“We simply ask that anybody who might want to criticize Sgt. Perry’s actions,
picture themselves trapped in a car as a masked stranger raises an assault rifle in their direction and reflect upon what they might have done if faced with the split second decision faced by Sgt. Perry that evening.”
That's true in a lot of places unless you live in no-CCW state.
A lot of Microsoft employees regularly shop at my place and I have a sneaking suspicion that the Redmond and Bellevue MSFT campuses have more than a few people CCW'ing on premise.
12 MegaDace 2020-07-31
“We simply ask that anybody who might want to criticize Sgt. Perry’s actions,
picture themselves trapped in a car as a masked stranger raises an assault rifle in their direction and reflect upon what they might have done if faced with the split second decision faced by Sgt. Perry that evening.”
Yeah, that about sums it up.
3 mqL49J 2020-07-31
That's just un-American, smoking a larper is automatic five-star rating from me. Unless you have BO.
3 Corporal-Hicks 2020-07-31
its standard policy for any company using vehicles. Except disobeying this policy has saved the lives of uncountable pizza delivery drivers
2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-07-31
The guy who invented the ballistic vest was a pizza delivery driver.
7 Corporal-Hicks 2020-07-31
you joke but pizza delivery drivers get robbed all the time
9 HodorLePortePorte 2020-07-31
I'm not joking.
4 Corporal-Hicks 2020-07-31
hah i did not know that
1 NJ_Escapee 2020-07-31
That's true in a lot of places unless you live in no-CCW state.
A lot of Microsoft employees regularly shop at my place and I have a sneaking suspicion that the Redmond and Bellevue MSFT campuses have more than a few people CCW'ing on premise.
2 bertli 2020-07-31
2 YourBrainIsDumb 2020-07-31
He's r-slurred enough to reveal himself to the local news when he didn't have to?
2 NZVikingRugger 2020-07-31
Hes also a combat veteran who carries and doesnt hesitate. I dont think he seems like a good target to try to fuck around and find out with.
1 SpacemanSkiff 2020-07-31
Lmao gotem