Obivous femcel gamer fantasy on TIFU, r*dditors eat it up

1  2020-07-30 by jjmod


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It's TIFU, none of it is true.

Legit sub for simpletons.

pretty clear why she ran the legion of losers that is reddit gamers with this tale

These retards believe anything on TIFU?

It's even worse than the advice subs in terms of obviously made up posts.

Never ever forget that reddit is literally filled by retarded 10-14 year olds.

These are the people who you argue with, these are the people who keep upvoting and commenting retarded shit and reposts.

The same kind of degenerates who believe in the shit that's written in /r/nosleep lmao

Call me naive but it's funnier if you (pretend to) believe it. Play along.

I'm loving the absolute lack of specifics. This is like the reddit post equivalent of the fake video games movies have.

that title

Not going to read a larp by literal children

competitive Guild Wars 2

Fucking lol, hardcore pvping in a game designed for women and homosexuals

gw2 was such a disappointment. gw1 is such a tightly designed game while gw2 is just a fucking mess

You dodged a bullet, OP

Why do they say the same thing every time?

I've been on this godforsaken website since 2014, and every fucking thread is filled with the same fucking comments. Is this hell? Has the internet begun rotting all our brains and made us lose what little of an attention span we had?

all you fucking lames can do is spew memes. no one takes you seriously except each other because youre retarded as fuck and find comfort in numbers. im in the wrong here because im literally the only person who doesnt hop on the meme train and shit over someone they used to fuck with? you lot are delusional as fuck dick riding hypebeasts. you say the same shit every time in every fucking thread. you are sheep. each and everyone of you are completely disposable and interchangeable. i cannot fathom how it doesnt sicken you to your core to be so useless in life. another thing i love is how you suburbanites puff yourselves up online but you would piss in your pants and shake in it if someone put a gun to your head. you are pathetic.

Wow this was hilarious and original. This joke is so good that I wish I could see it every month or so, to be reminded how much of a good joke it is. It really will never get old at all. This joke is perhaps the most original one I have seen, it truly takes 100% of the power from the brain to comprehend it. Not to mention to even CREATE IT YOURSELF, because it is so well thought out and original and funny lmao (laughing my ass off). Wow, I cant believe I am still laughing at this joke, i actually think i am dying of laughter, I have trouble breathing. Would you be kind and call the ambulance? This joke is LITERALLY killing me. It is taking my life slowly. How can something this original and hilarious even exist in this god forsaken universe? Perhaps it is because it is original and hilarious and has never been said before. This is truly a great joke, thank you for sharing this with us. God bless you for this epic original joke. We need more people like you.

Ok buddy. I am deleting now. I am very sorry about the unoriginal joke i just made that was overused in ShitPost Crusaders. i truly am very sorry about that comment i just made. I serve my sincere apologies for making you mad with that old part 3 joke. I actually thought it was funny, but you opened my eyes. I now realize how stupid i am and should no longer live. Thanks for telling me that this joke was overused and unfunny. I really appreciate the effort you put into that comment, but i think you could have just said "fuck you this joke is dead and unfunny.". I understand how angry you are because i made that joke, and i agree with you. Holy crap what kind of useless piece of shit i am. I should go better put my head in a trash can. Because now you stated the fact i am a piece of garbage, i can see what i was doing. Sharing old, overused and unfunny jokes. I am deleting that joke right now so you can rest with ease. Once again i want to say that i am really sorry for that stupid joke i just made. Have a good day.


I am a bot.

Has the internet begun rotting all our brains and made us lose what little of an attention span we had?

Do you not have coworkers?

I think it's training. We learn what comments get karma, then post them because we learned they will be popular. Then the hive-mind takes over when we learn what is supposed to be upvoted and then upvote the comment that is already at the top because we were expecting it.

Lol imagine that. Imagine actually caring about karma beyond the minimum you need to post everywhere. The only reason I need more than 500 karma is so I can shit on people in other subs and still be able to post.



“You dodged a bullet, now date me instead”

Because this website is where originality goes to die and the maggots crawling in its carcass don’t even know that the last bone has long since been picked dry, leaving them slithering over each other in a desperate attempt to be funny.

Because their redditors and have the attention span of a 5 year old


You have the literacy of a 5 year old.

Ok sweetie I don’t need negativity in my life 💅


It's "sweatie." You really are illiterate aren't you, moran.



I think I met one of these people at work once. Some guy who would spout lame meme jokes that were years old trying to be funny. He would use reddit speak like "do recommend" and "10/10 with rice" too. All day long.




