RPG sub discusses Copaganda and reveals that capeshit going HOLLYWOOD isn't the worst thing to ever happen to nerditry.

1  2020-08-01 by 911roofer


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Historically, public police forces emerged to quell popular working-class riots and uprisings. They're really more about crowd control, and everything else just kinda got tacked on over time.

I'm guessing he's talking about metropolitan police forces and this is completely false. Metro police arose from the industrial revolution bringing more inhabitants to cities. People do bad things when they can get away with it and large crowds make it easy to get away with things. Thus began the metro police forces.

I thought nerds were supposed to be smart?

Hes partially right and wrong as are you. The founding of anything is way more nuanced then that. But I'm not here to provide you a history lesson so I'm gonna go to another post and shit on Lena Dunham.

lol nerd

decolonize your fantasy machination hypotheticals

Stop thought crimes and wrong think.