Redditors wonder who are the mystery no-mask wearing rednecks downvoting them.

1  2020-08-01 by Spysix


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I bet OP fails to mention that his dad, being a self-admitted southerner, was severely obese, a chronic alcoholic or otherwise unhealthy.

Consumption of sweet tea is a comorbidity.

I'll get a glass when I'm down south and it's a fun local dessert until they come around assuming you want a free refill. Doesn't drinking cotton candy every day make it less fun?

I'm scurrilous yankee scum and I don't know how they do it. One sip and my entire face puckers up. That is literally what diabetes and obesity taste like.

It's absolutely foul. It's like they tried soda and they thought it wasn't sweet enough and the bubbles made it too hard to guzzle 3 gallons a day. You might as well just drink straight corn syrup.

If its too sweet, which a lot of places other than chick fil a it is, get it “half and half” theyll understand. Makes it the right level of sweet to tea. Cfa is the only place ive found where the tea to ice to sweet ratio is pretty decent.

My dad went outside and contracted a virus that killed him. Here's why this is not his fault and why he was really murdered.

Genuinely, how does one become like this

He’s in the anger stage of grief.