I Voted!

1  2020-11-03 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat

Except not for a president. Wrote in none.

Live in a state where it doesn’t matter if I vote for that.

No rapist vote from me.

Obvs dems for senate and the house cause I’m not retarded.


I printed out (glossy paper) pics of daddy a and daddy b. Whoever can make me nut (ssri's 😅) gets my vote. I'm in line now.

Bro join me in reddit seethe tomorrow. Whoever wins the other side will be so mad at you and it will give me giggles.

Final counts won’t be in by tonight or tomorrow.

Even though I’m sure someone will claim victory and there will be seething.

Idk if you're edgeposting just to get a reaction, but if you still believe the Biden "rape" accusation (singular) at this point, that's hopelessly r-slurred.



I bet you sniff people's hair.

Sniffing hair. Hiidin it. Where am I again? Just don’t care.


Live in a state where it doesn’t matter if I vote for that.

if you don't live in one of the 5 swing states, then your vote sincerely doesn't matter one bit lmao

tyvm electoral college for making like 80% of american votes completely irrelevant


You could have voted Kanye...

Imagine not living in a swing state 😳

Thank Allah (PBUH) I don’t live in one

Allah's light shines brightest in the dark, brother.

If I had to choose a swing state I’d probs live in Raleigh or Houston.

Those are cities not states

Jokes aside I agree, much better weather down south.

*flyover state🤢🤮

using the r-slur

hope they ban you


Ew. I’d never live in Massachusetts.

The Alabama of the north east.

They can’t even speak English properly.

I don't remember asking

i voted weeks ago