Hairless chimps go bananas when their king tells them their video games are stupid

2  2020-07-30 by californiasleazin


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> LiFe Is A wAsTe Of TiMe

Good morning, I hate nihilists.

When I was your age, nihilists would be too busy busting their asses in the mines and huffing up coal dust to even have time to worry about this existential mumbo jumbo

You’re at the helm of a biomechanical flesh golem trillions of members strong that is ripping consciousness and entropy out of the aether and you have the audacity to give up on it

Overly liberal use of entropy

Sounds kinda g-slur if you ask me

There are some video games that have stories that outshine Oscar winning films.

how much of cope is this?

Incredible cope, but he's kinda right in that there has been a awful lot of garbage at the oscars over the years. I'm looking at you hurt locker

All the crappy Oscar movies and you bring up Hurt Locker?

Its the one that came to mind. Didn't like it at all

yeah dude it was nowhere near as good as crash bandicoot or whatever

I kinda liked Hurt Locker 😢

I realize that it is an extremely poor depiction of what EOD is like, but it at least tries to capture a little bit of the trauma of the conflict, and it succeeds at being super tense.

Thats fair. I think the unrealistic parts kept me from getting invested in it so the tension never really connected with me

Fair enough, but Crash also won the Oscar. I have a friend who punishes himself when he's been bad by watching that movie.

Crash is such a shit movie. A time traveller from 2020 made a "woke" VOD movie and delivered it to 2004.

Are you ready for this year's Oscars? Trolls 2 for Best Picture.

The best games of the year surpasses the best films of the year as art forms some years. Even weird shit like Naissance is a better use of your time than watching netflix.

The best games of the year surpasses the best films of the year as art forms some years


The oscars are shit, i edited my comment. Happy?


not in many years, no.

Damn that's quite pathetic


That stairs into the black void part took me ages though, I thought that the solution couldn't be that, as obvious as it was

fuck you that movie’s great

Uhh sweaty the last of us one and two are Oscar worthy

What about Smash Brothers? It's an incredible drama dealing with pedophilia, autism, and the deterioration of masculinity in the 21st century.

There are 0 video games with oscar winning stories, this is grade B cope.

My left testicle has better stories to tell than many oscar-winning movies, I don't doubt that at least a few games could clear such a low bar

Only in the eyes of a lowly gamer.

Big Rigs has a better story than Titanic, change my view

Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld/Frostpunk/SS13

Get a job.

It’s not cope. Pac-Man has a better story than some of the trash that’s considered Oscar worthy.

At least playing basketball is healthy and leads you to a chance at playing in a professional sport.

And even if you're just a shitty short basketball player, sucking at basketball is way more healthy than video games.

Not VR video games.

Would you rather be a 3x LA fitness MVP or a super smash bros pro that gets all the (underage) girls?

Checkmate healthcell 😎

Is it really checkmate if you need to stop showering?

when you put it that way. hmm

You can still have fun even if you're not going to the NBA. Favorite player on our college team was a (comparatively) short guy they only put in when we were destroying the other team. Never got the mentality of "well I'm not great at X so therefore I'll just play Vidya."

You can still have fun even if you're not going to the NBA.

I've played pickup hoops at least once a week for basically my entire life, and I never even for a second thought I would go pro. It's the best sport for pickup in the world imho, even more than soccer. honorable mention ultimate frisbee nh is pretty fun as well

this is so retarded, but the "gamer influencer" takes on this are even worse. critikal's video about how it's easier to make money being a streamer than through martial arts is one of the stupidest things I've seen this week.

It's dumb. There are tens of thousands of streamers who will never break past 10 concurrent viewers, even if they kept at it for years.

If you managed to fleece just one soccer mom on facebook for lessons, you'd probably make more than these guys would in their entire streaming career. Top streamers are so insulated. It's such a stupid take, like I can't believe, money making aside, that physical activity is comparable to sitting on your ass for 8 hours a day playing a game

Standard cope in the comments about how video games promote things like hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and problems solving as if the average person sitting on their ass all day would notice any tangible benefits.

Sure have it as a hobby, but it's crazy that people try to twist it as more than anything but mindless entertainment for most people.

Vidya only significantly helps with problem solving if you're a developing 3 year old. Im guessing that games barely help for the other 2, and even if they do what does it matter, what real life applications do they have

Like 99% of the "benefits" to video games are found in ANY competitive sport.

I used to stream as a hobby and getting 10 viewers was good enough for me because I knew going in I wasn't gonna get big

Someone should ask him if he wants to be a jannie for r/BanVideoGames

With the way people are chimping out you would think he said that all gamers are retards, but what he says sounds pretty reasonable lol

I dont care about his opinions on this but I do find it hilarious that he had an episode that was just shilling for Doom Eternal.

Doom Eternal is the only game i shill for

video games are a waste of time

make sure to consoom my next 3 hour rambling with c-list celeb!

video games are for children.

His first mistake was going after the gamers 😎

I like how they left out the first part where he says videogames are super fun and addicting. He used to be obsessed with Quake.