More Ghislaine/Epstein docs released. Unredacted because Boomers. Dershowitz cooked, a Prince, a President (not that one), and more!

1  2020-07-31 by -M-o-X-

/r/Conspiracy has their own analysis. This is where I stole most of my summary from.

/r/News has this thread for a more Lefty view.

Because I'm lazy I'm just copying and pasting a previous write-up:

Dershowitz should be well and cooked. He is featured prominently as a participator.

Prince Andrew is in there as a participator.

There is a "Hotel Owner" referenced which appears to be Richard Hilton (Hyatt's Tom Pritzker is also having his name bandied about).

Ol Bill Clinton was on the island! We knew the jets but I feel like this is the first confirmation of him at Pedo Kingdom. Looks like there is already some doubt being sowed in his defense for some reason (allegedly the girl who places him there, separately, said Bill didn't do things and Epstein was "always professional" around him). I don't think I buy that, even if his particular predilection wasn't youngins (its fat broads isn't it?), I doubt heavily he wasn't getting his pole waxed.

Rump is questioned about and does not appear to be a participator. His hands aren't exactly squeaky clean, there is Epstein literally bragging to his face and nudging him about the 14 year old he was toting around and Epstein/Ghislaine did recruit "locker room attendants" who worked at Mar-a-Lago.

A "spanish President" in his 40s, speculated to be Ehud Barak or Andres Pastrana, as a participator.

The FBI was in contact with one of their minor victims in 2014, she wanted to file a civil case, didn't give her anything. The DOJ let Epstein's co-conspirators go in the Florida case (Maxwell, Kellen).

Maxwell personally took part in sexual abuse.

Some names that aren't overly interesting to me but you may know: George J Mitchell (politician), Bill Richardson (politican), Jean-Luc Brunel (modeling industry), Marvin Minsky (co-founder of MIT).


It's pretty amazing to me how the government has wrapped up the entire Epstein case in the scandal of celebrity to distract from the fact that he was obviously an intelligence asset.

The thing that's even crazier about it is that you have senators who sit on the judiciary committee saying things like, "We don't know for sure, but we all pretty much assume he was working for intelligence" and the media won't print a single pixel of it.

The only thing that I can infer from this is that not only are those senators correct, but Epstein was so good at his job that whomever was controlling him collected enough dirt to cow the entire press on all sides of the aisle.

At this point the questions I have are:

1) Which agencies are involved here?

2) Did they just use the guy or were they using him and enabling him?

3) More nefariously - is Epstein even an authentic person or did they create him for the operation?

It's implausible to me that given the huge list of people he was friendly with or who visited him and how they included current and former heads of state of various countries that the NSA or CIA wouldn't have wanted to puppet him.

So... did they?

is he an intelligence asset


will we find out things definitively within the next thirty years

probably not

What I get is that he was used to gather dirt from influencial men, apparently his NY home had cameras absolutely everywhere.

But I've read that he worked for a non-Americans, who could this be? Ghislane's father was literally a Mossad agent. I find it confusing that he was allowed to live how he lived in the US being a foreign spy.

Two jews, one with firm ties to mossad, collecting dirt on powerful people in the US and UK? Israel blackmailing the west.

All of these intelligence agencies are deeply interwebbed. A lot of the shadier shit gets exported to Israel, because Israel will literally do anything to keep America happy with it. But they're not running the show, Israel is a CIA base. It's in the exact best most critical geographic locality, it's really powerful in terms of military and intelligence, and simultaneously its uniquely vulnerable, meaning we've got it by the balls and they'll be our loyal dragon without question. Israel is the perfect nation for America.

I mean if you wanted to make damn sure someone was your bitch for life, what better leverage could possibly exist than videos of them engaging in pedophilia? If that gets released, you are dammed to memory, it doesn't matter what else you did in your life, people will spit in your name. Which makes it the perfect gang initiation ritual for the most powerful gang on the planet, they do it so that the other elites know that won't betray them, and vice versa, they're an assured member of the elite faction for life and know that if they get too big a head and turn snitch the pedo video is gonna immediately drop, their life is over and their word is garbage anyway.

Oh, I agree.

And look, as frustrated and disappointed I am in our mass media, to see them be so complicit... and not just that, but so broadly complicit, bugs me more than it should. I mean, I already know they're shit and that they don't actually serve the "public interest", but to see in real time how this plays out is like getting your nose rubbed in that same shit.

It's like... there isn't a single newspaper or organization willing to take up the crusade of demanding answers from the government, even though realistically they'll get stonewalled. It's not just a failure of the media, it's more like a failure of our democracy.

News groups are heavy with Jewish leadership. Signs point to Israeli conspiracy.

Oh God am I sounding like the stormfront retards? Were they correct?

I remember seeing something about him suddenly being a billionaire. He came out of nowhere.

I thought he got his money by getting scot free from a pyramid scheme in the 80s and then he LARPed as a billionaire when he was "only" worth couple of hundred mils from it

He was a high school teacher, Les Wexner pulled him out of obscurity, gave him half a billion dollars for a "hedge fund" and power of attorney, and that's what made Epstein. A real up from the bootstraps story.

You knew you had made it and were about to join the elite for real when Epstein pops up and is constantly like, hey wanna visit my island?

It’s all just throwing our dumb ass society some red meat to shut us up. “Look the 90’s lawyer totally is guilty well publicly execute him it’ll make you all done with this. What you wanna know about the Israel, US Intelligence and Tech industry connections to Epstein?” It’s also insufferable that trying to point that stuff out is being interpreted as right wing or anti-Semitic

If the FBI comes to arrest Billy C do they have to wrassle the Secret Service guys first?

It becomes a Robot Jox situation.

I will not tolerate this slander against our second black president Bill Clinton. This is a mayo plot to diminish his memory and accomplishments

second black president

based and Hardingpilled

No the first was JFK getting that sloppy in the White House from Marilyn

unbased and not-one-drop-pilled

>A "spanish President" in his 40s, speculated to be Ehud Barak

>(((Ehud Barak)))

literally wut

born in palestine, family came from lithuania

the colombian guy i can see being mistaken as spanish, but barak?

Daddy has publicly named Epstein and his island and one of the girl's lawyers literally thanked him for being as cooperative as possible.

What was he supposed to do during the time when President Saxaphone was visiting the island?

The guy who used twitter to post dozens of times over the years that Obummer was an icky mooslim with no birth certificate couldn't just use that platform that entire time to bring attention to the fact that Jeff Epstein was fucking kids.

The guy who literally became President couldn't order the FBI to track and surveil Epstein

Muh Daddy, a billionaire (and friend of Epstein + everyone who was on those flights), was powerless to do anything!

This is your brain on partisan politics.

one of those things gets your plane blown up by (((mossad))) if you do it too publicly

Ironically though you are being the partisan one here. Look up Bradley Edwards, Trump did try to cooperate against Epstein in 2009.

As for not doing shit while president, who knows, he is rather incompetent.

What was he supposed to do

Idk, but Q wont stand for this

"Daddy's" administration is literally doing something about it right now.


You're dumb as shit if you think the Trump admin had anything to do with this case.


No, like you don't actually know how prosecutions work.

You're literally not very smart.

You are dumb.

You don't understand how the world around you functions, and the things you say make it obvious to everyone you.


Daddy's got nothing to do with it.

If he did, he'd have certainly taken credit for it. He's got serious emotional issues caused by his dad being a douche to him and strongly favoring his big bro. As a result, he craves adoration/praise more than a menslib poster craves cum and soy.

The stupid that infects the world has spilled onto the streets like syrup dripping from a tilted to-go lid from IHop.

Daddy definitely knew what was going on and didn't do a thing about it

When exactly was he supposed to "do something about it"? And what might that be?

He threw his ass out of his club and banned him. That's about all you can ask of a boss when dealing with another boss.

I guess it's easy to demand things be done by others when you do everything from behind a keyboard.

he is literally the president

And we see exactly how little a president can do when the FBI and even his own party don’t want to rock the boat for the most slam-dunk investigations/convictions.

It's pretty obvious that Daddy just doesn't want to get JFK'd.

No kidding. Imagine how he felt in 2007 when he banned Epstein from mar a lago, with no secret service watching his back. The balls it took just to make that call.

Blumpfs always been extremely high profile, killing him would’ve raised more questions. All Epstein et all had to do was to keep the FBI quiet, and they did.

The post I stole that from has been updated to remove Barak so I assume you're correct and that was a retarded link, now just the other name.

Fuckin hilarious that Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump somehow didn't do anything on epstiens Island.

why would he when hes got ivanka right there

I'm more surprised that Bill might be coming out relatively clean from this (for a pedo enabler); apparently he had the hots for Maxwell.

He saw her reddit karma and got heated

whats a locker room attendant

Cover Story: Someone who picks up towels, cleans things

Reality: The mouth on the wrong side of the gloryhole

It really is suspect as fuck that he had tweens working in locker rooms full of naked boomers. Isn't that what immigrants with a murky visa status are for? You can't even hire kids that young to cook french fries in my state.

Isn’t age of consent in europedo 14-16 anyway?

Isn't this like the third or fourth person in on this who has said Drumpf wasn't involved, just that he knew it was going on? I still find the idea of it crazy, but I'm actually starting to believe it.

Please don't call my president that offensive slur.

Instead refer to him with more reasonable and honorable nicknames like, Daddy, President shitard, Crybaby-in-chief, Ivanka's sugar daddy, flag fucker, Kanye and Kim's bull, the messiah, or Jared's top.

Jared's top

This is now in my headcanon uWu

Bunker Boy

everyone knew what was going on. just as with Weinstein and Polanski - everyone knows, nobody rocks the boat.

Even the dense Ellen Pao knew

She was secretly against it though while remaining silence and expending exactly zero of her power and influence to bring light to the issue at a time when doing so would get you elitecanceled.

She was only the CEO of the small indie website reddit. She could make an admin post about it that would be sent to every subreddit. That is against the rules

I don't think anyone involved has ever directly alleged he participated, but he obviously knew lol, isn't there even that famous quote where he joked about how Epstein 'liked them young'?

IIRC he tweeted that.

This older court document from one of the other girls claims that when he found out Epstein was recruiting girls at Mar-A-Lago he had him thrown out and it went to court. Not to sound like DDF but i feel like he knew but it’s not like he had any position in government to do anything more than he did.

Other than the sworn testimony that he raped a kid epstein provided him, yes.

Some names that aren't overly interesting to me but you may know: George J Mitchell (politician), Bill Richardson (politican), Jean-Luc Brunel (modeling industry), Marvin Minsky (co-founder of MIT).

None of the allegations seem to be new in this - every name and all the salacious stories have been reported on before in the press and the netflix doc. I don't think Maxwell will talk, she has to know she won't get a sweetheart deal anyway, and that those she testifies about can screw her over in far worse ways. She'll be in prison for 8 years and be out by her late sixties. It's all Giuffre's testimony, and they can't hang the case on her.

She'll be in prison for 8 years and be out by her late sixties suiciding shortly

Nah, they'll just put fry her brain with drugs, she won't be able to wipe her own ass in 8 years or even be aware that she is shitting herself.

Ghislaine Maxwell is a hot milf. Don't @ me.

she's not going to fuck you, bro

(unless you're 13)


The cropping of that photo leaves so much to the imagination 😍

She looks like transgender Ringo Starr

These last couple fuckin days man, I'm damn near busting out drama ghostloads at this point.

Imagine trying this hard on a title to post a wall of words no one will give a shit about.

Cia shill spotted


/r/conspiracy: "Trump dindu NUFFIN!"

A more accurate description would be "Everyone named is definitely banging little kids, but of course not Trump, he just knew about it."

He was just in the corner watching and jerking off.


Give us a complete list of names 🕵️‍♂️mommy ghislaine

No prince Andrew was just there for the pizza. Remember he doesn't sweat, so any young child who says he sweats is lying. If there is no sweat you must aquit


Imagine if it came out that the first man was on epstien island.

What a timeline it could've been.