A severely autistic rightoid has finally proven that leftism is a mental illness with facts, logic, reasoning, and evidence.

1  2020-08-04 by TheDunceonMaster


this man wrote 1900 words to own the libs and he still thinks they're the crazy ones smh my head

I don’t know about you, but I am wholly convinced.

Libs only read something if it's WORDS WORDS WORDS

TBF 1900 words is like a hour's typing at most, the research would take more time to compile but this is a 5-6 hour long work at most. Not bad for the amount of data he provides, most other 1900 word articles I've read have been practically stubs compared to this.

Shake my head my head

That joke went right over your head haha /r/whooosh xD


Is this Varg?

Outing myself as a rightoid, but I know this guy, he’s not Varg.

Plus varg is really too retarded to put together these many sentences coherently.

What is a Thulean and why do both Varg and this guy call themselves that?

Mayoid hoteps



I don’t know the actual answer to that, but the context I’ve seen it used in is generally with Nordic/white people, similar to the whole concept of Agartha

isn't agartha a hollow earth thing? when did it get picked up by white nationalists?



Warning: This post contains too much wordswordswords, reader discretion is advised.

Since rightoids are so much diverse and decentralized, "Thule" can mean a million different things depending which particular kind of rightoid mentions it, but it's almost always schizoposting and larping related to Nazi occultism.

Thule (or Ultima Thule) in Ancient Greek texts means the northernmost land in the world, it was mainly used to refer to yet-unknown far northern lands, but was also used for Iceland, Greenland, Norgаy, and the Shetland isles.

When the 20th century started the völkisch movement and Nazis interested into esoteric аutism (such as Himmler) started to see Thule as a legendary island/continent/land home to an advanced civilization located in the north pole where the Aryanoid race (and all civilizations) originated from.

tldr it's the Mayo Atlantis.


1900 words
10-15 min read

have you ever seen an article with word counts and reading times for dyslexic retards where the author isn't getting high on his own methane supply

He describes them as the System’s first line of defense; they swarm any potentially-revolutionary movement that may threaten the System’s power, pollute it with nonsense, and drag it away from its foundational cause.

Oh wow well that absolute sounds true.

Leftism year 1: "How about fair rights for the working class and stopping women being treated as property?"

Leftism year 2: "It's absolutely time that we have all-trans shortlists for elections! Trans people were there fighting side-by-side for workers in their fight for rights which hasn't yet been won so more trans rights! Banish landlords! Make private property illegal! No! Black people can't be homophobic because they don't have institutional power! Free education and housing and food for all! The economy can pay for it!"

Leftism in election year:" Why is the whole country bigoted! Voting in centrist fash again!

based stupidpol user

Don't have to read it, anyone who writes so much must know what he's talking about

Imagine admitting you're scared of a painting of a toilet bowl and then calling other people mentally ill lol.

On the one hand, 'tism, on the other, opening with the one true Ted is pretty based.

I'm going to nerd out on this because I was just watching a Jonathan Haidt lecture that is tangential to this claim. I think he may have even used some of the same research data. Of course. Haidt isn't crazy so he came to a different hypothesis, but this wierdos observation, or at least the thesis that leftoids are fucking more crazy than a bag of cats, is true statistically. You just have to get there using data.

Basically, there's been a severe uptick in mental illness over the last decade, and not just self reported, but actual hospitalizations, and it correlates strongly with social media use, which in turn correlates strongly with age. The younger someone is the more likely they are to have not only a self reported mental illness, but also a hospitalization for a mental illness or a related incident like self harm. Interestingly enough for the latter, this isn't a constant by age group over time. There's be a substantial increase in say, 12 year olds trying to kill themselves today from 10, 20 and 30 years ago.

Anyway, when you cross reference those age groups with social media use and the left/right dichotomy, it basically boils down to younger people are more left than right, they are also more mentally ill. It gets more pronounced the younger someone is (and likely, the sooner they are exposed to social media) where if you were to look at zoomers they have like double the rates of mental illness than gen-x or boomers.

There was also an additional point that he made that while it was based in hard statistical evidence I didn't find quite as compelling (probably because he's not an evolutionary biologist) where he pointed out that twin factors of delaying self directed play (the average age for a boomer was 6, for a gen-x it's 8, for a zoomer its 12) combined with the substitution of face to face interaction with social media interactions is causing some of this pathology as well.

I mean, we know that play is important in not just socialization, but in terms of developing cognitive abilities as well as coping mechanisms for stress and it's a behavior that we can see repeated with pretty much every single mammal right down to rodents, so it would have been nice for him to point out the biological necessity and how we're just not quite designed to handle some of our modern habits.

tl;dr - leftoids are mentally ill

Boomers are rightoids and boomers are the most mentally ill of all QED.

Boomers are rightoids and boomers are the most mentally ill of all QED.

xe said whilst performing a Fortnite dance and a dab


Nice blog post, now link me a credible site where his study has been published.


While we wait you can read this actual study:

"Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models. "


You have a source for that? Source? Im going to need a source for that.

This place gets more and more reddit by the minute

Imagine thinking substantiating your claims is a bad thing, lol brainlet.

Jesus im not posting wall of text for "substantiating claims". You are like 2010 r/atheism poster or more probably facts and logic ehebophile

I thought r/drama rightards loved facts and logic?

But i guess now that the facts point towards you having a lower than average IQ your gut feelings count for more?

Imagine trying to mock someone for backing up their claims, lol brainlet.

Thinks im a rightoid

This is your brain on science

If you say so.

You seemed to take offence to the facts presented to you that you went off on a rant about how substantiating your claims is a bad thing.

Maybe you should keep your feelings in check next time?

Good luck out there buddy.


It is like you are a little baby instead of a man. Cannot see 20ft in front of him. He instead watches Cosmos and waits for the world to be explained to him. He waits for high priests at Science Journal to make sure other scientists made correct offering at laboratory instead of being a man and synthesizing the narrative himself.

Such a complicated way of saying "my feelings > facts"

You're part of the problem.

I strongly despise you for saying that, but I oppose downvoting lolcows more than your buzzword spam.

He’s right but also reading is cringe and so is writing 2000 words to prove what you can already see in any reddit/twitter thread

Proud of the guy for waiting until the second paragraph to reference the unabomber. Power level: hidden.

Power level: hidden

Not a “policy” per se, but ethnocentrism (in-group bias/preference) is by far the most important factor to consider in our current political climate. Brainwashed (anti-)White Leftists are almost single-handedly dragging our entire civilization and race down the path of destruction.

You sure 'bout that

Brainwashed (anti-)White Leftists are almost single-handedly dragging our entire civilization and race down the path of destruction.

Where is the lie though? Is there a more self-loathing/destructive group of people than the white left?

I openly share my support for Ted Kaczynski. I am a threat to civilized society.

The electrification of the American Midwest and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

ratnerds raus

Well duh

At a certain level of autism are they even really rightoids?

Where is he wrong though...?


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