Fat people are worthless

1  2020-07-30 by BallSeamstress

Being fat is the ultimate show that you are a worthless human being. Imagine not having the discipline to not gorge yourself on trash everyday of your short life.

HOWEVER, fat people definitely generate the most drama. Every woman I have ever dated had a fat disgusting bitch friend who didn't have the energy to exercise but somehow always found energy to stir shit up.

Their gluttonous ways are no doubt haram, but they are fun to laugh at and great for drmcoin.



R.I.P. r/fatpeoplehate

Being worthless implies a lack of worth, when in reality they have a negative worth.

Your tax rate should be your body fat %


being fat is societies fault

Society is fat people's fault

Society is a (((trick))) and ur welcome

agriculture was a mistake

Not to seriouspost, but there's actually a legitimate argument behind this statement. We Burgers subsidize the hell out of corn production, which makes foods containing high fructose corn syrup cheaper than basically everything. The US Government spends money on food for f@tties because red flyover-statecels demand it.

Also, the rise of the service economy.

I have an article saved that I haven't read yet about how prolonged periods of sitting might fuck with your body's sense of it's own weight and cause weight gain.

It would explain the fat office worker cliche. When I worked in a factory, you could almost watch people balloon in real time after they got promoted off the floor.

We Burgers subsidize the hell out of corn production, which makes foods containing high fructose corn syrup cheaper than basically everything.

Cheaper than rice and pasta?

We also have super sweet corn. A lot of Mexicans also have a corn-based diet but they prefer less sweet cultivars and don't eat huge piggy portions.

Isn't Mexico more obese than Los Estados Unidos?

Not according to this. The funniest part is that the terrorist countries all rank up there with the Pacific Islanders.

There was this story about a discussion on the burqa in Afghanistan being held in a embassy in Kabul back when the Shah existed. Western w*men were obviously whining about how its misogynistic and so on, so le based Afghan man goes 'After all our women are no where near as beautiful as madam so and so, mademoiselle so and so...'-basically including all the women in the room. So then one of the doglovers asks this based brown man if all Afghan men are Adonis incarnate and he replies 'no, that's why the women aren't supposed to look at the men either.'

Anyway, truth is in the modern age countries with low workforce participation rate for women and subdued fat shaming culture especially post marriage, almost all women turn into hambeasts.

Because nobody ever saw a fat pastacel.




Ceci n'est pas une seriouspost

I am gonna assume this is a thank you for winning world war 2 for you guys


This. May God smite all fatties.

Obesity is not a sin; in biblical context it clearly states that only humans are capable of sin.

Based and hadith pilled

fat people definitely generate the most drama

disagree, I’d say they are a close second to t-slur drama. pandemic is definitely generating a surplus of fat c😩pe tho

There’s generally an overlap between those groups

Amerifats generate drama because they're retarded, not because they're fat.


Am I the only one that assumes the amount you bitch about fat people is directly related to how much of gigantic fat ass you personally are?

It’s obviously not healthy to be fat. It’s also not healthy to obsess over how fat people aren’t healthy. Get a fucking hobby. Maybe lift some weights instead of being proud you weigh 115 and can’t do a push up.

In fact I’m personally more disgusted by people who can’t bench twice their body weight and deadlift three times their weight than I am by fat people. All it takes is a little effort and diet you lazy fucks.

I don't think you fully understand here.

When I go outside I have to see them with my eyes. When I'm in line at the grocery store I have to smell them with my nose. When I'm sitting in an airplane next to one of them I have to feel its filthy flesh against my own.

Their existence is an aggressive assault on me and my senses. While I simply mind my own business, they are constantly hostile towards me and attacking me by existing.

I am not the aggressor here; they are.

My eyes deserve to be liberated from their oppression; my nose deserves to be freed from their foul persecution; my body has an inherent right to defend itself from their rolling viscous meat waves as they cascade against my arm and spill into my seat like the ocean tide.

I will never stop fighting for myself and all others who are currently oppressed by the corn syrup golems. We will be victims no longer.

I literally see red when I'm trying to walk down a hallway and some plump fuck is in my path. They don't deserve rights or protection under the law.

Removed for chungus hate and still being in my sub. Go back to r/anarchychess

Feel free to remove every one of my drama comments and posts so nobody will know I post here. Clean it up janny.

Ey it’s me your Cousin Del Eat. Try harder next time Barry_B_Masterson


It’s obviously not healthy to be fat. It’s also not healthy to obsess over how fat people aren’t healthy.

This. There's laughing at fatties, then there's unironically hating them like some form of psychopath


Was. To truly hate the fatoid one must not only be a fatoid but also overcome being a fatoid. Only after escaping the clutches of fatoidism can one truely learn to despise the fatoid.

But muh genetics

Yeah like the excuses are what bothers me. I can deal with someone who just admits they're fat because they love eating junk and just don't care. Hey you only live once, if you wanna stuff your face all day but understand the consequences, be my guest. Or the ones trying to improve themselves. Pseudoscience and HAES need to die.

You mentality is purely social constructed, but your body is solely a product of genetics.

I was an Incel even before I got fat therefore Idc if I die in my sleep tonight or not lmao. keep seething lankcels


What if they're chubby l? Asking for a friend


Parents with fat children should be imprisoned for child abuse