Capital Of Lebanon, Beirut allegedly got hit by an Israeli missile. Graphic footage linked in twitter thread

1  2020-08-04 by Sai22


Several friends on the ground swear they heard jets (Israeli) before & after explosion.

Do Israeli jets sound different?

The tips are cut off so they’re easily identifiable

Sometimes reality is more absurd than fiction.


It's the instantly recognizable smell of bacon they secretly roast in the jet engines.

It's pretty easy to tell the difference between an F-15 and a civilian airliner, which is the only other kind of jet that would be out there.

Why would the Israelis do this? The Lebanese are wiping themselves out just fine.

I call bullshit on this. We're supposed to believe they bombed a building next to the warehouse, hoping that it would catch fire and the fire would spread to the warehouse?

I mean it would be a pretty tight plan on the target, everyone has seen things like the Sichuan, Tianjin, and eschede. But most militaries actively plan on collateral damage. So this is probably just a religion of peace internal affair or an accident.

Granted every westerner is going to look at a map, see Lebanon next to Israel and assume jews.

Most the conspiratards though refuse to admit there were any fireworks at all despite them being visible and that it was a missile facility because they're too obtuse to look up videos of other explosions. and that Lebanon state media is lying about their own building so they can retaliate in a war with Isreal by lowering the importance of the target.

Let the conspiracies pour forth.

There's already one. Fireworks can't melt buildings.

Why Lebanon has a some kind of gigantic fireworks factory is weird...or is it really for fireworks

Even the Lebanese government admits it was a sodium nitrate explosion

Nah its da joos

I just got back from our weekly elders of Zion meeting and nobody mentioned bombing Lebanon, so I don’t think it was us

It’s over for Beirutcels

I might have to sub to r/conspiracy just to see the schizo posting on this.