In a twist of events, the government has announced that the minorities in this country will now be paid $3.5 Billion in reparations

1  2020-07-30 by MR_T_POWER_SLAM


How can one country be so g*y and so based at the same time? The song, the shorts, the crest, literally all of it.

I just wanna know what creature is in all gold in the crest at the top.

Those are like some devil goats in that crest ad what the fuck is above the shield in metal?

A lion in the same color and pose as the dragon on the Welsh flag.

It's a gryphon; head and wings of an eagle, on the body of a lion.

Never forget what they took from you

This is a mod literally MDEposting lmao

I do what I want nerd.

That's top mod to you

That mod went to war and won against a gang of beta jannies for your right to come hear and say that.

Show some damn respect you hooligan.

Hell yeah, we'll keep em north of the Zambezi. Slot some fucking floppies.

Gibs my reparayshuns black boi


God I fucking love this subreddit hahaha

Mnangagwa said the land reform could not be reversed but paying of compensation was key to mending ties with the West.

Translation: Seizing farmland completely dried up investment in Zimbabwe. They are hoping to reassure Western investors by compensating farmers.

Prediction: Investors would still be insane to invest their money into Zimbabwe.

Yep this ain’t gonna work, same with Venezuala. You’d have to be insane to invest money there.

Gotta have some wildcards in your portfolio bro

r/WallStreetBets is leaking.

Yeah it'd be like Argentina trying to sell hundred year bonds after defaulting twice in the last decade oh wait.

You don't have to keep them for 100 years, just don't be the last one holding the hot potato when they decide to not pay their bills yet again.

Zimbabwe has a low credit score and they’re trying to improve it

Somebody should tell them that all mayos hate Rhodesians.

I'd invest about 25 us dollars so I could have a truck load of Zimbabwe cash to build a new garage out of. I'd vaccum fill resin into stacks of cash and turn them into plastic bricks.

That would totally work, and now i want a vacuum bagged failed society currency house...the artist in me is thinking hrmm i wonder if i could buy boxes of the worthless cash going to go find out right now lol

There will be so much seething, paying reparations to mayos lol


It's more that they need the mayos to grow the economy.

I wish Mayos weren't good at things like farming and running efficient governments and shit. Then I could be more justified in my hatred of them.

Ya hate us cuz you anus



Before Mugabe the country exported food, during and after Mugabe they are on international aid... MAKE RHODESIA GREAT AGAIN.

Does this mean I get 40 acres and a big butt Nubian queen?

Why is Zimbabwe paying white farmers? Did the colonialist pay for the farms? They were killing Zimbabweans to take the farms. They need to be deported to where their grandfathers came from....this nonsense must come to an end one way or the other.

No, most of the farmlands in that region were originally unworkable lands that the colonialists worked THEMSELVES to change them into useful land. The natives didn't have farms and mostly relied on limited cattle.

Black people just cant win.

Apparently it takes more than land to make massive economic engines that benefit millions of people.

The only reason the land is worth tons of money today (as opposed when it was purchased, and yes a big percentage of populated US and American territory was purchased, Manhattan was old twice mostly for barrels of whiskey) is because it was made valuable through the work of settlers who developed it into industry and housing.

Using massive swaths of land for hunting random animals and being nomadic was never a lifestyle that would have persisted. Regardless it was a brutal hard life, with short lifespans, by people who engaged in violent territorial battles, and they were more than happy to get access to trading posts the minute they arrived.

t the risk of sounding retarded, why cant they do whet the whites did? is it so complicated? does it require white blood for the crops? cant neighboring countries help? why do they want the ppl they drove wy bck?

They divided the land and handed it out to people who had no idea how to practice modern agriculture. It was divved up on basis of sharing the ruling party's tribal background as well, so a large percentage of Zimbabweans still had to no access to farm land

Obviously starvation was not just cuz there weren't whites. Plenty of Africans yeeted their whites and didn't have the kind of food insecurity Zimbabwe has.

It was also given out to warlords & generals who came to realize that travelling the bush in a horde shooting off libyan AKs at everything that moves and raping kids to protect them from AIDS does not translate well to farming

Look up IQ by nation and a clear picture should emerge, let's just say neanderthal DNA has a severe effect (sub-Saharan Africans have none, East Asians have the most).

this subbeddit isn't long for the world

Fucking fugees

L-Boogie still the best of the three. Most dramapilled as well.



OK Vargoomer

The IQ test should only be used to diagnose mental retardation, it should never be used as a measure of "smartness" whatever the fuck that is.

Does it make it any better if whole nations are retarded?

Yeah can we not turn this sub into a cub scout group for racist retards?




when will you be moving in with the superior Africans?

230 pound jacked as fuck Chad checking in. Blacks are indeed borderline retarded

Based and racepilled.

Our race is superior because of ancient admixture with a less intelligent species

muh racial purity

Is there actually any truth to neanderthal genes making humans intelligent? Asians on average (not just east) have a higher percentage of it, does that mean Asians have higher IQs? I don't think so

The rehabilitation of the neanderthal public image once it was found out Europeans may share DNA:

White farmer here.

Blacks can’t farm.

Prove me wrong.

They lack the skill of the white farmer in exploiting the labor of illegal immigrants.

They were litterally brought to two continents en masse to cultivate sugar cane and cotton


As farm tools not as farmers lol

We’re they doing that back home where they were from?

Or under close supervision of a white man?

They literally did the farming and a ton still do since agriculture is an enormous part of the economies of Carribean countries.

Only after the massa taught 'em how it's done.

Hello, based department?

Whites are great farmers, that's why mommy government needs billions to prop up their industry

“they” need those farms to keep producing unnecessary amounts of high fructose corn syrup to keep the mayos complacent.

If you take a bunch of people who have no idea what agriculture is(And often no interest is working more than what is needed for subsistence) and give them all the land in the country, your production will fall. This has happened in all countries that went insane with the land redistribution meme, race doesn't really matter. Agricultural labourers are agricultural labourers for a reason, large farmers are just the smart ones who built up generational wealth by optimizing production and by eliminating them all you have left are dumb retards with no capital to spend on maintaining productivity or fall back on in case of bad harvests.

a boer maak n ’plan

Because look at how retarded they are. They are effectively tilling the ground. They COULD plant seeds easily. But instead they are taking the rats and will leave the area barren desertifying the land.

Turns out farming is more complicated than hitting the ground until crops pop up.

They’re not even native. In these countries a plurality of the population only arrived after the colonization and they pushed out the actual natives. Peoples like the Khoisan actually side better with the Boers than the Bantu derivatives that came from the north west, from what I read.

This is why South Africa plays down discussions of natives and indigenous peoples.

Yes I believe that the Khoisan(Mandela’s people) are only around today because the colonists stomped out the troublemakers.

With the kind of clay South Africa has, I've always wondered why the hell the Khoisan didn't actively build some semblance of agrarian civilization, they wouldn't have required much to push the Bantus back given that the mostly pastoral Ethiopians managed it. It wasn't even like they were super distant from civilizing influences, the Arabs on the Tanzanian coast and the Malays/Arabs on Madagascar would've been very close. What could've been.

What could have been

African history in a 🥜

I keep hearing this but I'm too retarded to learn the names of the various African ethnicities and how they relate. Is there a brainlet-friendly article or book chapter or something which lays this all out?

"You should just starve rather than pay those farmers, else it'd be racist"

Oh, but they can! Just... Not by wrecking farms and getting rid of mayos.


Paraguay tried that

They didn't try hard enough. State-mandated ebony gfs when?

They should just go back where they come from? Where have I heard this before?

Zimbabwe revenue 3.8 billion.

Zimbabwe expenses 5.5 billion.

Where's the money Lebowski?

They have the black twin brother of Powell. He will just print it.

They've recently received an 8.5 billion dollar grant from the Nigerian Ministry of Cultural Exchange. Now they only have to pay off the transaction fees via Western Union

Probably in land.

Are we going to have a drama group buy of Zimbabwe bonds?

I have some money to burn.


Seriously, let's go get wsb in on this. It'll be like the collaboration of /pol/ and /biz/ lmao

I'd rather commission bespoke pornography than go into partnership with any of you, it's a better waste of money

Coomers, speculators and usurors. Smh my heavenly soul at the absolute state of this subreddit.

Coomers, speculators and usurors. Smhs my heavenly soul at the absolute state of this subreddit.

So.... a government


Make 👏 Zimbabwe 👏 Rhodesia 👏 Again

Rhodesia never dies as long as we still have breath.

Eh looks pretty dead to me. But I guess it's mayo's Wakanda at this point

“Wakanda dressings do you serve with the caeser?”


Rhodesia was really gay tho. And not in the good way, in the closeted BDSM f-slur who reads Soldier of Fortune magazine way.

Not even a lie.

One of the reasons for many of the American citizens who joined the Crippled Eagles was the Soldier of Fortune reports about both the Rhodesian Bush War and the means of entry into the Rhodesian Army. From 1976 to 1980 almost every issue contained one or more articles about the ongoing conflict. The first issue of the magazine in 1975 actually contained two such articles, prompting some Americans to travel to Rhodesia.

Those short shorts tho

The length of the shorts are inversely proportional to the level of operator-status. See for example, this frogman specimen.

The only proper lenghth of short for a man to be wearing. Either you wear really short shorts to show off your muscled oiled thighs or you don't. Tom Selleck rocked the short shorts too

First step is you moving to Zimbabwe.

Lmao ohhhh boy I’m gonna need a minute to cope from all the cope and seethe in that thread

That is correct black boy, shed tears.

Rightoids -- Of all the dumb shit you go on about: Covid being fake, white elimination, wine aunts, welfare queens, soyboys, 1350, 70 IQ, Muslins, all that retarded shit... you got one. You finally got one. So slam dunk that basketball like Shaq when he collapsed the entire goal.

Ok wine aunt.

Id strongly suggest not putting your hand up my skirt, cuz it may make ya feel dickish or even nuts.

Covid isn't rel because our eyes aren't real

Mayocide dreams are OVER 😭😭😭


mayos supremacy is getting reparations first

mayos first for reparations

as if

you are like a little child, we got 14 billion dollars and a country

Its because without the white farmers producing food, the country has been in a massive famine. Without white people (farmers) there to support the food production, Zimbabwe starves to death.


This is good and well needed, but let's be honest about Rhodesia, there's nothing worth defending about that country, even if you believe the subtle racism I see floating around a lot "but MUH whites were better administrators, managers, civil servants and the country was better managed and well run during white minority rule" Even if you buy that argument, (which personally I think is bullshit). It was still an apartheid state were blacks were treated as second class citizens, afforded few rights and there were massive inequalities, with an elite class of white and a black underclass serving as labor.

...And on the whole being better off then than they are now under black rule, but if you want to call cold facts "subtle racism" then you do you. Granary of Africa to a dustbowl in a generation, hmm, how did that happen?

Nemmind. Where will they find that $3.5 billion? Run the printing presses again until a gigabuck buys you one small tin of beans lol

The post independence governments were disasters, there's no denying that, But these current failures doesn't mean we should glorify the past governments that committed apartheid and were shitty authoritarian police states in order to preserve white rule, even (and I'll concede this) if the past governments were better run & managed.

Eh. Shitty authoritarian police state's one thing, having to live in a presidents'-crony state while being much more likely to starve and be murdered is another. I'm not saying hwite rule was all right, but I'm not saying it was all wrong either.

If the average black Zimbabwean now is doing worse than the average black Rhodesian was forty-five years ago, small comfort to say "but at least the whites aren't in charge".

I think it's possible to be both anti-apartheid and anti-corruption & anti-authoritarian. also this should be brought up as well, a fair part of the reason why the pre-majority rule governments look well demographic and indicator wise is because they didn't bother sampling their black subjects, who in SA's case were dumped in homelands. A country that's developed for 10-15% of the population isn't that developed at all.

Botswana is a much better more based country. Competently managed and a democracy without the legacy of shitty apartheid. Probably the richest country in Africa.

calm down seriousposter

Well congratulations, the country is now much more egalitarian. Nobody has anything.

lurk moar newfag

went on /r/4chan once

2009 4chan lingo

That's a yikes sweety


Me shitposting:

Great win in the fight for minority rights!

Me RL:

This is beyond r-slurred, some mayo colonizers went far, far from home and pillaged this African nation, the natives got justifiably angry and kicked them out, but they got so used to the civilized Western world the colonizers brought with them and with their wealth that now they are disposed to pay reparations to bring them back? Weird shit.

Anyway, I am against reparations of all sorts and mayos have no business being in Africa. However, if they are invited, peacefully, for collaboration, commerce, cultural exchanges - that's actually great for reconciliation and it's cool.

This is /r/gamingcirclejerk tier /rj /uj posting.

Mayos arrived in a s*ithole country where the natives were too busy lopping each other's arms off and selling each other into slavery, the proceeded to turn an uninhabited area that was thought to be impossible to farm and to live in into a bountiful arable bread basket in Africa; as well as transforming the rest of the country into an actual civilised nation. After this occurred parasitic Bantu savages swarmed in from other parts of Africa and promptly murdered the actual natives in the area. Then after a few decades of peace and prosperity they decided they didn't need no white man to keep their country functional, rose up against them with the support of the cancerous organisation that is the UN and started running things themselves; eventually seizing the land of the only people providing the nation with food as well as supporting the gangs that broke into white farmer's houses and raped and murdered them. Now they have a currency worth nothing, no food and nobody in their right mind would ever think of investing in or moving to Zimbabwe; so the government has finally accepted they have no choice but to try and bribe the white man to come back and save them from the mess they got themselves into due to being the most retarded group of people to ever live.

Personally I get annoyed when people try to claim the bantu as the indigenous of South Africa.

It's unlikely the San or Khoekhoe will ever benefit from any sort of "reclaimation" of land or resources from South Africans.

They're not native, they colonised the land just as the Europeans did, and were dotted in small tribes/villages throughout.

There was more than enough empty land for people to settle and start farms.














post bussy or keep seething


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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot.

Where's the feminine penis 😠

You don't get one. The initial comment I had to delete which contained bussy failed the copy-paste test.

Since I decided to identify as suffering with the tism for the evening, I found some pussy ASCII and you'll have to use your imagination from here on.

Make sure you don't assume gender and the sort. You know the drill.


go back to pleb— oh wait....
