. He was definitely autistic too.

Also found out he was getting cucked by younger brother's little 15 yo mexican friend. Dude was like 5'3 and chubby and was straight up living with his wife fucking her daily after she made her husband get an apartment.

I remember always seeing her roll up outside of our house to drop him off so he could kick it with my brother.

I was failing that computer class because it was my senior year and I never actually went to it, so when I found out what was happening I started going about once a week and when people would start to gang up on him I'd get them to stop (not because I was some kind of badass or anything I was just one of the few people who sold good coke at our school.) Then I'd hangout with him after class for like 15 minutes and shoot the shit.

During like the second to last week of school I hit him up and said that if I failed his class I wouldn't graduate and since I had hungout with him and was the only person who was nice to him he changed my F to a B.

Anyway, the VP ended up getting caught for shagging the 15 year old and got arrested lmao.

I dated a chick that started teaching and the students were giving her such a horrible time that I made fun of her for being dumb enough to become a teacher. She broke up with me.

I used to think that was mean, but after seeing teachers on social media I think our kids should bully them harder.


Looks like she should have bullied y’all

Lmao had a English teacher that because of her muscular dystrophy had a useless arm that all the black kids would call "the claw". She broke down crying in the hallway mid year after group of low information voters imitated her useless arm.

after group of low information voters imitated her useless arm.

I fucking love this sub

Why are basketballs so amazing at roasting our deepest insecurities?

Take my strong hand!

"the claw"

holy shit lol. don't get me wrong, I did some great bullyin' back in my day, but that is next level.

We had a girl in our grade with something similar. Her arm / hand was all tiny and only had the first two fingers. People also called it the claw but she was a good sport about it and would always challenge people to rock paper scissors with that hand because she could only use scissors.

People who didn't know her well weren't sure how to react and it was always hilarious watching them squirm.

Had a French teacher who would regularly go into a cupboard to cry out of frustration because in every single lesson all the yokels I went to school with would say 'why do I need to learn this? Im not going to France' every time she tried to make them do work.

'why do I need to learn this? Im not going to France' every time she tried to make them do work.



We made our Chemistry teacher cry after having a full blown basketball shoot out using crumbled paper and beaker holders as the hoop

My high school chemistry teacher had been fired from a middle school in the same district the year before. For the entire year he would show up to class angry and pissed off about getting fired and spend the whole class grousing about it.

One day some kid told him to “just get over it already” and the man absolutely sperged out. It was fantastic.

We bullied the Nun at our school into retirement.

Also taking Wisconsites down a peg is always a hustle I can appreciate.

Right, we didn't shit it all over twitter though.

In high school a bro of mine was banging our math teacher. Which was sweet because we'd usually end up meeting up with her at Coachella fest when we went and she'd get us bracelets for the beer garden so we could drink.

Offered her some coke once and she went wild lmao

Which is it, math teacher or computer teacher

Is this the female equivalent of simping?

Simping is gender neutral



One Direction ruined a generation of wome.. oh who am I kidding

This is actually an old tweet/joke

Hidden tweet is so funny

Oh allah please don’t give me girls when i get married 🤲

this but legitimately unironically

Just raise them to be tomboys tbh

Some people have no shame

I need to be told by society what to feel about this. I find this extremely funny in a good way.

I find this actually kind of sweet/endearing, actually. no idea why

they're stupid but this time in a sweetly delusional way. none of their idols would even breath the same air as these slags

You find the thought of teenage girls preparing for sex sweet and endearing?


none of their idols would even breath the same air as these slags

What? These teenie bands are constantly railing tweens backstage. They were just unlucky and didn't get chosen.

It’s less endearing when you realize it’s the beginning of their self-delusions.

I feel uncomfortable reading about preteen girls shaving their.... Bodies

But I do it anyway