
1  2020-11-02 by l2ksolkov


Your birb is too blurry, you should see a vet about this ASAP!

Khomeini, however, endeavours to prove a leading jurist or jurists also have inherited the Prophet's political authority by explicating several ahadith of the Shi'a Imams. An example is his analysis of a saying attributed to the first Imam, 'Ali who in addressing a judge said:

The seat you are occupying is filled by someone who is a prophet, the legatee of a prophet, or else a sinful wretch. (p.81) [Note 2]

Khomeini reasons that the term judges must refer to trained jurists (fuqaha) as they are "by definition learned in matters pertaining to the function of judge" (p. 84), and since trained jurists are neither sinful wretches nor prophets, by process of elimination "we deduce from the tradition quoted above that the fuqaha are the legatees." (p. 84) He explains legatees of the prophet have the same power to command Muslims as the Prophet Muhammad and (in Shia Muslim belief) the Imams. Thus, the saying,

The seat you are occupying is filled by someone who is a prophet, the legatee of a prophet, or else a sinful wretch,

demonstrates that Islamic jurists have the power to rule Muslims.

The level of importance accorded rule of jurists and obedience to them by Khomeini in Waliyat al-faqih is as high as any religious duty a Muslim has. "Our obeying holders of authority" like jurists "is actually an expression of obedience to God." (p. 91) Preserving Islam "is more necessary even than prayer and fasting" (p. 75) and without Islamic government Islam cannot be preserved.

It turned out Khomeinis seat was actually occupied by a sinful wretch. Sad.

reminds me of that post where a zoomer jokingly microwaved his bird lol. not to wish ill upon your bird but its just what it reminded me of. cheers

only for like 2 seconds he should be okay

Good birb

Quality post

Learn to use focus.

He is too powerful to be focused on.

he probably hit the bird wall (which is more of a window, birds love hitting windows) and is all wrinkles and gray feathers

kaara wants to fuck it

kill/fuck/marry T⌐ump, B|den, this bird

Birb is king!
