How one Canadian is doubling his CERB cash.

1  2020-11-02 by shitpost953


this isn't me. I sensibly spent mine on drugs. it's Eva_TryingToCope

Reminder to Eva that if you haven't taken out a second mortgage to bet on Trump at these odds you clearly don't believe in him.

That's actually a noble act of him hedging our bets like that. If Father T wins I'm going to go point and laugh at the entire reddit, but if not then at least we'll have Eva 😁

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. How one Canadian is doubling his CE... -,*

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So he might increase his supply of Monopoly money? Who cares?

Lol that dumb brain could have bought a ps5 instead of wasting it.

Nice job losing your anime titty games, tard

Napoleon emancipated the Jews, but the relationship would inevitable go sour due to inherent subconscious conflicts between the supposedly neutral enlightenment rationality of Napoleon and the "emancipated" Jewish nation. In 1806 he called a Great Sanhedrin, which was a religious body which supposedly had the right to make fundamental changes to Jewish religious law and customs. Upon assembly, they discovered to their great disappointment that this was not any real legislature at all, but a body which would be presented with "questions" by our totally not antisemitic neutral embodiment of rationally Napoleon, and the assembled Jews:

The questions presented were:

Is it lawful for Jews to have more than one wife?

Is divorce allowed by the Jewish religion? Is divorce valid, although pronounced not by courts of justice but by virtue of laws in contradiction to the French code?

May a Jewess marry a Christian, or [May] a Jew [marry] a Christian woman? or does Jewish law order that the Jews should only intermarry among themselves?

In the eyes of Jews are Frenchmen not of the Jewish religion considered as brethren or as strangers?

What conduct does Jewish law prescribe toward Frenchmen not of the Jewish religion?

Do the Jews born in France, and treated by the law as French citizens, acknowledge France as their country? Are they bound to defend it? Are they bound to obey the laws and follow the directions of the civil code?

Who elects the rabbis?

What kind of police jurisdiction do the rabbis exercise over the Jews? What judicial power do they exercise over them?

Are the police jurisdiction of the rabbis and the forms of the election regulated by Jewish law, or are they only sanctioned by custom?

Are there professions from which the Jews are excluded by their law?

Does Jewish law forbid the Jews to take usury from their brethren?

Does it forbid, or does it allow, usury in dealings with strangers?

I can only imagine the looks on their faces when they looked at these questions and it slowly began to dawn on them what they'd gotten themselves into.

What have you become, watermark? 😔

Becoming an antisemite caused me to have such a huge mental breakdown that I became a Zionist

Don't worry a lot of right wing jews came to the same conclusion.

The Jewish question in Europe will lead you to the France question which is more interesting and positive. You will either embrace the Ripoublik or reject it,but at your own risks.

!And another hobby on the side could be healthy, maybe chess? Haha!<

Canadian bucks?

How much is that in real money?

Hi, I'm from the future, can you get us an interview with Eva about reflecting on his past choices and all that?

lol i haven't seen him for a while... pretty much since Nov 4th or 5th in fact.