The last of us gets a TV, time to start backing the dollar with dramacoin

1  2020-08-04 by cfbWORKING


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G*mercels are going to be btfo when they realize that Druckmann never saw g*mes as anything but a stepping stone to get into TV and movies.

Kojima is seething and coping.

imagine caring about dideo bames

couldn't be me

It's tough when your generator can't handle powering both the daiquiri machine and the ps4 at the same time

lick my poopoo, yankee swine

No thanks, I'm trying to avoid hookworms

I'm not like them, I'm worse

The use of a false trans villain leak to stir up the predictable KiAcel furor for publicity only for it just to be an ugly broad was true 36d chess. Can't wait for the unreasonable amount of caring and anger for this to generate despite it probably being a completely unremarkable zombie show.

they're gonna make one character black on the show even tho it was a m*yo in the game and the internet will take care of all the rest of the marketing for them

I hope it's the rapist.

What kinda dipshit even whines about le evil feminist sjws anymore? If they're not just social outcast teens in a phase jesus

i guarantee you the show will focus mainly on the tribulations a young lesbian girl has to face in this world rather than surviving zombies.

I mean zombie shows are so fucking played and overdone. A post-apocalyptic wypipo lesbo drama would be more watchable at this point.

Especially if there's more brutal anti-woman suffering/violence-porn 😋

Everyone else is fucking dead and she lives in Seattle. What trials and tribulations could she possibly face?

Living in Seattle.

A concept so done to death we were already making satirical movies about it in 2004? Ohh noooooooo not my zombinos

gotta admit all the hype makes me want to play the game (never finished the first one) but I saw all the leaks so not sure if it's worth it.

Don't wanna get my hopes up, I invested so much in the witcher adaptation and barely anything came out of it. I'll save my money for when cp2077 comes out and the hype train finally crashes and burns

Why are the main characters white? Why not make them both POC?

So they can rightfully kill them off in this show, duh

What's the over under on them not using the more interesting zombie designs because that's too much time in makeup?

Meh I'm bored of zombie media. Gakkougurashi was the peak for me

Videoganes and Tv aren’t art

Cant wait for it to be shit since video game writers are the rejects of every where else